Which girl would you like to see Harry be with?

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Who would you like to see Harry be with?

Hermione Granger, best friend
Ginny Weasley, Ron's sister
Cho Chang, his crush
Luna Lovegood, an unusual Ravenclaw
Parvati Patil, his date for the "Yule Ball"
Someone Not Yet Introduced
No One!
Total votes : 207

Postby Just Mom » Sunday 20 February 2005 1:21:30am

Tanuki wrote:T.V. likes to make people who argue hook up. they seem to think this sort of behavior is a sign of hidden passion. What they fail to realize is that arguments arise AFTER couples hook up, not before

Absolutely not true. 4 out of every five married couples I know, "argued" while dating, and argued during the hooking up process, including me and my husband who were arguing about something from our first date forward. That's not Hollywood, that's called "opposites attract," and it's more common than people exactly alike.

JKR says in the commentary section of the DVD of Prisoner of Azkaban that there are "clues" to future events in the movies that are not in the books. (if memory serves.) Two of them could be the embarrassed hand-holding incident between Ron and Hermione and it's Ron's shoulder Hermione's head is on when Buckbeak is executed.
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 20 February 2005 3:29:48am

There could be clues to just about anything about Anything, I wouldn't assume the hook up is it. I also don't think the idea of opposites attract can include arguments so bad they people involved spend less time speaking to each other than having a civil conversation. Harry and Hermione don't even need words to communicate half of the time, they know each other better and don't end up arguing when one says something stupid. WHY shouldn't they get together?
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Postby Just Mom » Sunday 20 February 2005 8:21:11pm

They don't have what appears to be any "heat" between them. They're like brother and sister. The argumentative phase Ron and Hermione seem to have mixed in with the hugging and hand-holding is known to the outside world as sexual tension. It's a pretty common element in literature as well. See Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Mark Darcy for further proof.
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 21 February 2005 4:22:26am

Heat fizzles in a relationship eventually. A good relationship will last forever.
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Postby Just Mom » Monday 21 February 2005 2:00:27pm

I disagree. Relationships/love etc., aren't static and unchanging regardless of their origins or attraction. Having two very different people come together and learn, through fighting and various other forms of communication, to appreciate and respect their differences, is just about the best relationship you can have because each partner grows to be more than they are through the challenges...except that you don't have it, you make it, day by day, word by word, action by action.

A couple who "fought" early on but "lasted forever..."

James and Lily Potter.
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Postby Tanuki » Monday 21 February 2005 6:44:13pm

Do we know the same Ron and Hermione... Last I checked, they didn't respect each other's differences or have grown from knowing each other. In fact, Hermione and Harry have actually grown more from knowing each other since they don't get all offended when one corrects the other. They get at each other for like a day and then are back on speaking terms. Ron and Hermy can stay mad for weeks
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Monday 21 February 2005 6:48:26pm

ron and hermy just argue too much. i agree that you need a bit of tension in a relationship, but you dont have a relationship with only arguments. at least 2/3 of conversations between R and Hr end in an argument. i just cant see a relationship with that.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Monday 21 February 2005 7:00:20pm

They might not argue like that in a relationship. Especially teenagers sometimes argue most with the person they actually like because they don't want anybody to notice that they...well, have a crush. More often than not, adults do so as well, I guess that's part of human nature.
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Postby Just Mom » Monday 21 February 2005 7:06:01pm

Of course they do. (fight all the time) They're kids. James and Lily were the same way until they grew up a little bit more which Sirius and Lupin both shared with Harry when he saw Snape's memory of his dad which included his mother's very pronounced distaste for James. Most of the immaturity is from Ron, but I predict he'll grow out of that and they don't fight 2/3s of the time. They spent most of the summer together before OotP. The fighting is about the inability to express how they feel and misreading each other's signals as well as different ways of doing things and seeing the world. Hermione is frequently frustrated that Ron just "doesn't get it." He will. He'll get it before the series is over.

Another fun fiction couple who fought all the time but wound up together:

Princess Leia and Han Solo
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 22 February 2005 12:32:00am

I still say that you shouldn't go with the couple that's so damn hard to work at, and see the one that's been under people's noses the whole time. Why not see what the other characters see
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Tuesday 22 February 2005 9:43:20pm

being a teenager myself, i kno that if i have a crush on someone, i am nervous. i dont start getting into fights. thats just stupid. R and Hr just fight because one likes rules, one doesnt, and they have quite a few differences. H and Hr fit together really well. they are still different, and they do fight, but they dont fight all the time. thats better.
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Postby Just Mom » Tuesday 22 February 2005 11:57:48pm

Hagger, even on a different continent, your teenager views are -don't shoot me- very cute. (from a "mom" perspective.)

Now this is funny. In threads concerning H and LV, the big debate is in some ways over how big a "fight"/drama/tension will develop before LV and H will reach a resolution to their problem. (i.e. one dies presumably or whatever) The advocates of this theory say it "must" be this way to provide the appropriate amount of literary tension. But some of these same advocates, DON'T see Ron and Hermione together because "they fight too much." So I guess the "dramatic tension" works in some places but not others, eh?

Haven't you ever had a girl, drive you completely crazy and yet on some level underneath, realized you really liked her/were attracted to her but didn't want it to show? Look around your school and notice how many couples are around you who have very different personalities., i.e. quiet girls, loud boys, loud girls, quiet boys and so on and so forth. The fighting Ron and Hermione do, is not destructive fighting, it's just teenage stuff because they haven't gotten beneath the surface yet to their other feelings. Keep thinking about James and Lily Potter. It's them all over again.

As for me, well I've had a hunch (as do the majority of folks in this poll from the results above) that Harry's big love is going to be Ginny Weasley. She, like Ron, just has to grow up a little bit, but when she emerges from the shadows and into the main thrust of the story, look out. Even the little actress portraying her in the movie, looks like a tiny Lily Potter. That can't be a coincidence.
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 23 February 2005 1:56:34am

You fight your enemies, not your lovers. That's our reasoning. If you can't confide in your loved one, how are you going to trust them in a fight? If you can't communicate with them, how can you trust them? If you spend most of the observable time fighting, how can you communicate properly.

Hermy and Harry have reached a point, where words are unnecessary sometimes, and they don't need to say a lot to correct each other. That kind of communication is better than most married couples after a few years
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 23 February 2005 2:13:17am

Sorry for the double post, but I felt the need to go again, especially since the site doesn't have an edit button for last posts

I've never had a girl period, so I don't really have a lot of perspective on relatinships. My older sister and I fight constantly, and this has turned our relationship sour. I found over the years that the more I fought with people, the less I personally wanted to be associated with them, this includes friends. My younger sister and I disagree on a great many things, but I have never fought with her like I see these characters fight, and she is my favorite person in the world.

I guess I'm not exactly great for this topic mind you; I'm angry a lot of the time, I don't really get attached to people and I only have one fiend I've known for more than four years, but I have my feelings on what a relationship should be.

Also, as far as books go, especially Rowling books, since when has the majority ever been right about anything. She always surprises us, even the fringe groups.

Ginny Weasley is growing to be too strong a character to simply be turned into Harry's girlfriend, which will happen with her level of development. Hermione has grown at least into a real partner for Hrry, matching his strengths well. Ginny hasn't been fleshed out enough. Scenes with her still feel like she's a background character. At the same time, I see a lot of pragmatism and wisdom in her. If anything, she might just become a bachelorette, maybe even a strong Auror

As for couples in school. I go to culinary school. Couples joke around and make out in front of the lockers. They don't fight (I've also seen some very unhealthy relationships embroiled with s*x and lies, it's helped mold my opinion on other things as well)
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Postby Just Mom » Wednesday 23 February 2005 2:13:59am

Tanuki wrote: That kind of communication is better than most married couples after a few years

And you know this because you've been married how long?

That's a little naive. Communication is quite complex.
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