Potential Future Death in Book 6 or 7 (spoilers)

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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 19 February 2005 7:56:35pm

In a war, innocents die. The Weaslys are also members of the order, who will be fighting in the battle. And I don't think you would know enough about JKR to read her mind about what's coming in the plot, so there is still a very good chance the Weasley's will die
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Saturday 19 February 2005 8:04:54pm

i read this thing in an interview, and she said that she doesnt like dying, she only kills people because she has too for the sake of the plot. that said, a big theme of the book is dealing with death took, so i dunno. :o
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Postby Tanuki » Saturday 19 February 2005 8:07:24pm

But for a story of this scale, more people have to die
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Saturday 19 February 2005 8:31:38pm

says who? you dont need death for a good story. plus, too much death just makes the story seem pointless, which the series certainly isnt. you feel bored if too many people die. theres only so many times you can say "avada kedavra" with it still being effective.
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Postby Just Mom » Saturday 19 February 2005 11:04:11pm

Tanuki wrote:In a war, innocents die. The Weaslys are also members of the order, who will be fighting in the battle. And I don't think you would know enough about JKR to read her mind about what's coming in the plot, so there is still a very good chance the Weasley's will die

Why must every dissenting opinion be countered with a personal attack? Hagger has just as much insight into JKR's mind as anyone else on this forum.
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 20 February 2005 3:44:26am

This wasn't a personal attack, I don't know her mind either, but at teh same time, we shouldn't say what she will or will not do in her stories

Also, a story will get too boring if there is too much death, but if there is no death in a battle, how is the audience going to get a sense of the real peril involved. The stakes go up every book, and I expect them to jump even higher now that Voldermort is outed
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Monday 21 February 2005 6:46:01pm

these books arent a bloodbath. im just going on what JKR has said in her various interviews. thats how i know she said that she doesnt kill unless necessary.

im just saying there wont be too much death. im sort of hovering between 2 opinions. there cant be many deaths, because this is a kids book, and people only die when they need to. however, these books are about confronting death. and for that, you need death.

i guess the only way we'll really kno is when the books are published.
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Postby Just Mom » Monday 21 February 2005 6:56:00pm

Somehow I get the feeling that some readers, are very drawn to what is morose and want to see everyone die or else to them, the story is no good. Kind of like that scene in A Bug's Life where the little ants put on the battle between the "warrior bugs" and the grasshoppers and that last line is "die, die die...." with the final warrior collapsing. (leaving everyone else depressed and in stunned silence.)

Hagger you're right. JKR has said repeatedly that she's not interested in gratuitous violence. She's also there will be "more deaths" but hasn't said major/minor/good/evil. All anybody can do is wait. But I still don't think JKR is so negative and dour she'll kill everyone and leave just Harry and LV alone to kill each other as the final climax.

How's the weather? It's warm here, almost 70 degrees. I might have to fire up the grill for the kids.
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 22 February 2005 12:43:58am

I never said everyone has to die, but SOMEONE does. The best kinds of stories have the hero at the end of his rope, before somehow persevering. Harry has to be pushed to his limit and then beat Voldermort, limping away from the fight, walking into the sunlight for the first time in a long time, knowing that it is finally over
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Tuesday 22 February 2005 9:50:22pm

to be pushed to the end of his tether, harry doesnt have to have someone die. you can be crushed mentally or physically in easier ways. on the other hand, it doesnt stop LV trying to make it look like one of harry's friends has died. that would affect him majorly.

here, its around 0 degrees, but thats centigrade. weve been having rain, hail and snow, but the snow never goes for long enough to settle, it just makes you cold. its really annoying. you see the flakes drifting past your window, and you get really hopeful. then, it just stops. very annoying.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Wednesday 23 February 2005 6:02:52pm

The story is not going to turn into a bloodbath, but JKR also stated that she feels she has the duty to show evil taking the lives of innocent people. Just look how many died during the first war, and Trelawney's second prophecy says that the reborn Voldemort would be crueler than ever before. I'm sure there'll be deaths, but not so many that people get numb by it. JKR presents cruelty in way I really admire her for, a way that doesn't measure the cruelty of a war by the number of lives taken. There are few deaths, but those few really affect you. Like Cedric, whose death was so unexpected, or Sirius who just disappeared without last word, without even a body to mourn over or an official ceremony. Honestly, I wouldn't but it past her to only kill one or two more characters, but in a brutal way. Emotionally brutal , I mean, like...killing ONE of the twins while the other survives.
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Postby Tanuki » Wednesday 23 February 2005 11:43:13pm

that one is VERY likely. why do you think she made a spare?
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Thursday 24 February 2005 6:27:10pm

ok, that sounds like a good literary ploy. the weasleys are very close, and a death would bring home the war. but i wonder whether it would be too much. if the weasleys lost som1, it would really upset harry, but not so much as to affect him seriously, and it would also destroy the weasleys. so, it wouldnt affect harry enough, but it would really upset other people. i just dont think its logical. not as likely as som1 closer to harry.
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Postby Just Mom » Thursday 24 February 2005 7:39:01pm

Don't you think that Fred and George are too hilariously lucky to die? I could see one of them disappearing, being presumed dead, only to show back up in a rather hilarious way at the end of the story. They have such indomitable spirits, both of them and they're so fearlessly clever.
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Postby Mistress Siana » Thursday 24 February 2005 11:35:13pm

Fearless and clever is a dangerous combination. Ever since I read the part with the extendable ears, I've been thinking they might have a decisive effect on the war.

Hagger, not everything in the books is done for the one and only purpose of affecting Harry in a way that is convenient for the story. If one of the twins died, it would certainly affect the readers, and depending on the message or the atmosphere JKR wants to get across, that could be enough. I do agree that necessarily, someone close to Harry will die, but not everyone who dies will be really close to Harry.
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