Explanations You Would Want Revealed by Book 6 (poll)

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

Explanations You Would Want Revealed by Book 6

Why Peter Pettigrew Betrayed the Potters.
The Connection Between Godric Gryffindor and Godric Hollow.
What the Potters did for Dumbledore during the Dark Lord's first reign.
Everything about the Department of Mysteries.
A hint for a way to kill the Dark Lord.
Total votes : 144

Postby Alice I » Monday 26 April 2004 2:20:14pm

Godrick's Hollow is the place where Lily and James lived.
It is quite a bit north of London and there is a map on the HP Lexicon showing it's location.

There is a theory that the place is named after Godrick Gryffindor and that it is where he grew up and called home.
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Postby ganymede » Tuesday 18 May 2004 8:44:41am

hmmm the potters - what they did for dumbledore - actually i'm curious to know about godric hollow as well, and the department of mysteries...
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Postby Reverie Revenge » Thursday 24 June 2004 11:24:06pm

Alice I wrote:And Luna's dad should take over as Editor for the Profit :lol: (Ok that is a bit much)

Do you really think Luna's dad would accept it? :o He's proud and nonmaterialistic! I think he'd rather keep on the Quibbler and mocking of society :cool:

On-topic: of course wanna know all you've mentioned and more, all about The Noble House of Blacks :razz: , esp. Bella & Narcissa, Snape's lifestory, another ''guided tour'' arund the DoM and Knockturn Alley, also Azkaban :eek: --> mostly Dark stuff but I also wanna have a look into Weasley twins R&D lab :grin:
And more about Tonks & her ultracool hair colours 8-) , more about relationship between Mrs. Figg & Mundungus :lol:
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Postby Reverie Revenge » Thursday 24 June 2004 11:25:36pm

Alice I wrote:And Luna's dad should take over as Editor for the Profit :lol: (Ok that is a bit much)

Do you really think Luna's dad would accept it? :o He's proud and nonmaterialistic! I think he'd rather keep on the Quibbler and mocking of society :cool:

On-topic: of course wanna know all you've mentioned and more, all about The Noble House of Blacks :razz: , esp. Bella & Narcissa, Snape's lifestory, another ''guided tour'' arund the DoM and Knockturn Alley, also Azkaban :eek: --> mostly Dark stuff but I also wanna have a look into Weasley twins R&D lab :grin:
And more about Tonks & her ultracool hair colours 8-) , more about relationship between Mrs. Figg & Mundungus :lol:
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Postby Reverie Revenge » Thursday 24 June 2004 11:28:03pm

''in the midnight hour she cried more, more, more,
with a rebel yell, more, more, more...!'' :lol:

sorry for double post :typing: :embarrassed: , couldn't help myself but I WANNA KNOW MORE!!!
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Postby TomFeltonLover939 » Wednesday 30 June 2004 3:58:17pm

department of mysteries! it's so interesting and confusing...but i'd also like to know about the potters and what they did for Dumbledore...either one would be good for me
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Postby TomFeltonLover939 » Wednesday 30 June 2004 4:00:21pm

department of mysteries! it's so interesting and confusing...but i'd also like to know about the potters and what they did for Dumbledore...either one would be good for me
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Postby Ron Weasley » Sunday 11 July 2004 9:38:17am

i want to know what the potters did for dumbledore...but it would also be cool to know more about thedepartment of mysteries and the godrics hollow/gryffindor connection...
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Postby Q8Hermione » Friday 13 August 2004 8:32:48am

oh so many things i want explained!! the Veil in which Sirius disappeared into, what was that exactly? I donno , the book says he;s gone but somehow i don't want to believe it and i want to know where do people go to behind the Veil? aree they really gone or there's more to the veil?

i voted to the Department of Mysteries although i want to know more about what exactly happened to Sirius :???:
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Postby eedoe » Wednesday 25 August 2004 3:52:27am

I too voted for a detail of the Department of Mysteries. To me, the other questions have easy enough reasons to figure out. The brain room has me the most curious out of all the rooms so far, aside from the locked room.

I'm sure JK could spend the rest of her life filling volume upon volume of questions that fans will have concerning her works. I'm sure people will line up to buy those too.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Tuesday 1 February 2005 7:09:09am

The Department of Mysteries is such an interesting place, I can't wait to find out more, and JKR left us with so many questions that she's bound to tell us more.
Can't wait.
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Postby Tanuki » Tuesday 1 February 2005 3:09:44pm

Voldermort said he had taken precautions in order not to die. This is why he didn't die when AK backfired. I'd like to know what kind of horrid precautions he tookfor such a deal
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Postby Hagger 9003 » Tuesday 1 February 2005 8:20:53pm

gaahh. i wanna kno too much!!!! and reading these forums for info just gets you more questions!!!1 arggggggghh!!!!!! but its loads of fun just discussing things, so :grin:

i do think that the department of mysteries will affect alot of the book, and might hav something to do with killin LV. however, learning about GG is interesting too.

what i really want to kno is how Lily's wand and eyes are important, as JK has said they are at somepoint. its sooo confusing
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Saturday 19 February 2005 2:08:30am

Well we know why Pettigrew betrayed his "friends"--he was frightened and a total coward. (ggrrr i hate him so much) i would like to know some more about Harry's family, and what is going on in the Order, or some more stuff on what they did--i like reading that stuff, battles and action and stuff... :cool:
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Postby nyjets10 » Wednesday 2 March 2005 10:01:56pm

fra-sirius wrote:
Holly Golightly wrote:Actually, there are some other mysteries that I would like to find out in the next book...
1) why Snape changed back to DD's side
2) how people become ghosts
3) what's the go with Harry and Lily's eyes
4) can Harry use what's behing the locked door in the DoMyst
5) the reason for Voldie giving Peter a silver hand...
6) is voldie really a snake animagus

Hrmm, I could probably go on for ages about the things that I want to know, but I'd prob say that the first three are the ones drivingme mostly insane!!!

There are more stuff that i like to know
But I chose What the Potters did for Dumbledore during the Dark Lord's first reign:typing: :razz: 8-) :D :grin: :eek: :cool:
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