When you have reached 25 posts you can be sorted into a house (Gryffndor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin) on this forum. To do this you can choose to do one or more of the following:
If you *do* know which House you want to be in you can...
~ put in a request via 'usergroups' (at the top of your screen) in the House you wish to be sorted in...the next time any prefect from that House comes online, they'll have a message in their e-mail inbox saying someone is waiting to be sorted and they will sort you
~ put a request for a house on 'The Sorting Hat' thread in 'The Sorting Hat' section of this forum, and whoever sees it first when they next come online--either Paul (the Forum Admin.) or one of the house prefects of the house you chose--will sort you into your chosen house
~ PM one of the House Prefects (also the mods for the house), and the next time he/she comes online, he/she will sort you...do know, prefects, like other people go on vacations, get busy, etc., so you may want to use this method and another, to be safe
If you do *not* know which House you wish to be in you can...
~ either PM Paul (the Forum Admin.) or leave him a note on 'The Sorting Hat' thread in 'The Sorting Hat' section asking him to let the 'Sorting Hat' sort you into the House it thinks you'd best fit into...I used this method because I was struggling to decide (all the houses are great!!
Remember, if you use one or more of these methods, and do not get instant results, give Paul and/or the Prefects a chance (as well as the House of your choice!!) to be online to *see* your request...it's disappointing when, as a prefect, you sign online only to see that someone gave up on your house simply because they didn't get sorted quickly enough. We will sort you as soon as we can!
Also, you may only choose one house so choose carefully.
Best wishes and have fun!
~ Lizzy