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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 19 April 2003 10:55:58am

yeah but what about the inactive members giving no warning....

reserves should be used for them until they return or can be removed....
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Monday 21 April 2003 1:06:32am

right, i agree there should be reserves, but they shouldn't rotate if someone is still active
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Postby azn wizard » Tuesday 22 April 2003 5:26:32am

or u can change people every season...
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Postby Neo » Tuesday 22 April 2003 7:17:16am

One question, is the Griyffindor chaser place still available, cause in that case I'll like to be sorted into Gryffindor and be the chaser.
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 23 April 2003 3:52:38am

You've made the team, Neo! Congratulations to Gryffindor for now having a complete team! And that now means that all four houses have a full team. Yahay!

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Postby Neo » Wednesday 23 April 2003 6:35:29am

That's great, now games can begin. (One question, how are games going to be played?)
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Postby Paul » Thursday 24 April 2003 12:49:17am

I'm aiming to get something sorted by late July regarding actual playing of games. Can't give away too much info about it yet. Meanwhile, there's a practise thread at to help perfect your skills.
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Thursday 24 April 2003 1:05:25am

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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Sunday 8 June 2003 6:33:27pm

I've probably missed my chance :( , but is there any way I could have a position on the Ravenclaw team? :) Please let me know . . . thanks! :grin:
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Postby Violet » Sunday 8 June 2003 8:16:20pm

Bumblebee_Graduate wrote:I've probably missed my chance :(

yep - know the feeling!
but if there is any way i can b a reserve for the slytherin team or anything ..... please let me know!
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Postby Wilwizard » Tuesday 10 June 2003 1:14:14am

I think we sould get the complete roster of each team and put them in a read only thread.
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 10 June 2003 5:40:31am

Good thinking Wilwizard. Up until now the full list has been on page 5 of this thread - bit of a needle in a haystack if you don't know exactly where to go looking. I've just created a locked Team Lists thread which will just have current team details. At the moment I've included violet high and Lizzie_Bennett as reserves, which will give you first choice of place in the event of non-active members when the games begin.
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Postby azn wizard » Tuesday 10 June 2003 6:23:20am

oh...please keep me a reaserve :grin:
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 11 June 2003 9:45:35pm

For sure azn - I've just put you in as Hufflepuf reserve. Things will be a bit more organized in due course as the way of playing gets fully worked out, but one way or another everyone who wants to will be able to play.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 14 June 2003 2:54:18pm

I dont' know if this is possible, but figured that I would ask anyways...

If the rabid-chocobo doesn't come back for quiddich, coudl I change from Chaser to Keeper, and one of the reserves, either Barry or Lizzie take my place as Chaser, or is that just asking too much??? *cheeky grin*

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