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Postby Quicksilver » Saturday 28 September 2002 1:48:01pm

As you walk onto the Quidditch Pitch in early morning, with your broomstick slung over you shoulder and the early morning dew clinging to your robes, you see naught but one Quidditch player.
She's flying about hitting an ordinary soccer ball with her beaters club, and you recognize her as Adrian, the Ravenclaw team Cpatain.
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Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 2 October 2002 12:26:39pm

I think I'll join you there. I haven't flown for a while now.
*walks through the mist of the morning towards the middle of the pitch with her broom*
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Postby Shadow » Thursday 3 October 2002 4:05:09pm

Shouldn't this be in role-paying?
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Postby Quicksilver » Thursday 3 October 2002 9:33:39pm

? Not really. This is just.....for fun. It's not really in the game. You can talk about tactics here. Like......
Sonkem, what broomstick do you have? my models a Nimbus 2001, a very nice model, doncha dink?
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 3 October 2002 9:43:26pm


*looks at her broomstick*

mines a....mines a.......mines a broomstick.....

*jumps on it and falls straight off again*


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Postby hermionegirl09 » Friday 4 October 2002 5:36:57pm

im confused how are we doing this?
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Postby Shadow » Friday 4 October 2002 7:38:35pm

No clue, but anyway...

Heather walked onto the field with her Nimbus 2001. She hadn't flown in a while, so she mounted her broom and kicked off. She just flew around a bit, then started looping. She would practice with her club at team practice later that day.
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Postby hermionegirl09 » Sunday 6 October 2002 4:52:52pm

is this like a story type thing?well i fit is, here goes:

i walked down to the Quidditch field with my freinds Stacey and Alyssa. they weren't on the team but they wanted to watch our practice anyway.
"Hey Kim, could we maybe practice a little too cause we've both got our own brooms?" Stacey asked me.
"You can if it's alright with the rest of the team." i hoped they could because i knew that Alyssa wasn't a very good flier and had fallen off several times and i was courious if she would fly. she probably didn't want to make a fool of herself in front of her crush. i wasn't exactlysure who she liked but i had a pretty good idea.
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Postby Scellanis » Sunday 6 October 2002 8:50:26pm


is ur name kim??

my name is kim.......
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Postby Broccoli » Monday 7 October 2002 8:59:11am

***** I am a little confused, too, because some people post as if it were roleplaying, but Kathleen Weasley is't Slytherin Chaser, Broccoli is! :grin: Oh well, I like it anyway *****
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Postby hermionegirl09 » Monday 7 October 2002 11:13:42pm

ya my name is kim. geez i doin't know that your's was too! :eek: cool!
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Postby Luna_Puella » Tuesday 8 October 2002 1:14:33am

"Hey, don't play without me!"

Luna sprinted out onto the Quidditch Field, her silver Super Moonbeam 8000 glinting in her hand. As she went to kick off from the dewy morning grass, something large and tan collided with the back of her head. It plopped to the ground beside her, and she recognized the bundle as her Barn owl, Puck.

"Puck!! Oww...that was my head!"

Luna picked him up gently, and he clawed onto her hand, ruffling his feathers. Onto his leg was tied a note in a parchment envelope--with writing in green ink. It must have been written by someone at Hogwarts, in that case.

Luna swept out her arm and Puck flew off towards the Owl's Nesting. She held her silver broomstick loosely in her hand, watching the players, Stacey and the rest, swooping and doing dive-bombs over her head. Then back down at the letter.

'Luna Anderson, girl's-dormitory, Gryffindor common-room, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" it read. The handwriting was unfamiliar, a type of twisting, intricate scrawl. Her green eyes frowned at it.

Her hand reached for the opening.

"Hey, Luna!" Adrian's and Heather's voices, along with a few others, rang over her head. She squinted up.

"C'mon--we need someone to keep for us. Unless we're going to keep doing perfect Wronski Feint's to snatch it off the ground!" Adrian's loud and cheerful laugh rang over the field, and Luna smiled. She remembered how much they'd competed against eachother to do a perfect Wronski the years before--without success.

Luna stuffed the letter back into her robes, and, mounting her broom, shot off into the air.

"It can wait till later..." She thought nonchalantly, swiping the soccer ball as it flew past her nose (an almost perfect hit from Adrian's club) and flew to the goal posts, ready for a mock game and nice practice with some opponents.
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Postby Quicksilver » Tuesday 8 October 2002 8:21:53pm

Okay, lets get this straight, Lna did it perfectly. But this has absolutly NOTHING to do with the RPG, so if you want to be put in a coma out here, it wouldn't do frog guts in the RPG. Got it?

"You know who always could do a wicked good Feint?" I asked Luna as she flew up. "Cedric Diggory.....I don't think they're going to last a season without him. Although i did hear about that Harrison kid trying out, he's pretty good."
I batted the soccer ball at the goal to try and mae her save it. It went right through the goal.
"Aren't you paying attention? It just went......Ah."
Her attention was elsewhere, and I noticed her crush/captain/friend/fellow gryffindor/Louis (Go it right!! whee!) on the ground who had caught it. "Hi!" he called up. She went bright red.
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 8 October 2002 9:23:41pm

Quicksilver wrote:Okay, lets get this straight, Lna did it perfectly. But this has absolutly NOTHING to do with the RPG, so if you want to be put in a coma out here, it wouldn't do frog guts in the RPG. Got it?

it wont do what??!! :o

could u explain it a bit better without seriously injuring frogs??

i have no idea what u meant but referrence to them is not nice :eek:
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Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 9 October 2002 10:34:48am

Yes, please, don't insult frogs! Sonkem and me are their friends! By the way, you can never say who a frog will turn into the next moment...
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