Have fun and may the best house win!
1. What were the words used to stop the Robot in the science fiction movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still"? (I'll accept either a 3 word answer or a 4 word answer....don't worry too much about correct spelling).
2. In which multicellular creature does the male of the species give birth?
3. What is the first name and surname (last name) of the current Prime Minister of Israel?
4. Which 5 planets are currently in a close alignment which can be seen without visual aids from Earth?
5. During her first year at Hogwarts, who did Ginny Weasley sit next to in her Charms classes?
Just to recap the points structure, there 's one house point available for each of the first four questions, and two points for the Harry Potter question. If any house gets all 5 questions right, they'll score a bonus four points on top of the six points available.
Best of luck!