Harry Potter Quiz (house points available!)

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Harry Potter Quiz (house points available!)

Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Hi folks, welcome to our first ever Harry Potter Quiz! I've posted the outlines of how things will work at the bottom of <a href="http://www.broomsticksandowls.com/forum/viewtopic.php?topic=34&forum=5&14" target="_blank">The Common Rooms are Open!</a> thread. Remember to use your comon rooms to discuss the answers rather than post the answers in any place viewable by members of other houses :smile:

Have fun and may the best house win!

1. What were the words used to stop the Robot in the science fiction movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still"? (I'll accept either a 3 word answer or a 4 word answer....don't worry too much about correct spelling).

2. In which multicellular creature does the male of the species give birth?

3. What is the first name and surname (last name) of the current Prime Minister of Israel?

4. Which 5 planets are currently in a close alignment which can be seen without visual aids from Earth?

5. During her first year at Hogwarts, who did Ginny Weasley sit next to in her Charms classes?

Just to recap the points structure, there 's one house point available for each of the first four questions, and two points for the Harry Potter question. If any house gets all 5 questions right, they'll score a bonus four points on top of the six points available.

Best of luck!
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Drum roll...


Hi all - it's time for the answers and House Point scores for our first quiz - here goes...the answers were...

1. "Gort, Klaatu barada nichto" (or similar spelling)...Gort was the name of the robot so "Klaatu barada nichto" was acceptable as the 3 word version of the answer.

2. The Seahorse

3. Ariel Sharon

4. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter

5. Colin Creevey

And the results were:

Gryffindor got questions 2, 3, 4 and 5 correct....well done Gryffindors, you get one point for each of the questions 2, 3 and 4, plus two points for the harry Potter question (number 5), giving Gryffindor a score of <b>5 house points!</b>

But the winners are Slytherin, who got every question correct, gaining:
one point for each of the first 4 questions,
2 points for question 5
and a bonus 4 points for getting a 100% score...
a total of <b>10 house points</b> in all.

Congratulations to Slytherin!

Unfortunately there were no points for Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw this time around.

Soooo...the overall house scores at the moment are:

Hufflepuff 0 house points
Ravenclaw 0 house points
Gryffindor 5 house points
Slytherin 11 house points (this includes the one I awarded to chrestomanci a few days ago for realising my calendar was a little behind the times!)

So Slytherin are currently in the lead, and have the advantage of being able to set the next quiz for the 3 other houses...over to you Slytherin for the questions (you can post them directly here if you like) :smile:
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Postby chrestomanci » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Thanks, Paul! :grin: How am I supposed to work this, anyhow? Am I supposed to send you the answers or what? Write me and let me know!

Well, here it is, folks! Good luck to all!

1. When did World War I officially end (the exact date, please)?

2. What now-famous director was once Winthrop in the movie version of "The Music Man"?

3. In "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald, what was the name of the optometrist whose eyes looked out over the valley of ashes?

4. What other fantasy movie did Warwick Davis (aka Professor Flitwick) star in, directed by the answer to #2?

5. Which Chocolate Frog card is Ron still missing from his collection?

Have fun!
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Here's to laughter in the shadows. Slytherins Unite!


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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Great questions chrestomanci! Probably the best way of running it would be to PM me the answers so that I can then check them against the answers from Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw.

I think I may know just one of them although not certain...by the way did you want the exact date or just the year for question 1?

Best of luck everyone :smile:
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

OK folks, I've just had the answers from chrestomanci - looks like the exact date is required for question 1.

Good luck
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Alrighty - I just need Gryffindor to decide which of two cards they want to go for for question 5, and I'll post the results once I get a PM reply from bewitchin.
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Ok...24 hours (ish) from now and I'll be posting the results of the second quiz - Gryffindor have got one day remaining to decide which Chocolate Frog card Ron still needs. If any Gryffindor thinks they may have even the slightest inkling as to which it is, please see bewitchin in your Common Room...your help is needed :smile:
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Drum roll time....
Well, 24 hours has passed, so to be fair on everone I'll take bewitchin's first answer for question 5....but is it right or wrong? :smile: details below....

The correct answers were.....

1. November 11, 1918

2. Ron Howard

3. Dr T.J. Eckleberg

4. Willow

5. Agrippa

Unfortunately there were no answers from either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw :cry: ...but Gryffindor got the first 4 answers correct.

Oh...what about the 5th question....weeeelll...Gryffindor were puzzling over whether Ron was still missing Ptolemy or Agrippa. bewitchin thought it was probably Agrippa but needed 24 hours to check - 24 hours went by and no change of answer....sooooooooo....well done Gryffindor, you've got 'em all correct!

That means Gryffindor get 4 house points for the first 4 correct answers, 2 points for the Harry Potter question (number 5) plus 4 bonus points for getting a 100% score, giving <b>Gryffindor 10 house points</b> this week!

And Slytherin score 2 points for every wrong answer - so seeing as no answers came from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, this gives 10 wrong (or, in this case, non-existent) answers, multiplied by 2 points, giving <b>Slytherin 20 house points!</b>

Which means the overall running total points are:
Slytherin 31
Gryffindor 15
Hufflepuff 0
Ravenclaw 0

So Slytherin are currently still top, but seeing as Gryffindor had the highest number of answers correct this week, Gryffindor now have the advantage of being able to set the next quiz for the other houses...over to you Gryffindor for the questions...

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Postby chrestomanci » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I was just wondering when the next quiz was going to be up... it's already Wednesday and I'm starting to get a little worried! :cat:
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I'm waiting for the questions from bewitchin at the moment. I'm not sure what it's like elsewhere but it's been sunny most of the time during the last few days here in England...Maybe everyone's out and enjoying an early summer :ice cream:
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Postby chrestomanci » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Yeah, it's been pretty nice here, too. I just wish it really was summer... then I wouldn't have to go to school! :grin:
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Postby bewitchin » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

I'm [i:3r09wx4q]so, so[/i:3r09wx4q] sorry! I have had so much work this past while that I have had absolutely no time to log on! I think that I should resign from my post as moderator, at least for the time being, becuase I have a lot of very important tests coming up at the end of the school year and I'm very busy. Once again, I apologize for my neglect of these message boards!

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Postby chrestomanci » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

That's more than alright! I know the feeling... I've been so swamped with work for the past month that I rarely find time to myself. Keep at it! :grin:
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Postby Paul » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

bewitchin, don't feel bad...Like chrestomanci I know the feeling too - I'm waiting for someone to design a 48 hour day so that I can fit everything in! Sorry to hear that you want to resign as moderator for now, but if you want to be back as moderator at a later time, just say and I'll find a space for you. For now though, in honor and with many sincere thanks for being moderator until now, I can give you a special rank...how about "Senior Gryffindor Wizard"? I'll pop that on your rank for now, and if you want something different just contact me and I'll be pleased to change it if you'd rather have something else :smile:

Very best wishes and good luck for the tests :smile:
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Postby bewitchin » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am

Thanks for understanding! :smile: Senior Gryffindor Wizard sounds fine, although, if it's not too much trouble, could you change it to Senior Gryffindor [i:xpa7l4ea]Witch[/i:xpa7l4ea]? Well, I'm off to study biology...

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