Half Blood Prince Movie Talk

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Half Blood Prince Movie Talk

Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 16 August 2006 2:32:42pm

I've heard that unofficially the release date is likely to be Nov 21st 2008...

Looks like they're going to really press ahead with filming it pretty quickly if they're going to make that deadline..
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Postby Alexandra » Wednesday 16 August 2006 11:14:50pm

will they replace emma and dan?
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Thursday 17 August 2006 12:13:16pm

Hmm, I don't think so. I hope not. I guess they might be filming some of it very soon so that they don't get too old too quick.

Here's a question. I'm 30 and find it difficult to differentiate between kids ages. Do they look much older than their age group they should be playing - I feel so out of it!!
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Postby Alexandra » Thursday 17 August 2006 11:31:09pm

i dont think they do
dan maybe but emma-no way
but i think they r perfect for the movies and i hope they will not change them
even if for someone they look older than they should be thats how harry and hermione would look
i mean, they r growing up too
does this make any sense??
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Postby Cougie » Friday 18 August 2006 1:45:44pm

They won't be too old. Even so, it will be too easy for the makeup and visual effects deparment.

Myrtle was played by a 40 year old.
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Postby Alexandra » Friday 18 August 2006 11:59:20pm

i didnt know that
it would be stupid to change them
i dont know why they even mentioned it :???:
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Saturday 19 August 2006 3:19:36pm

I always pictured Harry Potter as being a bit skinnier and Dan lookes a little too solid for me. Too worked out, if I may say so. But I guess it would still be weierd if they changed them.
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Postby Alexandra » Saturday 19 August 2006 11:02:30pm

i dont think that dan was PERFECT for that part
i always pictured harry a lot different but i got used to dan so i think he should finish the job
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 21 August 2006 12:39:30pm

Cougie wrote:Myrtle was played by a 40 year old.

Alex wrote:i didnt know that. it would be stupid to change them
i dont know why they even mentioned it :???:

Yeah Myrtle was played by one of Bridget Jones's mates (i.e. one of her mates in the films). I can't remember the actress's name but she does have a naturally higher voice and with all the makeup and styling she carried it off well I think.

I actually quite liked Dan as HP. I kind of went on the book covers a little - I couldn't help that but also I saw PS before I read the books so they all kind of stuck with me before I even got to the books.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 21 August 2006 10:32:37pm

Snow_Fight wrote: I couldn't help that but also I saw PS before I read the books so they all kind of stuck with me before I even got to the books.

That happened to me too, but then by the time I got to see the 3rd and 4th movie I had read the books first. So while I was still thinking of him as not such a solid guy, it sort of...made a difference.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 10 October 2006 2:15:32pm

Is anyone else getting a bit concerned that Emma might not do the last 2 films?? Do you think she's just saying that to get more money or do you really think she has had enough? I hope she does them and if it is a money thing, I think she's worth every penny.
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Postby Alexandra » Friday 13 October 2006 10:34:48pm

I don't think it is because of money, but if it is that would tooooo low of her! I think she just got tired of it, she has been playing Hermione since she was nine. She would have to play her until she is twenty and that is 11 years. I think she shouldn't quit becouse she will regret it. It will be a little.... I don't know, imagine Dan, Ruppert and not Emma. That is not the fabulous trio any more.
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Postby Alexandra » Friday 13 October 2006 10:38:58pm

Would BE too low and not becouse it is because!
I am not doing this on purpose, you know, but i don't pay attention.
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Postby Simatra » Tuesday 24 October 2006 10:46:47pm

I haven't the sightest clue to what your talking about. :-?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Thursday 26 October 2006 9:53:42am

They're talking about what would happen if Emma Watson stopped playing Hermione.

And she wasn't nine, was she? I'm sure it won't be that long.. eleven years - say if the HP7 film comes out.. it wouild be 2010 really depending on how quickly they get on to HBP. It'll be 2009 or 2010 anyway.

And the first movie was made in 2001.
That's not eleven years - and it definitely won't take until 2012.
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