Is Lily related to Slytherin?

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Is Lily related to Slytherin

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Is Lily related to Slytherin?

Postby Asphodel » Friday 4 November 2005 5:10:15am

Well, from James's side he could be a gryffindor; red and gold sparks shot from his wand, yada, yada, yada. But, what about Lily and her *shiver* green eyes :???: ? Could Lily be somehow related to Slytherin???
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Friday 4 November 2005 9:13:51am

She was born out of muggle parents... Don't think she really had Slytherin ancestry... Only if it was a very old Slytherin betrayer or something... You know how they keep to their family and blood these slytherins... Could be or could not be... But I don't really know if this makes any difference... It's the choices we make that make us who we are... :grin:
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Postby crystallised_pineapple » Friday 4 November 2005 5:59:58pm

no i really dont think so, but there is a slight possibilioty... maybe from a squib in the family...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 5 November 2005 12:58:58am

The Sorting Hat would never put an ancestor of Slytherin in Gryffindor house. And he would know.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 5 November 2005 1:53:25am

First of all, Phoenix in the Ashes, one could be of Slytherin ancestry, but be a Gryffindor at heart. This would be convinient for J.K.R, because that may be the reason Voldemort chose Harry over Neville. One thing no one can deny: those green eyes are a big part of the plot. Also, how do you know Lily is muggle-born? J.K.R never specified. Lily could be adopted... or she could be lying.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 5 November 2005 6:47:51am

Asphodel wrote: One thing no one can deny: those green eyes are a big part of the plot. Also, how do you know Lily is muggle-born? J.K.R never specified.

I very much can deny it, actually. Harry and Lily's are not a big part of the plot in any of the books. It's just passing knowledge that gets commented on occasionally, because it's interesting.

And "How do we know Lily is muggle-born?"... Petunia would've surely mentioned something about adoption as another way to insult her sister. Plus we know she grew up muggle before she got her letter.

And Snape calls her a filthy little mudblood in his memory, or something similar. Of course, now you just may argue that he didn't know, and she may have been lying... but come on.
The only way that would be possible was if she was a Gaunt by blood. And... don't see that happening.
Nice idea though, if JKR could make it fit... I suppose it could work. I wouldn't think of the Slytherin colour as emerald green though, more of a... not emerald one.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Saturday 5 November 2005 11:56:59am least in Voldemort's family...they seem to have brown eyes... Not green. Voldy in his 16 had "dark eyes" -- I hink that goes for brown as his grandfather had "bright brown eyes". And Morfin again had "dark eyes" (which stared in oposite directions :lol: ). So won't it seem like the ancesters of Slytherin had brown eyes? Well of course...there are other slytherins with eyes of different colours...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 5 November 2005 12:02:30pm

I think the whole green thing only came into play because of the snake, Slytherin's symbol. The basilisk is green, so therefore...
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 5 November 2005 5:59:15pm

Well, Petunia might not know, or if she did, she might not want to say it. I mean, Petunia might know about Slytherin being all evil. J.K.R NEVER puts in an uneeded detail, why does everyone keep on saying Harry looks exactly like his father except for those green eyes...
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Saturday 5 November 2005 7:18:46pm

Even if lily had any Slytherin ancestry... I think the witchy talent went all to lily and the jelousy, greed, meanes and thirst to proove went to Petunia :lol:
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 5 November 2005 9:31:08pm

Yeah, perhaps, but I really think Lily was adopted. I mean, Lily and Petunia look SO unlike each other. Seriously, Petunia has dark hair, brown eyes, Lily has red hair, green eyes.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 6 November 2005 10:56:12am

A really close friend of mine has really brown eyes, dark hair and dark skin, Her sister is dark blonde with green eyes and pale face. And none were adopted I can asure you. An ex class mate was brunette with brown eyes and her sister was blond with blue eyes. So it really can happen you know...
It's a genetic thing... I know... I've studyed it at school... Just I don't really know how to explain it in english.. :P
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 6 November 2005 6:17:12pm

Well, I know that, it's just that as a writer your supposed to make sisters look slightly alike so it doesn't seem weird to the reader. Why would J.K.R make her characters look different, if they were sisters?
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Sunday 6 November 2005 8:02:29pm

I guess because she wanted to show the difference between them in charachter... That's why they are different... I mean...Lily just has something magical about her...
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 6 November 2005 11:27:06pm

Perhaps, but J.K.R said in an interview that something VERY important about Lily was to be revealed in book 7. She also said that there was something important about Harry's green eyes.
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