Willow at Hogwarts

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Willow at Hogwarts

Postby Neilwolf » Friday 30 September 2005 3:28:18am

Warning: this thread will contain Buffy spoilers

Hey hey hey (crappy Xibit imitation) :D

I was thinking. I have a few fictions where Harry et al meet
Buffy and the Scooby Gang, particularly one Willow Rosenberg.
I had a thought. If Willow was a student at Hogwarts, where
would the Sorting Hat put her? I was thinking Slytherin because
of her tendency to play around with magic with unfortunate
results, plus the last few eps of Season 6 (e.g. flaying and
roasting Warren alive). Of course, someone else may have a
different idea. Thoughts? :cool:
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Postby Nightcrawler » Friday 30 September 2005 6:19:25am

Very interesting idea.

I've edited your post to put a spoiler warning just in case there's anyone who hasn't seen, and wants to see season 6 and 7. Probably wasn't nesicarry of me, but better to be safe than sorry :grin:

I think that Willow would be in Ravenclaw or Gryphindor. Willow is pretty brave when she needs to be, but I'd put her into Ravenclaw because one of the things that defines her personality is how smart she is. Kinda like Hermione, but different. I think Willow would belong in Ravenclaw more than she would in Gryphindor, I think that Willow "learnt" her bravery from Buffy, but her cleverness is just part of who she is.

I was thinking Slytherin because
of her tendency to play around with magic with unfortunate
results, plus the last few eps of Season 6

This is where crossovers get very tricky. The magic in the Buffyverse is very different to the magic in the Potterverse.

In the Potterverse, magic just seems to be a part of nature and certain individuals are just born with the power to weild it. In the Potterverse, people choose whether or not to use the magic for good or evil, the magic itself doesn't make someone bad.

In the Buffyverse, magic seems to be attributed to certain gods, demons and spirits. In the Buffyverse, (just like HP) most of the population doesn't use magic. However it seems like ordinary people can learn to cast spells of limited power if they take the time to learn (Wesley, Giles, Ms. Callender, Anya). Witches and Warlocks in the Buffyverse are just born with a higher level of potential for magic.

As for Willow doing those evil things in season 6, the dark magic she absorbed was corrupting her. Unlike HP where a person is (almost) always in control of thier magic, in Buffy the magic itself can originate from an evil diety and corrupt an otherwise good person from the inside.

I think that Tara would be in Hufflepuff :grin:

And Darkwillow would be able to whoop Voldermort anyday of the week.
Last edited by Nightcrawler on Saturday 1 October 2005 11:07:07am, edited 1 time in total.
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Willow at Hogwarts

Postby Neilwolf » Friday 30 September 2005 11:35:48am

Hey there,

too true. :D in fact, I have it that even "Good Willow" can wipe
the floor with Voldemort and his Death Eaters anytime she wants.
Also, in the Buffyverse the dead don't stay dead (if they died
by magic, that is) so she can bring Cedric back to life. (cue
Cho doing a happy dance. :lol: ) I also have her as the new
DADA teacher in a tale or two. :cool:
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Postby Nightcrawler » Saturday 1 October 2005 11:10:39am

Willow as the DADA teacher, cool idea. If anything it will ensure that students (most males and some females) turn up to class every single lesson.

Have you written anything where Oz or Nina meet Lupin? That would be pretty cool.
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Oz meets Lupin

Postby Neilwolf » Saturday 15 October 2005 4:33:27am

Hey NC! :D

Wazzhappening? Actually, Oz meeting Lupin is a story I'm
working on as we speak. A very interesting conversation
indeed. Thank you for the idea. :cool:
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Postby Asphodel » Wednesday 23 November 2005 7:07:40am

Interesting idea. The realms of true fanfiction are never beyond our reach :grin: !
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