Harry is going into the wrong direction!

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Harry is going into the wrong direction!

Postby carsten » Tuesday 19 July 2005 4:59:07pm

Dropping Ginny and his friends to pursue his own mission alone is completely wrong, considering what DD has said. His main assets have been and still are friendship and love. Doing it alone makes him more like LV, who does things that way, as it was explained in great detail.

Will he have to find this out the hard way? Or can his friends convince him?
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 19 July 2005 5:33:43pm

Carsten, I think it's definite from the last chapter of the book that Ron and Hermione are going to go with him to the Dursleys, Bill and Fleurs wedding, then to Godrics Hollow and onwards. He is not ditching his friends as such.

In terms of love, he is very sensible to not provide LV with another option to track him down, trap him, or whatever.

If harry does survive the last book, it is probable that he will end up with Ginny but I wouldn't take it for granted.
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Postby Stumpy » Wednesday 20 July 2005 9:22:17am

Also i doubt Lupin, who I hope will lead the order now and fill a more casual mentor role to Harry (after new found confidence with his relationship wit Tonks), will let Harry not be involved with the Order or them offer assistance
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Postby Fweegal » Wednesday 20 July 2005 12:00:35pm

lol, is Harry going to walk into the Dursley's house then turn and leave, having fufilled the spell's obligation for him to "reside" there once a year.

I think they'll start off right after the wedding. And I think Ginny will be accompanying them, because no one has ever managed to get her to change her mind. And she has her mother's temper.
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Postby Stumpy » Wednesday 20 July 2005 12:25:51pm

love to see how his uncle takes that, but like people say there might be sank that his aunt hasnt told us!
I think Ginny will get captured by LV so i presume she'll be with them. but u are right she is the boss of herself
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Postby choki » Wednesday 20 July 2005 4:30:22pm

I think he said those words because he felt a sense of failure to protect/help Dumbledore. And knowing Voldemort's nature after viewing the past memories in pensive, he knows Voldemort would surely (after the death of Dumbledore) go after Harry especially the people around him.

But we don't know for sure whether Harry's intention to 'break off' with Ginny, Ron, Hermione will be that easily accomplished. Malfoy is definitely going to tell Voldemort about Harry's friends and his love interest, Ginny (if he is able to detect despite feeling gloomy)

Are we going to see the typical scene of the hero saving his girl?
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Postby Stumpy » Wednesday 20 July 2005 6:09:51pm

I reckon thats a strong possibility for the start of the confrontation between them as in LV takes Ginny and Harry knows that the only thing he can do is take him down then
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Postby b.scheller » Sunday 24 July 2005 7:28:12pm

I've always been high on education, I think his biggest mistake at this time. Is to leave school, before he graduates. Although I can understand why he would, I think his thought process is very irrational.

The choice of leaving the school, without the knowledge of whether there would be another school year, is on a whim. Although Harry, is an intelligent and strong wizard with great friends and great love, he's still young and inexperienced.

He's letting his emotions guide him, and although emotions are not necessairly a bad thing, he has to calculate and dissect the situation before he decides to go after Voldemort.

Dropping his education for a pursuit that at this time, he does not know will end is just a typical teen decision.
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Postby Augusta Longbottom » Sunday 24 July 2005 7:47:00pm

perhaps Mr/Mrs Weasley will try to talk him into staying in school -- especially since Ron & Ginny are going to want to be w/Harry.

I think it's kind of irresponsible for JKR to have Harry quit school. Fred & George quit and are quite successful, now Harry wants to quit. It sends the wrong message to kids who are reading the books. I realize that Harry doesn't want to quit just to slack off, but still.
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Postby Lelie » Monday 25 July 2005 1:28:09am

harry wont quit school. he will go to godric's hollow, but it will be before school begins, or at some point during the year. hogwarts as a setting has been too important to the story to abandon it now. brings up some interesting questions though. now that dd is gone... i assume mcgonagal will be headmistress. who will be the new head of gryffindor? new transfiguration teacher? perhaps these are keys to the reason hogwarts will remain open.
i agree that ginny will go too. she's invested in harry now, she wont stand aside for him. she's much too fiesty for that. poor mrs. weasley... she's going to be having kittens over this... :grin:
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Postby Froggs » Monday 25 July 2005 1:57:52am

JKR has said that she has made HP's path clear in this book, and HP clearly says that he will not be returning to Hogwarts. I agree that Hogarts will not be abandoned altogether, I can see HP using it as a homebase, getting permission to leave campus as needed from McGonagal and pursuing the Horcruxes Etc. But I think his days of hanging out in the common room and playing Quiditch are over.
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Postby b.scheller » Monday 25 July 2005 3:09:48am

One thing for sure, I agree with Gran. It would be setting a bad example for all kids. Education, is the only way you can delay aging and greater responsibility. Surely, if Harry chose to stay in school, he would be able to thwart the final confrontation with Voldemort.

Perhaps I'm pessimistic, but I think this is a foreshadowing of something terrible to come.
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Postby ellenmay » Monday 25 July 2005 3:22:29am

Harry can't avoid the confrontation that is coming between him and Voldemort, but school can save him by helping him to prepare. He needs to work on improving his skills and learning more spells.
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Postby thestral » Monday 25 July 2005 1:59:25pm

at first i thought that. he doesn't know enough, it's a bad decision blah blah blah i'm a big mother-hen, but now i think it's the right decision.

i mean, harry is NOT going to defeat LV going to bed at 10, and hunting down the horcruxes inbetween his mountains of NEWT homework, is he? he needs to do this. he can't sit and wait for LV to bring the fight to him anymore, he needs to take the fight to him, destroy his horcruxes and be active in his part in this war. he's been passive throughout the books cos he only acts when LV acts and that has always left him with the s**t end of the stick hasn't it? to regain any semblance of control that he has over how this prophecy and the war will play out he needs to leave the security of the hogwarts walls and go out into the big bad world, and actually do something.

also he has ron, who although not the strongest wizard has unwavering loyalty and i'm sure he'll pick up more skills in real life situations than in a classroom. like in book 1, he couldn't do 'wingardium leviosa' in class but when they had to fight the troll, he could do it. so maybe once ron starts to get out there and fight his powers will increase, after all he is a weasly.

and hermione, will be an invaluable asset to harry, she's the brains and i'm sure all three of them will go back to hogwarts at some point to use the resources ask questions of teachers or even just a stopping over point. the setting will not be abandoned and i suspect the final battle will be there.

and as for harry needing to learn more. yeah i think he is a powerful wizard he has alot of potential but hasn't leant how to use it. his duel with snape showed that flaw up. but once he's out there getting the pratical experience, i think he'll pick up a lot more in a shorter space of time. call it a baptism of fire. one of those times when you're thrown into the deep end and it's sink or swim. and i think harry will swim. after all i got the impression he could hardly apparate at all and then he apparated both him and DD back to hogwarts. i think we're underestimating him, as will LV.

also JK said it was clearly indicated the outline of the next book, so i don't think he will be talked out of it. he knows that he's running out of time. the longer he waits, the stronger LV will get and the more support he'll gain. it'll still in the early stages. nip it in the bud rather than waiting till it's a full grown monster. also i think ginny, neville and luna will tag along for at least some bits of the ride.
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Postby Froggs » Monday 25 July 2005 2:02:34pm

The problem is that it is hard to imagine all the things that HP needs to do being wrapped up in one book. Petunia seemed a bit put off when she heard that HP was coming of age at 17, I wonder why that was?
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