Dumbledores death, and his gift to harry

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Dumbledores death, and his gift to harry

Postby harry_potter04 » Monday 21 June 2004 2:33:39pm

Ive already seen a few hints that dumbledore will die in the past few books. Mentioning how old harry has seen him look a few times and stuff like that especially in the goblet of fire. Thing is that Dumbledore dying seems almost fitting for a man we know so little about but who has lived a very long time.

I personally see his death as both a blessing and a sad ending. It isnt that he just likes harry. He protects harry all the time and pays attention to no other student more. I think dumbledore will die in a battle with voldemort, and that in his death will somehow give harry a gift in battling voldemort.

What is it that Voldemort is so afraid of when it comes to dumbledore???
I know dumbledore is old and knows alot but, there has to be something , some weapon that voldemort fears. Personally I think its the spirit of Godric Gryffindor, or some equally powerful thing that will aid harry in Voldemorts Demise. I think maybe i'm wrong in what exactly the weapon is but If dumbledore is going to die, I know at least he will give harry one last bit of help in his death.
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Postby Jotomicron » Monday 21 June 2004 2:43:52pm

Hmmm... Dumbledore's death... that might be THE major event in the last book... Let's see. Dumbledore (I think we all agree) isn't afraid of death. But he likes the living too much.

So... if he dies, will he become a ghost? He's not afraid of dying, so he shouldn't
But he likes helping people TOO MUCH... Will he sacrifice his after life just to say harry how to defeat Voldemort?
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Postby choki » Monday 21 June 2004 3:40:47pm

I'm not too sure about Dumbledore's impending death. Regarding his old age, just a point to note, Professor Marchbanks, one of the chief examiner of OWLs, is older than Dumbledore for she was the one who examined Dumbledore for his NEWTs. She is still kicking well and alive at an age of around 170+ :eek:

If he dies, I guess he will be leaving behind a despair, tense situation as the one who the dark lord ever feared is gone forever. And of course, if Dumbledore had died saving Harry, Harry would probably feel remose and guilt for a period of time. That is not a very nice gift. But Harry will take up the whole responsibility of vanquishing the dark lord with determination no doubt.
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Postby harry_potter04 » Monday 21 June 2004 4:16:45pm

dumbledores age isnt a problem. its facing voldemort that will be his downfall i think.
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Postby menotyoo » Monday 21 June 2004 6:57:50pm

I think that the fact that Voldemort is still scared of DD is important, even though he knew from the part of the prophecy that he heard about that only Harry could defeat him. The fact that he still cannot help but fear DD makes me think that DD can probably stand up to anything the Voldemort can dish out, he is only incapable of defeating him forever. So that said, the only reason DD would die, would be to help harry, ie distract Voldemort, give him a "clear shot" if you will, and this gives harry a chance to kill voldemort, but voldemort has enough time to kill DD. But this all seems unlikely.
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Postby Groo » Monday 21 June 2004 8:39:20pm

i sadly agree that Dumbledore will die. i think by the time the climax approaches, the focus will be completely on Harry alone.

If he is killed, I suspect that JKR will make LV kill him by cheating, like DD is distracted by Harry or something and LV uses avada kedavra, so that DD is not belittled by a face-to-face defeat to LV. i think we will be unable to pinpoint with certainty who is a more powerful wizard between them till the end.

Yet, LV is said to be afraid of DD. i think the reason is that though LV is superpowerful,cunning and intelligent(a true Slytherin) he isnt actually brave which Dumbledore is. for a battle against an equal, if you arent brave, you will be apprehensive.

i dont think DD will ever become a ghost. i was reminded though, of his conversation with Harry about the mirror of Erised and though i think it wont be mentioned again, i am very curious to know what DD sees in the mirror
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Postby Jotomicron » Tuesday 22 June 2004 2:42:37pm

Just one thought that might add nothing to the discussion, but I thought was worthy to mention: Dumbledore knows (or knew) Flamel... and seeing what immortality may bring, he still isn't afraid of death...

Groo wrote:If he is killed, I suspect that JKR will make LV kill him by cheating
that may happen, but I think if there is the slighlty chance that Voldemort approaches DD, he will be super duper prepared for what comes... and won't be distracted...
So, I think DD will die in battle, though I think Voldemort won't be trully honest with him (as if he could ever be honest... :-? )
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Thursday 24 June 2004 3:36:01am

imo dumbledore has to die. this puts the focus squarely on harry, there'll be no one there to save him again, it's up to harry and harry alone. the reason that voldemort fears dd has to be something deeper than just smarts or power, something like what harry got from his mother (obviously not exactly that, but something like it). and i'm gonna make a bold prediction, you heard it here first: dumbledore will die at the end of the 6th book. i hope he doesn't b/c he is by far my favorite character, but i just have a feeling he'll be gone before the seventh book starts.
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Postby Groo » Thursday 24 June 2004 7:01:48am

hmm.... quite possible.Since many people will be dying, a major character has to die at the end of book 6 so as to make a huge effect,kinda like Sirius' death.

But my gut feeling tells me that DD will die in the middle of book 7. i think Snape will die at the end of book 6 and Harry will respect Snape a bit and thats how the book will end
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Thursday 24 June 2004 7:13:57pm

Yeah, I'm pretty sure Dumbledore will die, but if he doesn't, Harry will. I can't see both of them dying. But in the end, DD may sacrifice himself to give Harry extra powers or something, because Harry has the power to vanquish the dark lord, but the Voldemort also has the power to vanquish Harry.
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Postby Reverie Revenge » Friday 25 June 2004 12:26:06am

My vision is pretty opposite to Evil Wizard Petting Zoo's:

DD will do anything to save Harry. But since Harry is ''the only person who can vanquish the Dark Lord'' Harry will kill him (HP is still a fairytale by definition and evil has to be defeated :roll: ). So Harry'll have to kill LV but because they're connected they'll kill each other.

DD will survive and pass on the sad truth to next generations and warn them how insane is war, violence, ...
I agree with Joto, DD has probably got some secret life-potions, apart from the Philosopher's stone :-?
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Postby Jotomicron » Monday 28 June 2004 11:56:19am

Reverie wrote:DD will survive and pass on the sad truth to next generations and warn them how insane is war, violence, ...
I agree with Joto, DD has probably got some secret life-potions, apart from the Philosopher's stone :-?

Well, what I was trying to say (though I haven't expressed myself very clearly) is that, even though if DD has this potions and things, he won't use them, cause he is NOT afraid of death.
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