Book Collector

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Book Collector

Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 3 March 2004 6:59:45am

**Tall, bookish looking guy comes in and clears his throat quietly**

Have you any books of the ancient wizards of the isles? And what about the uses of the great stone markers? Anything would be useful...
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 3 March 2004 7:01:24am

Will accept any books from any one...looking to open up a bookstore :-D Magical and non-magical accepted...
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Postby Broccoli » Wednesday 3 March 2004 1:34:30pm

Oh, I've just found some :)

*reads a note in her hand*

Paracelsus his Archidoxis: Comprised in Ten Books, Disclosing the Genuine way of making Quintessences, Arcanums, Magisteries, Elixirs, &c. Together with his Books Of Renovation & Restauration. Of the Tincture of the Philosophers. Of the Manual of the Philosophical Medicinal Stone. Of the Virtues of the Members. Of the Three Principles. And Finally his Seven Books, Of the Degrees and Compositions of Receipts, and Natural Things. Faithfully and plainly Englished, and Published by, J.H. Oxon. London, Printed for W.S. and are to be sold by Thomas Brewster at the Three Bibles in Pauls Church-yard. 1660.
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Book Store

Postby Airconditioner Potter » Thursday 4 March 2004 12:55:57am

If you're looking for employees, please consider me!! I would love to work at your bookshop. I love books and have been called a "people person", and I'm sure that you (Zeus) and I will get along, we may even end up becoming friends! So, please consider me as your first employee!
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Postby Amon Rê » Thursday 4 March 2004 6:12:02am

**Nods and mumbles...**
Thank you so much Broccoli. Those will go well in the history room. I will add them as soon as possible. You seem very knowledgable on this subject is it a special interest or just a hobby?
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Postby Amon Rê » Thursday 4 March 2004 6:16:19am

**Smiles and Winks**
Sure thing miss...I've actually been looking for a partner in order to open up the store publicly. So if you're interested, it would be a time commitment and I am very peculiar about books...after all they are the windows into the past as well as the key to the future :-D

If ya don't wanna become a partner you can just start as a clerk ;)
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Postby Airconditioner Potter » Thursday 4 March 2004 6:40:25am

I would love to become partner! That totally rocks my world! I totally agree about being choosy about books. Can't wait to come up with the specifics regarding the bookshop!
Have a lovely day!
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Postby Broccoli » Thursday 4 March 2004 9:41:34am

Oh, yesss... I llove alchemy and well I believe I am Paracelsus' descendant... And by the way, if you need help in running the store... well, I can help as well.
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Postby Airconditioner Potter » Thursday 4 March 2004 10:39:16pm

**Amon Rê and AC converse in a huddle for a minute**
Broccoli- We'll get back to you shortly...we're waiting on our sorting and we'll start to explain the revolution of the book store to you...
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Postby Amon Rê » Thursday 4 March 2004 10:52:41pm

**AC goes back into the back room...**
The reason we are waiting is because we have an idea of how we want to set up the store. We want one member of each house and we are waiting to see if we get in the respective houses we have choosen. Once we find out we will definitely let you know. We plan on having five rooms, a general room, a Hufflepuff room, a Gryffindor room, a Ravenclaw room, and a Slytherin room. Hope to know soon...
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Postby Airconditioner Potter » Thursday 4 March 2004 11:20:29pm

Doesn't it sound so exciting?! I can't wait!! Any suggestions for names of the store?
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Postby Airconditioner Potter » Tuesday 16 March 2004 4:26:34am


Broccoli, are you still interested? It would be great to work with you!

And are there any available Gryffindors available to work in the shop?
We already have a Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and hopefully a Broccoli.

If anyone would like to request any books in the store, let us know!
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Postby Broccoli » Tuesday 16 March 2004 11:46:12am

Yup, I am interested! Great! So, any ideas about the shop?
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Postby Amon Rê » Tuesday 16 March 2004 8:37:16pm

Well we figured we'd have one person from each house with their own room. We'd have school books of course, and then to each room you'd name a specialty and then we'd go from there, any ideas you have are welcome :-D

Still looking for a GRYFFINDOR!!!!
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Postby Avalon-Queen » Thursday 8 April 2004 11:22:39pm

If I want some books, can I request them here??
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