Lord of the Rings discussion

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Lord of the Rings discussion

Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 1 October 2003 9:50:31pm

actually, TTT isnt really the second book when you think about it, The Hobbit is part of the story of the lord of the rings and spiders appear in that too....
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Postby Jotomicron » Wednesday 1 October 2003 9:52:03pm

Oops! Seems I have forgotten it! But I've never read The Hobbit or the other books... Just the three LotR
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 1 October 2003 9:55:55pm

The hobbit was the first one i read, its my fave and the reason i am into fantasy in the first place.....
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 1 October 2003 10:40:07pm

Slightly offtopic, but have you read The Silmarillion, Sonkem?
It is kinda my favourite, though he never finished it of course.
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 2 October 2003 2:16:21pm

yep, i have once, a very long time ago and probably never again although i have tried but i just find it too hard to read....
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Postby Centaur Lord » Thursday 2 October 2003 10:27:33pm

Ive read the Silmarillion and it was one of the best books ive read (nothing on Harry Potter, of course). It just shows the detail Tolkien put into his work, and it also explains the whole history of middle earth and every other Beleriand and pretty much everything you'd ever want to know.
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Postby Devinci » Saturday 18 October 2003 3:09:15am

I skimmed the Simarilion....It's like a history book really...I don't mind history, therefore I didn't mind the book...but I could see how it would...irk someone the wrong way.

And really, TTT isn't the second book...because the second book is really part of the first book...if that makes any sense....someone please tell me that makes sense!
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 18 October 2003 11:16:39am

yep, makes sense to me....

each of the 3 parts contains 2 books i think....

hmm...maybe thats my problem...im not a history student...my big sister is though...maybe thats why she can memorise that book whereas i can only just manage to read it once....
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Postby Centaur Lord » Sunday 19 October 2003 12:18:17am

Now that we are getting technical, I can amaze you all with my amazing and boundless wisdom...not really. But actually, Lord of the Rings is one big book, and it is intended to be read "in one sitting". Tolkien only published it in parts when his publisher convinced him that people would not want to read it all at once because it would be so long (LOTR is a quarter of a million words long). Now, we would have no problem with that because OoTP is 1.5 times longer than the whole LOTR trilogy. Ok, back on topic...the hobbit was actually only a story put out to see if people were actually interested in Tolkiens ideas. Once he found out that they were, than he wrote LOTR. So really, the hobbit is the first book, and LOTR is the second.
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Postby Liquid Ice » Sunday 19 October 2003 2:17:34pm

Well I havnt actually read the silmarillion, it doesnt strike me as the sort of book you really read from cover to cover. Not for me anyway. I asked my friend whos really keen on LOTR if she was gonna read it, (shes great at reading adult books - she read wuthering heights when she was 9 or 10 - and enjoyed it) Now whenever she opens her mouth its something about the silmarillion, it seems pointless to read it now - I have a pretty good understanding of it from just listening to her babble!
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Postby gecko » Sunday 19 October 2003 4:45:54pm

I disagree about it not being a book you can read from cover to cover. I read it, twice in fact and I think it's Tolkien's best book (of those that I have read, e.g. LotR, The Hobbit and parts of Unfinished Tales).

It is more difficult to read, but I find and found it fascinating :P !
His describing the first age, and all that happened to the elves and Melkor and the Valar and Illuvatar and the Maia and The Silmarillions and Earendil and so much more, it's awesome!
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Postby Devinci » Monday 20 October 2003 3:20:37am

I agree, fascinating is about THE best word you can use to describe any of Tolkiens works...The man was a genius in his own right

It really does amaze me how anyone's mind could be that thorough...

Anyway...I think how much a person enjoys the Sim. really has to do with what side of the brain they use most often... :-?
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Postby Mint » Thursday 30 October 2003 4:44:18pm

Ok, I ordered CDs of LOR. Because i have very little time for books and spend lots of time on the road lately.

ANd I got to the part where the counsil met (before Frodo agreed to take the ring) and the I forgot what his name was...the human person said that he had a dream (as well as his brother) and the dream was....

And then they started singing in his high pitched voice that I cant understand what the dream was!!!! :x

This is what I understood. -> The darkness and thunder will come from the east, the thin light of half broken sword will come from the west, ....... and then there was smth about halfling?
:o :x
*stabs the CD* die!!! o_x
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Postby Scellanis » Thursday 30 October 2003 7:01:17pm

you mean Boromir....and his brother is Faramir...

the dream is:

Seek for the Sword that was broken:
In Imladris it dwells;
There shall be counsels taken
Stronger than Morgul-spells.
There shall be shown a token
That Doom is near at hand,
For Isildur's Bane shall waken,
And the Halfling forth shall stand.

ok...just incase...Imladris is another name for Rivendell
Morgul being the nazgul
Isildur's Bane being the One Ring.

It is a song in the book so thats why they would sing it....but it should be explained later in the council anyway :)
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Postby Mint » Thursday 30 October 2003 7:48:38pm

woooow, u remembered that??? oh wow!!!

I know they did explain it but I still didn't get it. They talk fast and there is no "Said Frodo" so I confused them all sometimes....

Also, what is nazgul? And Halfling, is it a hobbit or ...?

Also, I mess up Dark Lord and Dark Wizard's names. They both start with S and sound very similar. Can u pleez clarify..

Thanks!!!!! :grin:
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