Arthur Weasley... Minister of Magic?

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Arthur Weasley... Minister of Magic?

Postby pinky p » Friday 29 August 2003 4:42:20pm

i've been seeing a lot of rumors around lately about how arthur weasley will be the next minister of magic. these are the things suggesting this i found on

1) in name meanings- arthur- possibly a relation to king arthur? who was a great leader (and mythical, too, right? but then, he could have been a wizard or something :-? )

2) cornelius fudge will probably get the boot, now that people know what a doofus he was. and since mr. weasley already works there, he could get a (very) big promotion! (i'm a bit skeptical about this, since there are so many wizards working at the MOM who are much higher up then mr. weasley.

also, in the topic "unification" nothlit states that at the end of the series, there could be a unification with muggles and magical people... who better to bring this about then mr weasley, as a muggle-loving minister of magic?

have you heard any more evidence of this? what do you think?
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Postby Colin » Friday 29 August 2003 5:53:23pm

I see no evidence for this in the books, apart from Ron's outburst about 'Thats's as likely to happen as my dad becoming the MoM'

However, I very much like this theory:)
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Postby gecko » Friday 29 August 2003 5:57:43pm

I really like this idea! Arthur as Minister for Magic would mean that the bond between the muggle and the magic world would become much bigger and stronger. I don't think Muggles can be afraid of wizards if Arthur Weasley is their head of government!

But, how do we explain Ron's remark in PoA or GoF (don't know which one) that his father 'could have got promotion anytime, he just likes it where he is'? I mean, surely if he wanted to become Minister he would have taken promotion offers?! On the other hand, maybe the wizengamot will ask him to put himself forward as candidate at forthcoming elections?

Interesting stuff! :razz:
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Postby Colin » Friday 29 August 2003 7:04:33pm

On the other hand, maybe the wizengamot will ask him to put himself forward as candidate at forthcoming elections?

Does the MoM have elections? It seems to me that the top "leadership" is run by a corrupt tyrant. Was he elected? Or did he just take over.

Book 7: "Harry & Friends do a coup"
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Postby pinky p » Friday 29 August 2003 9:40:21pm

Colin wrote:I see no evidence for this in the books, apart from Ron's outburst about 'Thats's as likely to happen as my dad becoming the MoM'

However, I very much like this theory:)

oh yes, i forgot one piece of evidence... thanks for reminding me colin! ron says "we're about as likely to win the quidditch cup as dad has of becoming minister of magic." they win the cup... this could be a subtle clue from jk rowling.

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Postby Meg Boyd » Sunday 31 August 2003 1:28:26pm

I think Arthur has a wonderful chance to be come MoM because of that wonderful quote from Ron regarding the odds of him wining the Cup. However, seeing Arthur as MoM in the near future is something I don't see. Perhaps at the end of book 7 he will become the minister, because I feel that corrupt government theme in the HP books has not yet played till its end quite yet. I feel that we have not seen the end of corrupt Fudge and it will take some powerful act to make Arthur the new minister.
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Postby Violet » Sunday 31 August 2003 3:42:50pm

I'd love for arthur to become MoM but i cant see it happening. I think that there are too many corrupt people in the ministry for someone as honest as arthur to take over.
Mind you, now that it has all come out that Voldermort is back then maybe they will put someone in charge that people have not seen to be corrupt.
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Postby Dink Meeker » Tuesday 2 September 2003 3:08:05am

I've always felt that Mr. Weasley was kind of a bumbling klutz. Honest, pure and good intentioned, but still inept for the most part. I really like Mr. Weasley, and the whole Weasley family for that mater, but don't you think the wizarding community deserves a leader with more polictical qualities than "I like him alot".

I can think of too many examples in our muggle world, where this exact situation has happened. :grin:
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Postby Supreme Mugwump » Wednesday 3 September 2003 12:28:35am

I think A.W. will first become part of the wizengamot and Dumbledore will become MOM then A.W. will become personal assistant to the minister and then when Dumbledore is no longer in office A.W. will become MOM and make an alliance with the muggle government and the two worlds will become one.
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Postby Charis » Thursday 4 September 2003 7:45:10pm

Just a question--shouldn't this be in theories? maybe one of the mods could movie it.

I think Arthur Weasley becoming Minister of Magic is a possibility. Especially that quote from Ron is convincing. I definitely like the idea!

Huey wrote:I've always felt that Mr. Weasley was kind of a bumbling klutz. Honest, pure and good intentioned, but still inept for the most part. I really like Mr. Weasley, and the whole Weasley family for that mater, but don't you think the wizarding community deserves a leader with more polictical qualities than "I like him alot".

I've kind of thought of Mr. Weasley like that, too, but the more i think about it the more he seems qualified to me. i think he knows more and is smarter than we think. he sometimes provides comedic relief through his overexcitement and interest in muggles so we tend to think of him as excitable and a tad bumbling. but really, he knows what he's doing. if arthur was only a "nice guy" he wouldn't have been called upon for the order.
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Postby gecko » Thursday 4 September 2003 8:37:45pm

You have a point, it is more of a theory.. moving now!
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Postby AccioNiffler » Saturday 6 September 2003 2:29:14pm

Mr. Weasley becomming MoM would be great! But I have to agree, if it happens, I dont think that it will be unstil the end of the 7th book. Also, SupremeMugwump, I dont think DD will become MoM, hasn't it been said ni the books somewhere that he doesn't want the position? That Fudge only got it because DD wanted to stay at the school?
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Postby Liquid Ice » Sunday 7 September 2003 10:11:47pm

Yeah, Hagrid tells Harry in book one that DD doesnt want the position so they gave it to Fudge and he pelts DD with owls every morning asking for advice. I dont think Arthur Weasly will be the MoM magic though because hes not that high up inthe ministry.
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Postby Gower » Tuesday 9 September 2003 5:02:35pm

i agree with my younger sister on this one :D
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 15 September 2003 1:17:37am

Okies, possible scinario...

Fudge gets booted from the job, due to incompetance. They (whoever they is) offer the job to DD again, and once againe refuses, because he wasnts to stay at Hogwarts, but says, I have another idea for a candidate though, how about Authur Weasley???

What thinks? :D
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