Funny Parts in Book 5

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

Moderators: Nightcrawler, Mint, Simatra, Asphodel, Athena Appleton

What part of book 5 made you laugh the most?

Loopy Ron and "Accio Brains!"
The Weasley Twins' Exit from Hogwarts
The Professors' Subtle Defiances Against Umbridge
McGonagall and Umbridge's Verbal Exchanges
Dumbledore NOT 'Leaving Quietly'
Luna Putting Hermione in Her Place
Ginny Putting Harry in His Place
No votes
Marietta's Punishment Courtesy of Hermione
No votes
Lockhart in St. Mungo's
Sirius Hoping Kreacher Had 'Bitten the Dust'
Harry Sassing Umbridge in Class
No votes
The Weasley Twins' Jokes (testing them on students)
No votes
Harry Harrassing Dudley ('Big D'/'Diddykins')
Other (please name and elaborate on thread!)
Total votes : 65

Funny Parts in Book 5

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Friday 4 July 2003 11:16:41pm

Since I've started up topics about death and such, I decided to take a 'lighter' approach :razz: and ask what parts of book 5 you found to be humourous! :lol:

Off the top of my head, I can think of three things that made me laugh:

~ one that another poster wrote about, when Ron walked by the brain tank (when he was acting all loopy) and got excited about the brains and shouted, "Accio Brain!" :lol: . . . that whole situation was greatly needed 'comic relief', intentional or not :razz:

~ the Weasley twins' grand exit from Hogwarts :lol: . . . enough said! :D

~ the snarky arguments between Umbridge and McGonagall, particularly when Harry went to get career advice from McGonagall and Umbridge was there and how out of control that got :lol: . . . McGonagall didn't at all hold her tongue! :razz:

What parts did you chuckle at and why? Do share! :grin:

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby Nothlit » Saturday 5 July 2003 5:25:06am

I voted for Dumbledore not leaving quietly. It wasn't so much that I laughed at that part. It was more like I started shouting in amazement at how cool Dumbledore is and saying things like "booyah!" while punching the air with my fist. ;)
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Postby AccioNiffler » Saturday 5 July 2003 6:00:10pm

I like Ron, but he's never been my favorite character. the twins are my favorites, and i always thought ron was like substandard funny in the books compared to them, but when i read the "accio brain" scene, I thought i would die laughing! :lol: It was the funniest thing i read out of all 5 books. My sister read the book before i did, so new what was goin g on. so everytime i saw her i said "accio brain!" I thought it was great fun and hilarious, she told me i was annoying, lol. Oh well :) But yea, definitly the funniest part!
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Postby Gwared » Saturday 5 July 2003 6:25:53pm

I found Kreachers comments under his breath funniest, I also liked Gred and Forge's :P replies to Molly's statement that everybody in her family had now become a prefect.
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Postby Blaise Zabini » Saturday 5 July 2003 8:35:17pm

Definitely the reaction of the professors toward Umbridge. They were so witty and snarky and helped to portray them (especially McGonnagal) in a completely different light. I'd never expected dear Minerva to be one to go against authority, but she held her own against Umbridge! And it gave us some much needed comic-relief.
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Postby fra-sirius » Tuesday 8 July 2003 1:33:54pm

The Weasley Twins' Exit from Hogwarts!!!!!!!!! that was soooooooooooooooo funny!!!!!!!! :grin:
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 8 July 2003 7:21:20pm

I totally agree with gwared about the twin neighbours :grin: but I was also really in trance when they talk with harry about the fireworks behind the tapestry/carpet while hiding ... plus that (can't remeber witch) teacher not knowing if he had the "authority" to get rid of the fireworks in his classroom !
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 9 July 2003 6:43:10am

Dumbledore not leaving quitely and the comment from Phineas was so funny.. I laughed so hard that my dog thought i was going mad and left the room :lol: :razz: Just like that comment from one of the twin. "what are we, next door neighbor"? :lol: :lol:
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Postby Broccoli » Friday 18 July 2003 9:38:13am

Most of all I laughed when Harry, Ron and Hermione discussed girls after Harry's meeting with Cho in Hogsmead... The comment about the book about how to understand girls, etc.
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Postby Bimbybecca » Friday 18 July 2003 10:40:05am

I have to say that Lockhart was the funniest, I could'nt believe it when i read the 3rd book and discovered he was'nt there, he snape and Lupin are my three favourite characters and then when lockhart turned up looking all confused i actually laughed out loud! I hope they put that scene in the film i can't wait to see that cute actor again.
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Postby Mint » Friday 18 July 2003 2:46:33pm

I voted Neither.

For me the funniest Part was when Hermoine got a new nickname "Hermy" :lol:
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Postby Hermy » Friday 18 July 2003 3:59:50pm

I agree Mint!
Hence the name.
And following that when Harry said that the whole experience with Grawp "Makes you wish Norbert was back".
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Postby Siriel » Saturday 19 July 2003 3:07:01pm

I've voted for Ron and Accio brains"... that complete situation was so strange and really very funny, he was acting in such a confused way... :grin:
And just now I remember two other short situations which were very funny: one when all teachers wanted to "reward" the Gryffindors, and when Trelawney made a new prophecy, that Harry will live for a long time and so on...
And then in the train at the very end, when the subject comes to Ginny and Michael, and Ron says:
"Just choose someone - better - the next time" and Ginny answers vaguely: "Well, I've chosen Dean Thomas, would you say he's better?"
These two scenes have made me laugh, too :grin: Bye!
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My Fav

Postby the_next_hermione007 » Saturday 26 July 2003 3:12:19pm

My favorite was when fred and george apparated into the room with harry and ron and ron goes "OUCh!."
"Shhh you'll wake mum."
"You two just apparated on my knees!"
"Well its much harder in the dark."

I found that scene quite enjoyable. :lol:
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Postby Meg Boyd » Saturday 26 July 2003 6:32:57pm

I laughed so hard when Fred and George made their triumphant exit from Hogwarts!!!! Accio Brooms!!!!! Ah ha aha ha ha! My dad read the book right after me, and suddenly he burst into his stupid chuckle and then I knew he had hit something funny...and I said, "Dad, accio brooms?" and he kept laughing so hard that he was crying and all we heard was "Fred, aha haaa ha...the twins...swamp...accio brooms...ahahahaha"

I also found the accio brain part to be hilarious...

maybe its just that accio thing, but every time i read Accioniffler's name i think of all these Nifflers flying through the air... :lol:
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