Future Couples

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Future Couples

Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 24 June 2003 3:10:46pm

After reading OotP, what future couples (kids and adults) do you see? :-) More to the point, which couples would you *like* to see? :D

I was surprised that Ron and Hermione didn't 'date' in book 5, but perhaps J.K. is still leading up to it. I'm a bit on the fence, really. I could see a potential Ron/Hermione pairing, but in other ways, I could see a Harry/Hermione pairing. There were hints at both potential pairings in book 5. :)

I know it's been mentioned elsewhere, on the forum, about Harry/Luna. Not sure what I think on this one...I'm more inclined to think that like Neville, Luna will be someone Harry will, as he realizes their similar experiences, grow to be closer friends with. I'm not sure I see romance there, but rather a friendship unlike the one he shares with Ron and Hermione. Don't get me wrong--Hermione and Ron are great friends to Harry, but unlike Luna, they have not suffered and/or lost people as Luna and Harry have. Someone else mentioned a potential Neville/Luna pairing. I could see that, though yet another poster (I wish I could remember names! :razz: ) suggested that Luna seemed to be fond of Ron, which I saw instances of. Perhaps Hermione gets jealous of Luna's attentions towards Ron...which would be a change, as Ron is almost always jealous. :x hehehehe

I could possibly see Ginny and Harry (when she gets finished dating a series of boys LOL :lol: ), as this Ginny is much more assertive and her own person...she calls Harry on his rudeness and out-of-order behavior, a little like Lily Evans did with James Potter when he was tormenting Snape. Being with Ginny would give Harry the family he's always wanted as well as I think he respects Ginny, but how Ron would deal with it would be another situation entirely. We kept reading about Ron's reactions to Ginny's boyfriends, and I couldn't help but wonder if J.K. was foreshadowing Ron eventually reacting to Harry dating his sister. :eek:

What are your thoughts on future romances? :D

~ Lizzy :jump:
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Postby Fafnul Black » Tuesday 24 June 2003 4:04:09pm

Well, I'd rather see a group of close friends building up around Harry, tight-knit and supporting each other, like certainly the one started in book 5. Truly, from the magic trio experiencing adventures together in book 1, we are now with quite a bunch thrown together in the cauldron.

OK, that is to say I hope the future books will put forward this kind of group, rather than outstanding couples. Cause really, romances and giggling, well, fine ...

Now, to go back into the core of the topic :grin: , about Ron and Harry / Ginny, I got the impression in the train back to London, at the end of book 5, that Ron was not at all opposed to the idea. Saw his meaningful look towards Harry ?
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Postby Jay » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:47:17pm

I could definately see Ron and Hermoine getting together, further alienating Harry in the Fifth book. :cry:
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Postby Jay » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:49:38pm

on another note.. I want Harry to find a decent girl. I think Luna is ok, but shes a little wierd. Then again so is Harry..HMM

I hope Rowling significantly improves Cho's character.

Btw, is Cho a 6th year in OotP?
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Postby werebane » Tuesday 24 June 2003 8:55:50pm

Yea she is, cuz i rememer in PoA, duriong the quidich match against ravenclaw, harry was thinkin bout her and sayng shes a year older.

I really expected harry and cho to go out again at the end of the book. i thought harry would apologize and they would go out. I hope they date again in the sixth book.. btw what grade is Michale Corner or whatever in??
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Postby Lunatech » Tuesday 24 June 2003 9:36:52pm

she was described as spacy...but she was never wierd.

Everything she saw, and she believed in, she had greater insight about over the rest of her classmates...even harry. she is blonde, with prominent eyes like harry's mother.

also, there isn't anyone else harry is likely to hook up with unless they introduce a new character.

Ginny seems a bit too obvious and i believe Ginny will end up with neville anyway. They went to the dance together remember.

Don't let her spaciness fool you. When did JKR devote a whole chapter to a particular young female. Not even Cho was developed as much and she had 3 books to forshadow her. It's quite evident I think...and the best part is, you guys have to wait another 2 years to prove me wrong :)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 24 June 2003 9:45:50pm

Lunatech wrote:she was described as spacy...but she was never wierd.

Everything she saw, and she believed in, she had greater insight about over the rest of her classmates...even harry. she is blonde, with prominent eyes like harry's mother.

also, there isn't anyone else harry is likely to hook up with unless they introduce a new character.

Ginny seems a bit too obvious and i believe Ginny will end up with neville anyway. They went to the dance together remember.

Don't let her spaciness fool you. When did JKR devote a whole chapter to a particular young female. Not even Cho was developed as much and she had 3 books to forshadow her. It's quite evident I think...and the best part is, you guys have to wait another 2 years to prove me wrong :)

I've never doubted that Luna was a character to become much more prominent in the next two books. :) JKR rarely devotes time to something that she doesn't revisit or reintroduce later on. :D Besides, Luna, as odd as she may have seemed, was a good deal more introspective and contemplative than her classmates...there's definitely more than meets the eye, and she 'gets' Harry on different levels from any of his classmates. I find their interactions interesting. :-) Like I've said before, they may not become an item, but I definitely think we'll be seeing more of Luna!
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Postby HuffleDuck » Wednesday 25 June 2003 7:34:32am

:-? I had a feeling that in the future somehow Draco will like Hermy.. and Luna had showed interest in Ron after he made that joke on the train... and Harry... hmmm.. Harry.... he'll probably still like Cho.. and Ginny is so cool in OotP.. she has grow so much.. no longer shy and clumsy everytime harry is near.
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Postby Boycey » Wednesday 25 June 2003 12:08:18pm

I thought that this book might of made the hole relationship thing more understandable, but if anything its made it more confussing. There is still no doubt that Hermonie and Ron like each other, I saw referances again in this book, but not as much as the last one, but now I think I got the impression that Harry might also start to like Hermonie, but not realise it, I tell you I can see a major bust up here, and a love triangle to boot, plus at the start of the book lovegood seemed to like Ron then towards Christmas it leaned towards Harry, plus now Cho seems out the question, ginnys going out with half of Hogwarts, and all this make pridictions very hard, but his is what is what I think could happen from the evidence given,

harry and hermonie first, breaks up rons friendship,
hermonie and Ron, hermonie realise her feelings toward Ron breaks up with harry, alienates the trio,
Lovegood get mad a hermonie, I have the impression Lovegood is not the kind of person to get on the wrong side of, and those people that stole her stuff better watch out,
and of course Ginny with the second half of hogwarts.

Like I say its hard to predict the out come of relationships, i find it even harder now the new books realise, but these are possiblitys that im leaning on.
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Postby Heliotrope » Wednesday 25 June 2003 1:10:33pm

I have a feeling that Ron and Hermione are going to get together in the next book and the relationship will become very serious, only for one of them to be killed in book 7.

Hope Cho Chang b*ggers off - she's annoying.
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Postby powerpetal » Friday 27 June 2003 3:55:37pm

I agree with quite a lot of you, in this book there were links between Hermiona and both Ron and Harry. There has to be a bust up! The tighter knit group created this book is probably due a future fight between the trio, i think they'll be friends in the end but there'll be a period when it seems their friendship appears lost forever.

Hermione and Harry: Herry told Krum a definate NO before Crouch came out of the forest in book4 but they stick together in the last chapters of book 5, also much comenting on body contact. Maybe they will get together but agree ultimatly it will be...

Ron and Hermione: they are meant for each other, it is your classic romance so maybe it is too predicatble for JKR?! For hermoine it seemed to be there from early on and it will slowly dawn on Ron, example he looks at her differently just before the yule ball and their argument afterwards, well come on!!! Also i reckon Harry knows there's something there, after yule ball he compents that Hermione got the point a lot better than Ron and gets angry at their continuous arguing. Also in book 5 he 'irresistably' (and that is a direct quote!) compares Hermione's insistance of Ron's bakc-up to a siyuation earlier between Mr and Mrs Wealsey. They are just like an old married couple! They bicker, spend alot of time together when harry is off hearing voices or whatever :lol: but are just blinded by their undying love!!!! I'm getting all emotional! :oops:

I was suprised there wasn't more in this book but again there were underlying currents. Maybe it became so obvious in book4 there needed to be a quiet period so that when it does come up, it's more of a suprise to the characters, well Ron anyway!

Another thought:
Ron and Luna to make Hermione jealous?
Krum and/or Fleur reappearence?
New character (I think it is too late on for a new believable love interest)?
Something to do with Parvati or Lavender (they are mentioned a lot more than any other book, Herry clearly depicts the sight of the back of Parvati's head in exams, they went to yule ball, in book 4 i'm sure they both look at harry and snigger when ball mentioned in transfiguration)?
Romance with gryf. chasers?
Draco + Hermione (Ithink there is too much hate (Mudblood) in this love-hate- relationship, wheras with Ron it's just bickering)

Please Reply!XXX
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Postby werebane » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:35:58am

yea your right, they are the most mentioned girls except hermione
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Postby Lunatech » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:44:27am

i don't think i'd want to see hermione jealous....

that girl would go nuts!
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Postby Holly Golightly » Saturday 28 June 2003 2:50:18pm

I kinda think that it would be good for Hermoine's character if she became a bit on the jealous side!!! I think that maybe Kuna will continue to have a bit of a thing for Ron, and he wont' notice (just be oblivious to it) but Hermoine will notice it... then Luna will get over Ron, and maybe someting with harry... if she gets a littel less spacy/wierd/whatever :grin:

Rona nd Hermoine are pratically a guarenteed!!! They just compliment eachother so well!!! Maybe though, they will both realise what they are feeling, and either try to ignore it for Harry's benifit, or try to sneak around behind his back??? Little intrigue there! ;)

I hope Harry/Ginney never happens, and I do hope that Neville ends up with someone nice... maybe Ginny, but pref not... just someone nice!!! Neville deserves it after all!!! :D
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Postby Claire » Sunday 29 June 2003 2:47:42am

I think that either Harry/Ron/Hermione will die in the last book, making it impossible to have any pair of them getting together. If Harry survives, I truly hope that he gets together with Ginny. If Ron survives I think maybe Luna. Hermione still is going out with Krum, isn't she? Anyways, I'd like to see a Hermione/Neville couple. But they don't all have to get paired up. In fact, there might not be any pairs at all..
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