I agree with quite a lot of you, in this book there were links between Hermiona and both Ron and Harry. There has to be a bust up! The tighter knit group created this book is probably due a future fight between the trio, i think they'll be friends in the end but there'll be a period when it seems their friendship appears lost forever.
Hermione and Harry: Herry told Krum a definate NO before Crouch came out of the forest in book4 but they stick together in the last chapters of book 5, also much comenting on body contact. Maybe they will get together but agree ultimatly it will be...
Ron and Hermione: they are meant for each other, it is your classic romance so maybe it is too predicatble for JKR?! For hermoine it seemed to be there from early on and it will slowly dawn on Ron, example he looks at her differently just before the yule ball and their argument afterwards, well come on!!! Also i reckon Harry knows there's something there, after yule ball he compents that Hermione got the point a lot better than Ron and gets angry at their continuous arguing. Also in book 5 he 'irresistably' (and that is a direct quote!) compares Hermione's insistance of Ron's bakc-up to a siyuation earlier between Mr and Mrs Wealsey. They are just like an old married couple! They bicker, spend alot of time together when harry is off hearing voices or whatever
but are just blinded by their undying love!!!! I'm getting all emotional!
I was suprised there wasn't more in this book but again there were underlying currents. Maybe it became so obvious in book4 there needed to be a quiet period so that when it does come up, it's more of a suprise to the characters, well Ron anyway!
Another thought:
Ron and Luna to make Hermione jealous?
Krum and/or Fleur reappearence?
New character (I think it is too late on for a new believable love interest)?
Something to do with Parvati or Lavender (they are mentioned a lot more than any other book, Herry clearly depicts the sight of the back of Parvati's head in exams, they went to yule ball, in book 4 i'm sure they both look at harry and snigger when ball mentioned in transfiguration)?
Romance with gryf. chasers?
Draco + Hermione (Ithink there is too much hate (Mudblood) in this love-hate- relationship, wheras with Ron it's just bickering)
Please Reply!XXX