Hi guys!!!I know I haven'ty been here for awhile,but realising of the title of new book has drawn me here,cause I'm asking myself the same question,who the HBP is?I read this topic through and through(my head hurts now because of that)and this is what I have to say:
If GG would be HBP,and Harry his heir,that would lead to =Harry is a HBP too.So one of the things probably don't fit in there,and I think that's the fact that GG is HBP.And I'm most definetly sure that GG is pureblood.
Now,there are some intersting things about DD too:
1.He seems not to be pureblood cause he's not on the Blacks tree.
2.He has lots of "names".As he says he's Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.Rather strange name even for wizards...
3.How old is DD?He was a teacher at Hogwarts when Tom R. went to school,that is 50 years ago,and then he was at least 30,so that would make him now about 85?Very powerful wizard for he's own age...And if we can belive for the thing from HP lexicon:
JKR gave DD's age at "about150" (Sch2),and since the stories takes place in the early 1990s,we estimate th date approximately 1840
But is it???
4.DD is a very,
very powerful wizard,LV even fears him,and it seems he knows a lot.So what's up with that?How did he become so good?And how does he always now what will happen?Why does he trust Snape?
5.It has been mentioned in several ocassions(sp?) that he 'loves' muggleborns
6.He loves Harry,but why?What is so specially about him?The thing that he's without parents,and he's very brave,good at DADA...?Maybe he reminds him at someone???
7.It seems that time is very interesting thing in wizard world...I saw somewhere I don't remeber where that JKR has corrected several times who is whose ancestor,that is,decendent in the CoS,and that finally she left that LV is ancestor of SS.So maybe some ppl like to change or need to change time,so they could do somethings from past or future better...
You're probably asking what does this have to do with anythig?Or maybe you see what I'm trying to say?
DD he's someone from his past,and Harry's present.Maybe he's Harry?Dunno,but I think,that we have lots to find out about DD yet,and I think,and that he's the HBP is one of those.
And if you don't like this theory,there are some other too.There's something about Petunia what's bothering me?Is she a squib?What's the Evans family story?Does she hate her sister because Lily's a witch mum and dad's pride and joy,and she's just a squib?And if you ask me I kinda didn't buy that JKR's "Mark Evans" story all the why.Yes Evans is common surname,but in ordinary world.If you're writing a book you have to be careful about that.
Let me know what you think about all this...