Hogwarts Spring Dance

A home for old scenarios who may have come to an end for RPG playing but whose life and excitement can still be enjoyed in story form.

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Postby TDM » Monday 28 June 2004 7:29:52pm

Probably, Xavier said, pulling out the jade necklace from his pocket inside his robes. But, if Lita's stops the Unforgivable Curses...then what do the other two do? Xavier thought for a moment, thinking what each necklace could do...then he remembered...

Right after my mom took off her necklace...she died, Xavier recalled. I think that her necklace kept her from dying until the pain was too great... Xavier stopped talking, because his mother's death was painful to think about.
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Postby choki » Thursday 1 July 2004 7:34:56am

So...the necklace your mum left behind must be the topaz one. And it isn't with you now. Where did you keep it? At Hogwarts or Gringotts? And what sort of tremendous powers does the three hold...
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Postby TDM » Thursday 1 July 2004 3:37:24pm

Hogwarts, Xavier said, breathing quickly now, as he was sensing that something was coming upon them quickly. It's in my trunk. We need to get out of here, and fast! He begins to run out of the labyrinth, but keeps coming upon dead ends.

REDUCTO! Xavier cried, causing the dead end ahead of him to become nothing more than a pile of dust. And standing in front of them was everyone that had come into the caves beforehand.
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Postby choki » Tuesday 6 July 2004 8:29:31am

Why are we running so fast? Is someone after us? Jasmine asks anxiously before she stumbled upon an object while trying to see in the dusty air. Owww...what's that...Lumos Shining her wand at the object, she was surprised to find an unconsious Ruby.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Sunday 11 July 2004 4:06:13pm

Ruby groans and rubs her head, then she opens her eyes. Jasmine! Lita! Xavier! I`m so glad you`re here, I had another vision......we have GOT to return to the castle right now!
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Postby Jinxed Angie » Saturday 24 July 2004 12:11:47am

A complete stranger enters the hall, wearing a really short black dress and a cool hair style, apparently she is one of Dumbledor's guests.
Hi everybody! she says in a very seductive way.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 3 April 2005 9:32:11am

Morphena Dumbledore enters the hall and a hush comes over the room. The metamorphmagus is today wearing his favourite combination of blonde hair with deep blue eyes and a lean physique. He walks over to the middle of the room, puts on a forced expression, and transforms into a Phoenix in front of their eyes, for he is also an animagus. His father Albus helped him to become one a year ago.
He flies over to his partner for the night, and the beautiful bird offers her an equally amazing flower.
He spins her around, and the dance begins.
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Sunday 29 May 2005 6:35:52am

Stephanie's nerves overcame her as she stood alone in the entrance hall, shivering, she looked herself over wondering what her partner would think of her slim, dark blue dress, she wished she could go back to her dorm and check for the millionth time if she looked ok,but It was too late as she spotted him, Eric Malfoy the cutest guy in the school, her partner!!!

He almost looked like he was gliding across the floor as he walked towards her. She looked into his dark blue eyes and his into hers, she sighed,
"You look absolutley stunning tonight!!!" he said in his deep meaningful voice,
She couldn't speak, her veela blood rose into her cheeks and her ears turned Weasley red....
He took her slim hand in his own and walked her into the Great Hall...

As they walked hand in hand into the hall, people's heads turned to look at them,
Stephanie smiled and Eric reached across and held onto her waist and she softly put her hands onto his firm shoulders and held him close...

This was the best night of her life...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 5 June 2005 5:46:33am

Morphena hears the muttering around the hall of "show-off." Though he's dancing with the most beautiful girl in the school, rage flows through him. Why did Dad teach me all this stuff?!?! I just wanna be normal! He whispers to his partner that he's going to go for a walk outside. She doesn't want to come, and goes and gets herself a drink.
He opens the door and walks down the entrance hall, glancing at all the kissing couples trying to hide but not doing very well. He opens the great door and walks down the steps out into the grounds.
Sitting down on the ground in agony and rage from the years of neglect and little love from his ather and the students around him, and having to create an image that wasn't himself, Morphena collapses and tenses his fists. His wand is out in front of him. He has no control over himself. He yearns for power! He engulfs himself in a mighty flame and burns him like no flame has ever burnt before. The fire rips into him, and he becomes one with the dark.
Morphena has eyes of flame and wields power greater than no other.
It's time to go back inside.
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Postby Asphodel » Saturday 5 November 2005 6:42:25pm

A weird guy with googly eyes runs around shouting "Guest, Guest!" Everyone stares.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 6 November 2005 1:47:39am

Morphena stormed back into the Hall in a rage.
He would teach them a lesson! Those that had the nerve to insult him!
His power grew as the anger swept through him. It changed his shape naturally, and he barely noticed.
He was the personification of evil. No longer would he stand for this rubbish.
"These fools coming here into my school, robbing me of my life!" He cried.
No longer would he stand for it. He marched through the Hall tossing aside anyone in his way. He threw his dark cloak aside, and armed himself with his wand [Oak, phoenix feather, 12 inches] and his sword. The sword was, predictably, magic. It varied for his moods. He had forged it himself with materials found under the Lake, given to him by the Mer-people in exchange for a task. That the past now, though. The sword was burning, yearning for the sweet taste of revenge.
The crowd hushed as he drew it, feeling his aura pulsing with anger. Some ran away. He let them, their existence mattered nothing to him. He approached the Head table with silence, his robe brushing the floor.
He raised his sword in front of him with his left hand, with his wand in his right.
"You", He whispered, unnerving the onlookers. "Too long have you stolen my duties, my rights, my inheritance." The man was young, maybe 21, 22. He was the newly-appointed Potions Master.
"I have done nothing you have not had coming to you", said the Potions Master.
"Your ignorance is only equalled by your complete lack of talent. Leave or die!" Morphena snapped.
"I will call your father, Morphena. You wouldn't like that now, would you?" The Potions Master baited. Morphena looked panicked.
"You will do no such thing! You will die... Harry Potter!"
Last edited by Phoenix in the Ashes on Saturday 2 February 2008 5:51:25am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 6 November 2005 4:38:24am

*weird guy with googly eyes runs up* "Put down wand!" The potions master just laughs and casts stupefy on weird guy with googly eyes.
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Sunday 6 November 2005 9:43:27am

Morphena looks at the WGWGE. He shakes his head and laughs a terrible laugh. It shakes the hall, like an earthquake, and shatters the windows.
"Enervate", he whispered. "Stay by my side, Googly. Move, and you die."
Harry looked at Morphena with rage.
"You wouldn't dare!" He cried. Harry could feel Morphena's power against him, his wrath directed firmly toward himself.
"No? Have you any idea how it is to be neglected your entire life. To be ignored? To be cast away as though you're a nuisance? No, you don't. You're Harry Potter. You stole my father away from me. Because of you he was never there for me! And you will never be there for your son either. How, very... ironic." He finished with a curled lip.
"You won't get away with this." Harry said calmly.
"No", he admitted. "I won't have to get away. You, or the child? let's see how the great Potter decides to die! You, or your googly-eyed son?"
"How dare you threaten me", Harry shouted.
"Stupefy!" Harry cast.
"Protego!" The spell was deflected with ease.
The battle, had begun.
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Postby Asphodel » Sunday 6 November 2005 6:27:29pm

WGWGE looked between Morphena and Harry, unsure of what to do...
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Monday 7 November 2005 5:48:15am

"Stay put", Morphena advised.
"Don't you dare tell my son what to do!" Harry shouted and pointed his wand.
Harry jumped over the table and kicked Morphena down to the ground before he could realise what had happened. Harry had stopped time momentarily using one of his most precious spells, the Elixes Mesio. He now had the chance to put and end to the charade.
"You never were very good at improvising," said Harry. "Always did it buy the cook, didn't you?"
Harry pointed his wand at Morphena.
"Stupefy!" He cried. Morphena slumped and fell feebly.
"Ow," He cried. "That really hurt!" The crowd appeared shocked. Harry's spell hadn't worked.
"Did you honestly believe that that would work?" Morphena laughed cruely. "Nothing can shock me after the wonders I have seen! Now, fool. Feel my wrath!" He lifted up his hands and the roof went with them. Flames were erupting from the tip of his wand, surrounding the three in circles of fire.
He recited an ancient spell:

When the fire glows,
and the cauldron bubbles,
When the river wakes,
and the nights grow dim.

The Voice will call,
The Spell will cast,
The Doom will wreck the path.

Out of the Fire,
The future will spin.
The dawn will rise,
The day will dim.
All that cries,
Will never know,
That he hast died,
And the day will fold
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