*hugs* to won who gave me a kiss
, consider yourself a friend and worthy of me sticking up for you whenever you need
*hugs* gecko , you're like a white knight
*hugs* TDM , peace keeping core
*hugs* pinky also keeping things calm
*hugs* meg because she cant be round much
*hugs* alice I You are so supportive and amazing to me helen sends her love to you and anya gurgled her appreciation
*hugs* to Athena because you have also been a great help and support to me and helen and anya thankyou so much ( helen and anya send their love to you too)
*hugs* to groo keeping posting happy posts and spreading joy
*hugs* to paul i know your job is hard mate
*hugs* to sonkem no hard feelings
*hugs* to ravenclaw in general
*hugs* to everyone i have forgotten ( i know there must be alot)
***ANYA***sends gurgles and giggles to everyone who wished her and helen well
***HELEN***wants me to say thankyou to everyone who gave me support and held anya and her in their thoughts and prayers