Mint, choki and anime!!!

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Postby Mint » Friday 2 July 2004 6:17:59pm

yeah, Azumanga Daioh - thats it. Its pretty funny (only saw 1 eps. so far)

Oh and for all of u Naruto fans - i wont be surprised if they gonna show it on TV soon too. THey seem to try to pick up all the brand new popular shows ^^ (too bad most of them are shonen .\_/.)

angel sanctuary - um, i dont like the whole brother/sister love relationships....i find them pretty sick ^-^ so I stay away from anime like that <_<' Plus its pretty dark... But if u can get passed that I heared that it is pretty good anime.

Ranma 1/2 - i never actually saw the whole thing so I wouldn't mind seing that.. but yeah - i agree about repeats >_<!

Its interesting though - "On Demand" never shows repeats, but it also means if u dont attempt to watch an episode for a month - its forever gone o_o' I was watching Orphan - and I missed last episode >_<!! And i wanted to know how it all ended...
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Postby Krum » Saturday 3 July 2004 7:35:53am

Yup, it's sick, sick, sick, sick!!!!
(but it's very nicely animated-soo realistic effects)
erm...Naruto airs July 7th which means that it's pretty soon, although it should have been shown this week :evil:
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Postby Mint » Monday 12 July 2004 8:21:43pm

I saw 2 eps. of Azumanga Diaoh (or whatever). OMG its so funny XD I usually dont laugh outloud but here I had to.
1st eps. was OK, second - hilarious. The coolest character is Osaka. she is erm slow but is easily everyones fav!

And Pretear is sooo cool *-* prettiful!!
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Postby Ron Weasley » Monday 12 July 2004 8:50:53pm

we in austria have not Azumanga Daioh ,so i don`t now it... but I like naruto....... it`s great :grin:
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Postby Krum » Thursday 15 July 2004 11:59:59am

yep, I'm just waiting for naruto ep.91 to be subbed or to learn Japanese(whichever comes first :) )
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Postby choki » Friday 16 July 2004 2:35:26pm

Doesn't everyone in Azumanga Daioh have that blur expression on their faces? It's annoyingly cute :lol:
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Postby Krum » Saturday 17 July 2004 5:25:29pm

Azumanga Daioh?How is that translated in English?I might have heard of it
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Postby choki » Sunday 18 July 2004 12:55:59pm

erm...I don't know what it means in japanese...daioh is probably translated as big king or something...hang on let me check
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 20 July 2004 4:06:47pm

Azumanga Daioh is how the show is called in english o_o. Its already dubbed and being shown on TV ^-^

Lol - yeah Choki, they do have funny expressions - Osaka (my fav.) is the one with "blank" expression. XD

I am almost done with Final Fantasy Unlimited ^^. Did u ever get a chance to watch it Choki?
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Postby choki » Wednesday 28 July 2004 4:37:33pm chance watching FFU at all :grin:
I am still not done with Full Moon...I'm at episode 30 I guess...

Finally vol 2 of genbu kaiden is out...been waiting for it for 6 mths
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 28 July 2004 7:59:32pm

yey :) i decided to stop at FruitBasket and Suikoden Manga. I wish they would give out books like that in the library - cause after Im done reading them - they just lay around in my apartment. I just gave away a bag full of my old SailorMoon/Ceres manga. <_< it was a big heavy bag....o_o

I just watched 2 episodes of Witch Hunter was interesting. Im sort of confused (It was eps. 4 and 5 or smth like that so I dont know what happened in the beggining) but I liked it. Its a lil dark though.

But afer that I watched 2 eps. of Pretear ^-^ I love watching good anime...for free!!! :grin:

OH - I get Sampler DVDs with my anime magazine everymonth - last month DVD had a Gravitation eps. on it ^^' My husband was walkin past TV <_<' he was like "er...what r u watchin? o_o" Im like "oh i dont know" -_- good thing he left before the kiss scene :lol: That series is seriously geared toward yaoi fans. Its pretty clean (well the first eps. was) - but there is nothing there xcept for bishonen <_<
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Postby choki » Thursday 29 July 2004 8:13:59am

hahaha...your husband would definitely freak out if he sees the yaoi scene!
Lol, ever since I started to collect manga, I realised I do not have enough space for them...time for a spring cleaning soon...maybe sometime next year :razz:
Yes free anime is gooooood...haha but I have far too much things to download...Oooops :o did I said I downloaded a lot of files? Hahaha

And I got a scanner at last...well it is the multi purpose printer so everyone can finally get a feast on the talented choki's art works after I find a free website for uploading images...pity that the talented choki is quite an idiot with pc/internet stuff :o
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Postby Mint » Thursday 29 July 2004 3:15:27pm

I can help ^-^

Deviant Art is a big website hosting art of alot of artists. Like you have your own gallery/journals/ about you sections. Its really cool - and ppl can comment on your art.

Its free or not-free ^-^ lol you can subscibe to it to get premium services, but most ppl like me just get a free basic service.

The website is super easy to use.

Coooool :3 me like art! Talented Choki must draw me smth!!!! :evil grin: ^^
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Postby choki » Thursday 29 July 2004 5:03:31pm

Haha...i shall soon create a choki art thread...mwuahhahahaha :evil: ducks shall rule the world soon!
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Postby Krum » Tuesday 3 August 2004 9:49:20am

I'm happy :lol: .A local TV channel started the Yu-Gi-Oh series...the only thing left to do is find out when they air :evil:
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