What if Harry would join Voldemort?

What would have happened if The Sorting Hat had insisted on sorting Harry into Slytherin? Or what if Harry had become friends with Draco Malfoy instead of Ron during their first journey on the Hogwarts Express? Wander into alternative Harry Potter universes here.

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Postby TomFeltonLover939 » Friday 2 July 2004 6:04:13pm

i think that voldemort would have to kill him because of what the prophecy said, that one of them would have to die...and then the whole wizarding world would fall into voldemorts power
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Postby Mint » Friday 2 July 2004 6:34:47pm

Or perhaps Harry Potter would kill Voldemort and took over the world following his own ideals. :evil:
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Postby Draco_lover2513 » Saturday 8 January 2005 12:16:46am

I hope he does that would be a great ending!!!! I think it would!!
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Postby eZe-m3r0-ChuCkY » Friday 25 March 2005 10:52:33pm

0oH, interesting!! If Harry was to join Voldemort they would definitely be on the front page of the daily prophet!!! I think Harry will kill Voldemort! First Voldemort will plan to get on Harry's good side then kill him but Harry would be a step ahead and kill him instead! Then Harry will get carried away with all his power and comit suicide!
:eek: IMAGINE THAT!!! :eek:
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Postby Tanuki » Sunday 27 March 2005 12:53:22am

Why would he kill himself? Getting carried away with power usually means trying to stay alive as long as possible
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