Half Blood Prince

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Half Blood Prince

Postby Nobby » Tuesday 29 June 2004 11:01:49pm

In light of the confirmed book 6 title, who do you reckon the half blood prince is? (it's not harry or voldemort)

let's start making a list of half bloods i think

Seamus Finnigan
Mark Evans?
Dean Thomas (dad was a wizard- see jk's site 4 details)

....and so on...
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Postby rbdpbeatle » Tuesday 29 June 2004 11:59:52pm

I know that this may seem kinda stupid, but I think that the Half-blood Prince might be Draco. *ducks* It'll take me some time to get a decent theory about it set, but he was my first thought when I read the title. ^^;;

But some other half-bloods are....I can't think of any to save my life...^^;;
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Wednesday 30 June 2004 2:01:43am

dumbledore possibly, we're never told of his parents
someone we haven't met yet

there's a lot of possibilities simply b/c we don't know for sure who is halfblood and who isn't. jkr said that she cut information out of cos b/c she thought that book 6 was its true home, so i'll have to read cos again and see if i can come up with anything.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 30 June 2004 2:31:34am

I'm not gonna be your favorite person for reminding you, but we've never had any hints as to what the titles are referring to before the actual book comes out, leading me to believe that it's either someone we don't know, or someone we know virtually nothing about.

I'm guessing Mark Evans, or a new person. :grin:

In P/SS, the fact that there was a Chamber of Secrets in the castle was never mentioned.

In neither of the first two books, there's any evidence at all that Sirius Black is at Azkaban (yes, he's mentioned, but only as the guy who loaned Hagrid his moterbike, nothing else).

In the first three books, the fact that there ever was a Triwizard Tournament, or a Goblet of Fire, is never mentioned, and no hint is there that I can tell that there will be a major event other than the World Cup coming up in the fourth book.

Order of the Phoenix is the only one with a few very obscure hints. We know that there are people who are working against Voldemort, and we know the basics of what phoenixes are and what their qualities are, but we know nothing of an organized group of people dedicated to fighting Voldemort and his minions.

I tend to believe that the title "Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince" refers to either someone never mentioned, or at the most is only very very vaguely mentioned. The characters who intrigue me the most who are just supposed passing names are Mark Evans (who I think could possibly be the Half-blood Prince) and Perkins (who I have another theory about).
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Wednesday 30 June 2004 2:42:22am

the only problem with the half blood prince being mark evans is that jkr said that this was almost the title of the second book, and we knew nothing about mark evans then. and in book 2, the current evans would have been 7 years old.

and i just realized that one of the possibilities that i wrote can't be the hbp b/c tonks would be a princess and not a prince :lol:
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 30 June 2004 3:09:57am

Yeah... I can't get on that site, so I really can't see what Rowling had to say about it at all. So, yeah, I guess that would throw off my Mark Evans theory.

If it's not him, though, I still wouldn't say it would be a main character like Hagrid, Lupin or even like Seamus or Dean.

When I was able to get on her site at my in-law's house, I read what she said about Dean Thomas's story, and how she decided to let it go in order to further the Neville story. So I don't think Dean will have too much more significance in the last books.

I still think it'll be someone we don't know, or just another passing name.
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Wednesday 30 June 2004 8:57:22am

What do you think the HBP`s significance in the books will be?

If JK is followin along the lines of book 3`s major charachter hints (remember Sirius was mentioned in passing at the beginning of book 3) then we could be meeting someone who had very little sway on the story-line before.

And I have just realized I said what Athena`s been saing so I`ll just sit down now

*sits down and looks sheepish* :oops:
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 30 June 2004 1:50:20pm

if book 6 is linked somehow to book 2, wouldn't it make sense that its a new character in book 2! something keeps telling me Colin Creevey!!!!!!!!

a new character in book 2, although apparantly muggle born could well be half blood! and his character has been quite obscure except book 2!!!!
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Postby Phaerie » Wednesday 30 June 2004 2:33:58pm

I know this is vaguely weird, but i think it could be Tom Riddle. I know that Riddle is Voldemort and JK said it wasn't Voldemort,
My reasoning being

In one of the books (CoS i think) it says Riddle changed a great deal to become voldemort and very few people knew they were one and the same person. Hence they could be considered as seperate entities.

He was introduced in CoS

He is a half blood

He is the heir of Slytherin, wouldn't this make him kind of like a prince. I know this isn't exactly royalty. But the wizarding community doesn't appear to have a royal family, and i doubt JK would really use the English royal family.

I think (could somebody confirm this). JK said in an interview that we were going to find out what lead Voldemort to become what he is. So find out more about his childhood. Riddle was his teenage self.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 30 June 2004 4:30:37pm

What if the half-blood prince used to be Tom Riddle, but isn't anymore?


What if she wrote what we now know as Chamber of Secrets with the plan to have it be called Half-Blood Prince, referring to Tom Riddle, but then changed it to Chamber of Secrets.

But she really liked the title and wanted to use it all along.

Now she has another story with a different half-blood (by the way, muggle born people and people with one-wizard/one-muggle parent are both called "mudblood") person, and she was able to revive the title that she liked several years ago, only now it's talking about a different person?

I don't think the person this title is referring to is Tom Riddle, just because I don't think she would flat out say that it's not Voldemort if it is the person that used to be Voldemort. I think, since she seems to love dropping hints and making us crazy, she would have found another way to put that so that it would leave the possibility open that it is "kind of" Voldemort.

Not to mention, she got rid of Tom Riddle in a pretty clear-cut way... how would she bring him back without making it seem like a soap-opera (you know... he's dead, he's alive again, he's dead, he's alive again, he's coming back as a memory, his memory is disappeared, he's come back as a human......) starts sounding a little melodramatic after a while. :grin:

If she's only trying to revive the title, it could still be someone we don't know yet...

So far, very few people have been introduced that I think would be the half-blood prince.
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Postby choki » Wednesday 30 June 2004 4:41:21pm

Athena Appleton wrote:Now she has another story with a different half-blood (by the way, muggle born people and people with one-wizard/one-muggle parent are both called "mudblood") person, and she was able to revive the title that she liked several years ago, only now it's talking about a different person?

I thought half blood refers to having a wizard parent and a muggle parent/muggleborn parent.
One-wizard/one-muggle parent are not called "mudblood"
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 30 June 2004 5:05:11pm

:lol: when I wrote that I had an example in mind... can't remember what it was now, though...

There was someone who is referred to as a mudblood who is half and half... wish I could remember who now, though...

Maybe I was thinking that mudblood refers to someone who only has muggle parents, and those people are also referred to as halfbloods somewhere...

*shrug* If I remember what I was talking about, I'll post it. :grin:
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Wednesday 30 June 2004 8:46:59pm

It's such a contradicting title, isn't it? I mean prince - one would think of someone pure-blooded like Malfoys or Black, but there's this half-blood...

Is there something that wizards could consider a royalty? Descendants of the Hogwarts founders or people like Black...
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Postby hoopsmaster88 » Wednesday 30 June 2004 9:24:03pm

you're right phinea it is a contradicting title, how can someone be a half blood, yet still be a prince?

it's mentioned somewhere in the books that tom riddle was actually being called lord voldemort during his later days at hogwarts, so i doubt jkr would say it's not voldemort then make it tom riddle. before i saw that she ruled out voldemort that's who i though for sure the half blood prince was.

it would be great if it turned out to be lupin. b/c she always makes it a point to say how tired and shabby lupin looks, then later on we find out that he's a prince. it'd be a great story, but i have a feeling it won't be him.

another possibility is that it isn't even someone who is alive, but someone from the past who was a half blood prince. godric gryffindor maybe?? it never says that he is a pureblood, but also never states that he isn't either. was this another reason that salazar slytherin left the school, b/c he didn't want to share it with a half blood?
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Postby Groo » Thursday 1 July 2004 9:28:14am

i somehow always thought that Godric Gryffindor was a pure-blood, being such an ancient wizard and all that. also him and Slytherin were great friends , so the Sorting hat mentions hence i dont think Slytherin fought with him because of that, just a difference of opinion

i think it is possible that Mark Evans would be the hbp. i cant see Seamus or Dean suddenly thrown into the limelight
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