Hogwarts Spring Dance

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Postby Female_alien » Wednesday 16 June 2004 9:40:06pm

The poison from snake's teeth was circulating her body. Alexis was shaking and fever seemed to win over her body. Her lungs were compressed and she was putting the last atoms of energy into breathing. Her sight was growing weak and she could only see two figures kneeling next to her, but could not recognise or think anything. Her eyes were closing like she had no control over them. All her sences were withering away, she started to breath even heavier. She felt the end... She knew it's near.
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Postby TDM » Wednesday 16 June 2004 10:57:52pm

The Animagus slithered away in their snake form, as their wand had been fired away by the many Disarming Charms that had been fired at it. Xavier bent down toward Alexis, and quickly thought up a charm. Arteriformacus! Xavier said, tapping his wand on her heart. I stopped her blood flowing, so the poison would stop spreading. As long as no spells shock her into submission, she'll be fine. But make sure that nothing, I repeat, nothing touches her. Even the weakest hex would kill her, but we had to stop the venom. Xavier got up, looking at who was all here. It seemed as if everyone was here besides Lita.

Dammit, Xavier muttered. We should have found her by now. I can't let them know yet. If I tell them, they'll be furious at me that we hadn't used this gift of mine beforehand. Plus, they might think I was behind all of this or something, as I was lurking at the back of the group when Alexis was attacked. It would look too suspiscious if I told them now. I need to single one of them out and let them in on it. Xavier looked at the two paths leading away from the clearing.

Orion, Fenris, and Ruby, you three plus Alexis go down the right path. Jasmine, come with me down the left path. I bet one will lead us right to Lita.
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Postby choki » Thursday 17 June 2004 7:58:12am

I think it would be the best if someone can get Alexis back to the castle as fast as possible, says Jasmine. As soon as she finishes her sentence, there comes a sound of galloping hooves and a soft fluttering of wings. Shukanate and Little! Glad by their appearances, Jasmine turns to the rest and continues. Help is here at last!

What's wrong with that girl? The centaur asks, pointing to Alexis. This snidget flew to me and signalled me to follow it.

We need your help. Alexis has been bitten by a venomous...no...an animagus snake..which is a mad wizard...and she got to be send back to Hogwarts with the fastest speed possible! Jasmine explains as she pleads for the centaur's help, knowing that centaurs do not often associate with the wizarding world. Surprisingly, Shukanate agrees. Everyone helps harnessing Alexis onto Shukanate's back with quite a few temporary sticking charms to make sure she stays on the centaur's back throughout the journey back to Hogwarts. We'll be counting on you! The rest watch as the centaur gallops out of sight. Alright then...we move on! I think we all have got a little business to settle with that animagus says Jasmine determinedly.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Thursday 17 June 2004 9:21:10am

Oh, I'm sure she'll be alright after Madam Pomfrey has seen to her, won't she? Ruby asks helplessly. After being reassured by the others she says OK, let's go, we need to find Lita soon. With these words she gives Orion a weak smile and turns into the right path.
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Postby Ferrus » Thursday 17 June 2004 8:39:56pm

Right, lets go. With a determined look on his face Orion walks up to the right turning. Fenris, make sure they don't catch us unawares OK? He tells his dog, looking mainly at the ground, keeping a look out for the snake.
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Postby TDM » Thursday 17 June 2004 8:42:03pm

Okay, Jasmine, let's head down the left path. The two walked slowly down the path, wands lit with the Lumos spell. It had seemed as if no one had been down this path for a long time. However, at the end of the path, there was a clearing, but it proved to be more promising than the others that they had encountered thus far.

There were broken restraints in the middle of it, as if someone that had been there was not any longer. She broke free! Xavier thought, looking at Jasmine, and knowing that she had thought the same. Quickly, the two ran over to an open trunk, desperate for any clues. Inside was a beautiful jade necklace. No way... Xavier said. Quickly, he picked it up and put it in his pocket. If Lita got free, she went down that path, I just know it. Xavier and Jasmine went down the suspected path with haste.
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Postby choki » Friday 18 June 2004 8:43:45am

I hope we get to Lita before that man does, says Jasmine. We have stayed too long in the Forbidden Forest... Jasmine pauses, looking at Xavier, ...there's a reason why Dumbledore forbides students from entering and I hope nobody else get to find out the reason why.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Friday 18 June 2004 10:25:18am

After a while walking down the path, Ruby suddenly stops. Swaying slighty, she gets hold of Orion's robe, holding him back. Orion......I feel....weird!she whispers, a feverish look in her eyes. Suddenly her eyes turn white and she sinks to her knees, still clutching Orion's robe.
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Postby TDM » Friday 18 June 2004 10:04:11pm

I don't think we know the worst that's in here, Xavier muttered, looking sideways towards her. Now...I have to do it NOW! Jasmine...there's something that I've been keeping from all of you. You're all going to be angry at me from not telling you this sooner, but it was because ever since me and my dad found out about it, he made me not tell, because he'd think that people would take advantage of me. Well...I'm a Metamorphmagus.
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Postby choki » Saturday 19 June 2004 4:17:52am

You're a...metamorphmagus!!! Now, that's interesting..I never knew anyone being a metamorphmagus. And you're one!?! Jasmine says, with a slight envy in her tone. Well, that's not a dangerous factor, isn't it?.....unlike me.... She mutters under her breath. Looking at Xavier nervously, Jasmine hesitates. Should I tell him or not? But I promised Dumbledore.... Jasmine decides to hint Xavier rather than to tell him directly. It's luckily it isn't full moon today, isn't it? Realising Xavier is looking at her with a peculiar look, she continues hastily. So...erm...what are you planning to do?
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Postby TDM » Saturday 19 June 2004 7:42:36pm

What do you mean, 'lucky it's not a full moon?' Xavier asked, catching on Jasmine's hint. So...you're a...no...couldn't be...no...I don't believe it, sorry. Xavier looks away, knowing what she is, but he can't believe it. He decides just to pass on the subject. Anyway, I felt like I needed to tell someone before I was suspected. Which I'm not doing this, Xavier added quickly. But, there was a necklace that my mother had. She said that it was something important to her. She gave it to me, actually, but I don't wear necklaces, because I'm a guy...I wonder what power these things can have...
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Postby choki » Sunday 20 June 2004 4:18:01am

Maybe the necklaces have to get together and...something will happen? Jasmine says. I don't think anyone will suspect you at all. I mean, you're interested in Lita, isn't it? She asks. Erm...Xavier, I...er... Jasmine pauses for a while, not knowing how to continue. Bracing herself, she speaks, ...Lita doesn't know about me being...a werewolf...I wouldn't have told you but since you let me into your secret, I had to let you know as well...I mean, I had a hard time lying to Lita for the past three years. I don't want to continue lying but...I...can't say...I- Jasmine stops abruptly when she sees Lita on the ground.
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Postby TDM » Wednesday 23 June 2004 5:55:04pm

Wait, Xavier said, throwing her arm back and catching Jasmine before she could go to Lita. How are we so sure that it's her? Maybe that Animagus guy isn't an Animagus at all, but a Metamorphagus like myself? Hmm...lemme try and force the user into their original form...Yudaflar!, Xavier muttered that last word as a spell to try and force the limp figure of Lita into their original form, in case it wasn't Lita at all...
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Postby tiggirl » Monday 28 June 2004 4:36:30am

Lita's eyes pop open. Every muscle in her body stretches and contracts. Through her blurred vision, she sees 2 figures standing before her. Her vision clears as one of the figures kneels next to her. Jasmine, it's really you. She embraces her best friend. I've been so worried about you. Are you alright? Xavier walks over and helps the girls to thier feet. Lita hugs him. Thank you for finding me. How did you find me, all I've managed to do is go in circles. Well, that doesn't matter, if you know the way out, we need to take it as soon as possible. There's a very dangerous wizard around here somewhere. He kidnapped me and tried to get me to give him my necklace. Suddenly she remembers the jade necklace. Oh, no. I forgot the necklace. Before we go, there's something important that I have to get. All this happened because of me, my necklace. I found out that there's 3 necklaces of power. Mine and 2 others. When they're together, they give the wearer tremendous power. This person has been trying to collect them. I found one of them in a trunk where I was being held. I have to go back and get it so I can take it to it's owner, assuming we get out of this.
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Postby choki » Monday 28 June 2004 12:37:01pm

You mean the jade necklace in the trunk? Jasmine asks and receives a nod from Lita. You don't have to worry about that...it is with Xavier. Hang on...Lita..you said there were three necklaces? Jasmine quickly turns to Xavier, I remembered you said your mum gave you a necklace. Is it possible that you had the last one with you?
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