The Romulus and Remus is hardly bogus. How about we look up the facts, and I will condence it for you;
Mars, the god of war, has two twin sons
Afraid they would overthrow him, they were placed in a trough and thrown in the Tibus River
They were raised by a wolf mother
Romulus founded Rome
Remus was killed by his brother
Romulus then ruled with king Titus Tatius, ruled until Tatius was killed, then Romulus ruled solo and did his thing
Now, the things that are similar----The Name Remus for one. Then the obvious wolf referancing. Okay now lets amagine Rome as the group of Sirius, James, Remus and Peter. Okay, rome founded by crooks and thieves, possibly a referance to the Marurders, And there is the Mars referance, Mars..god of war...war of good and evil..
okay, now going along with the Rome thing, the history of the Roman empire. Things were great for a while, then things started to get too big for some people and it splits in two....good and evil in the sence of Harry Potter. Now, getting away from the Romulus and Remus thing.. Lets say the good friends, ie; Sirius, james and Remus were the western Roman empire, while the evil was eastern half, ie; Peter and his friends.
The western half of Rome was done away with by the Goths of the North. These barbarians ran down the western half, in this case, good. Now, barbarians, sounds a little like the Death Eaters in the sence they like violance and senceless killing.
So there may be a little bit too the obvious referances to mythology, rather then dismissing them entirly. Yes, this ramble, was obvious in my mind, but thats a rather scary place to go, my mind, that is.
Probably my most ludicous theroy yet, and I know most people could do without a history lesson
And I typed that pretty fast, so please excuse the spelling mistakes.