Hogwarts Spring Dance

A home for old scenarios who may have come to an end for RPG playing but whose life and excitement can still be enjoyed in story form.

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Postby tiggirl » Sunday 6 June 2004 7:31:56am

When Lita wakes up, the first thing she notices is the sound of the rain. What happened? Slowly, she begins to remeber the events in the clearing. Jasmine, I hope you're alright. Suddenly a man begins to speak. There's no point in laying there. You've been awake for several minutes now. Ok, don't panic. Remeber that none of the unforgivable curses can harm me . . . But regular spells do, not to mention sharp objects. Slowly Lita sits up and leans against the wall, her muscles are still sore from the stunning spell. Who are you? What do you want? She tries to get a glimpse of her captor's face, but he's standing in shadow. So she turns her attention to her surroundings. A cave?! Looks like he's been here for a long time too. Lita's inspection is cut short when the stranger approaches her. She looks around franticly for her wand. Looking for this? He holds up her wand.I'll hold it for you. She shrinks back as he approaches. Are you afraid? Don't worry. I won't hurt you . . . much.
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Postby choki » Sunday 6 June 2004 5:05:21pm

Alexis, I'm sorry I didn't see you just now, it's too dark around here...Lumos Casting a beam of light, Jasmine points her wand around, trying to get a clear picture of the unfamiliar surrounding. She spots the remaining two girls and signals to them. Ruby, Moonstone! Over here! Jasmine calls out eagerly. Upon seeing her companions who have been looking for her ever since she dashed into the woods alone, Jasmine apologises. I'm sorry to let you all worry. But everything's fine. Except for a sprain in the ankle...Oh yeah, we have to find Lita in pairs! Everyone had almost forgotten about Shukanate until he started speaking. Are you all looking for someone? says Shukanate with a curious look. Thinking Shukanate might know Lita's whereabouts, Jasmine hurries over to Shukanate's side despite her ankle. Yes! Have you seen a girl with curly hair and this tall? Jasmine asks while pointing to a height taller than her. At this exact moment, Jasmine cringes as she senses a sharp pain in her sprained ankle. It's nothing... Jasmine ensures the others who reacted almost instantly. Thinking that it was due to her injury earlier on, she brushes it aside, not knowing that the pain was actually a result from Lita's new wound at the same location.
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Postby Ferrus » Monday 7 June 2004 7:31:24pm

Right! lets pair up and start the search now. But before he can suggest any pairs Fenris runs up to him and starts pulling at the hem of his robes. Come on! Follow me! Growls the dog before trotting towards the thickest part of the forest. Lets go! I think Fenris know where Lita is! Or at least he´d better, thinks Orion gloomily, making his way through the muddy forest floor, now totally soaked.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Monday 7 June 2004 7:45:36pm

Alright, let's follow him, Ruby says shivering, and she rushes after Orion and Fenris. After a while Fenris stops at the entrance of a dark cave, panting. Ruby looks at Orion worriedly, asking Shall we?
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Postby TDM » Monday 7 June 2004 9:40:34pm

I will lend you a ride, Shukanate says. The other centuars believe we shouldn't do so, but I feel that we must overcome the evil prediction that we have made.

What prediction? Xavier asks. Is it about Lita? What's happening to her!?!?!
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Postby tiggirl » Tuesday 8 June 2004 7:03:17am

Lita struggles to hold on to consiousness, but with each blast from her tormentor's wand it becomes harder. Suddenly he lowers his wand. She watches in growing horror as he approachs and kneals next to her. This is it . . . he's had his fun, and now he'll end it . . . I can barely feel anything. At least it won't hurt. To Lita's surprise, the stranger strokes her forehead and talks to her in a soothing voice. Are you tired? Do you want this to stop? You can make it stop. All you have to do is give me the necklace. Give me Viola's Tear and you won't have to hurt anymore. Just take it off, put it in my hand and say out loud that you give it to me, of your own free will. And if you do that, I'll send you right back to your party. The night is young, you can still have a good time with your friends. Lita looks at him, resolve forming in her eyes. No, you'll have to kill me. I won't give it away. He grabs her head and slams it to the ground. I WOULD kill you, but it's not that simple! If I kill you, the jem would be lost to me. So you see, I just have to convince you to change your mind. Luckily for you, I'm a patient man, and creative. I'm sure I can get you to see things my way.
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Postby choki » Tuesday 8 June 2004 10:08:31am

That...I'm afraid I cannot tell you, says Shukanate.

What is it you know that we don't? What's with the prediction? Listen, I'm real sick and tired of everything that has happened today, Jasmine shouts out. Forget about the rules and regulations...we are talking about innocent lives here. Just tell us, Shukanate!

All I can say is that you have to choose your own path, says Shukanate as he looks up into the sky.

What are you talking about? Man, I give up! I am not going to wait for miracles to happen. Jasmine says in fit of her blinding rage as she limps toward the entrance of the cave. Ok, this is just so wonderful... She comments as she sees at least three different routes within the cave. So what now? Choose your own path, eh? Jasmine says loudly so that Shukanate who is still outside watching the sky could hear her.
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Postby TDM » Tuesday 8 June 2004 5:53:42pm

Point Me to Lita Xavier commanded his wand, putting a little twist on the old spell. However, his wand just continued to spin around, not stopping anywhere. Damn, they put a Non-directional charm on this cave. I think that we're going to have to split up to find her. Either that, or someone hurry up on learn Occlumency to use on Shukanate.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Tuesday 8 June 2004 7:30:40pm

Alright, so who's coming with me? Alexis? asks Ruby, smiling at her friend encouragingly.
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Postby Female_alien » Tuesday 8 June 2004 9:03:30pm

Alexis just nodds and stands next to Ruby trying to look careless with a false smile on her face. She was sickly worried about Lita. We'll take the right one, o.k.? Is there even a chance she's o.k.? She was asking herself constantly
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Postby choki » Wednesday 9 June 2004 9:46:10am

I will take the left one, and I am not alone. My pet is still with me, says Jasmine as she points to the tiny bulging side pocket. As for that centaur, he can do whatever he wants... Shukanate remains silent. Limping slightly, Jasmine walks up to the left tunnel. Just before she was about to set foot into the tunnel, Shukanate spoke. Are you sure you want to walk that path?

Yes, unless you are going to tell me which path is the right one! Jasmine answers defiantly.

I, myself, do not know which is the correct path. Shukanate says. However, the stars told me things...everything is predestined...I cannot change the unfolding of events. It's up to you all to find what lies ahead... Unable to control her anger toward Shukanate, Jasmine stomps into the left tunnel, ignoring her sprained ankle.

The stars aren't shining bright tonight...one will fade off soon... says Shukanate in his own head.
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Postby Won Wheezy » Wednesday 9 June 2004 4:23:17pm

Shouldn't somebody go with Jasmine? asks Ruby worriedly, a pet won't be that much help if she is attacked, will it?
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Postby Ferrus » Wednesday 9 June 2004 5:22:37pm

Don´t worry, I´ll go after her Fenris, stay with Xavier and take care of him. Right? Then he points his wand forward and runs after Jasmine.
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Postby TDM » Wednesday 9 June 2004 6:05:13pm

Okay, Fenris, let's head running. Xavier and Fenris sprint down the middle path, Fenris at Xavier's heels. They run down the path, coming into another clearing with three more choices. Fenris sniffed the air, and then took off down the rightmost path. Running, Xavier could only hope to himself that Lita wasn't being harmed...
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Postby tiggirl » Thursday 10 June 2004 5:52:03pm

Lita braces herself for whatever might come next, hoping that she wouldn't give in to the stranger's demands. Come on, Lita. You've got to think of something. Lita racks her brain trying to think of some way out, while the stranger stands above her, tapping his wand to his temple deep in thought. Then as inspiration strikes, he smiles wickedly and lowers his wand. I know just the thing to help you change your mind. Suddenly he stops and whirls around, as he walks away, he calls back to her. Don't worry, no one will interfere. I won't be long, I promise. As he walks out of sight, Lita begins to worry about her friends. Guys, be careful! He's coming!
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