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Postby Marcus Baker » Thursday 13 May 2004 11:08:55pm

"Thanks Choki, now Mint will get eaten before I do :grin: :lol: "
*Looks up to the dragon*
"Even though I'm not supposed to say this, but I am indeed sorry."
*Smiles up, as Rex*
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Friday 14 May 2004 4:39:48pm

*"rex" shrinks by half*
meep m m m mi mi min mint a a po apolo apologise no o o o w
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Postby pinky p » Sunday 16 May 2004 3:48:29pm

i've got an idea!!!! WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA! *the dragon flies up through the roof (a hole is left behind) and pp throws him into the ocean* we're still on a beach, right??
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Postby Moonstone » Tuesday 18 May 2004 11:13:57am

Erm.. think so otherwise it´s quicksand..

*bends down to examin the ground*

Yup its quicksand allright.. anyone got an idea how we are going to get ride of it??
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 18 May 2004 2:20:10pm

OOS: LMAO!!!! PP has such a crazy solutions sometimes!!!! XD LOL - I burst laughing when I got to the point of dragon flying through the roof....the bad thing is Im at work o_o' and erm...everyone turned around and figured Im crazy...cause Im laughing to myself.... :o

*After being hit throught the roof Rex quadriples in size and starts eating quick sand makin him expand even more. Mint gets up from the floor*

I have a nasty feeling that he is gonna come back... ^-^

*Mint helps Marcus get up*
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Postby choki » Tuesday 18 May 2004 4:42:19pm

Hmmm not to worry, the hole on the roof is too small for Rex to enter now...
Mmmm does that mean, Rex will bash the roof just to get in? Or find other ways to get in here? From what I see, there isn't anything big for Rex...
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Postby Mint » Thursday 20 May 2004 2:18:57pm

*Rex's eye looks in the window, then his teeth are seen. Mint doesn't see it though, cause she is searching for food*

Didnt we have pizza around here somwhere?? :-? (McWizards has special employee food. ^-^ If employee gets sick they might have to take a sick day :o , so good food is brought from other restaurants)
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Saturday 22 May 2004 11:54:44am

*OBLITERATE*points wand at rex*
right now he has forgotten he is angry
*rex shrinks to the size of a computer screen*
now that that little episode is over I can eat
*sits down calmly and munches on a Bigpotter*
oh yeah
*accio rex*
lets send him to .... Romania
*ire Albania*rex makes another hole in the ceiling*
and lets fix all this up
*reparo*things fly back into place*
lets all sit down and eat up, we can tell huffleduck that Nobby recruited rex for the dragon revolt corps or something
*goes back to munching Bigpotter
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Postby Mint » Monday 7 June 2004 6:42:15pm

WE? hehe - there is no "WE". :evilgrin: YOU will tell that to the huffleduck :grin: I had nothing to do with this :angel:

*sits next to Dumbledores Master and starts munching on emplyee special pizza burger*

Hmm....we only have so long untill next unnatural desaster is gonna strike. I place 20 galleons its gonna be fire.
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Monday 7 June 2004 10:05:25pm

Me? :eek:
I just solved this entire thing oh why I ougta
*grabs a wand (not any particular wand just a wand that was lieing about) and waves it about jokily*The restaraunt lifts of the ground and rotates very quickly sending everyone everywhere and ruining my meal*
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Postby Marcus Baker » Tuesday 8 June 2004 1:40:46pm

Wow, lots of excitement, but I dont think im going to get myself into this mess today

*Sits down and grabs an employees popcorn and watches the action*

Oooo....ahhhh!!! Wow, how exciting, live action is better than the movies....
*The ground shakes*
Ahh, Are we spinning??? Who can explain this????? *Looks up at Dumbledore Master*
Ahâ! Well you little....*takes out his fry cooking wand and points it at DM, but it slips out due to the rotation*
Ahhh!!! My wand...and my fry flipper....and most importantly MY FOOD!!!!
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Tuesday 8 June 2004 4:35:08pm

*somebodies pizza flies into my face*
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 8 June 2004 8:24:29pm

*Mint is dripping with catchup and mustard*

Darn it!!! :evil: I lost a bet!!!!!!!!!!! Here take em!
*Mint puts down 20 galleons on the table and gets hit with fry cooking wand* Ouch!!! :evil: bet is off! Im taking my money back!!

*looks at Dumbledores Master*
Ahh, :eek: what is wrong with ur looks like!!!! :o Oh my....i dont know if we have a potion for that.... Choki, choki!! *silence* :evil: oh well I will try to make some myself.

*Mint adds random ingredients*
And a little bit of zombie juice and some shrimpachickadzilla feathers, and....... :-?
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Postby Moonstone » Wednesday 9 June 2004 8:05:33am

Try to ad some bat wings and a tooth from the Irish dragon.. and just a drop of slug blood..
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Postby choki » Wednesday 9 June 2004 4:27:43pm

*apparates inside*

What is going on? I just went out for a lunch meal and everything is changed!

*spots 20 galleons on the floor*

That gold!!! It will attract the galleon eating worms!!!!!
Hide it hide it
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