Quick-post option

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Quick-post option

Postby Nightcrawler » Monday 17 May 2004 9:14:35am

I think it would be really great if the board had a quickpost option at the bottom of each thread. It would mean that users don't have to wait for a whole 'nother page to load and it would be convenient for when you only wish to write a short response to a topic.
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Postby Alice I » Monday 17 May 2004 2:29:05pm

Hi Nightcrawler and welcome to B&O.

Umm Do you mean that if you want to post an answer that you can't do it from the first page of a topic?

If that is what you mean then actually you can. The post a reply button will work from any page of a thread.

Or do you mean a post button from the title of a thread in the forum's list of topics?

If that is what you mean the only thing I would say to that would be that most folks will want to at least see the first page to read the first or opening post.

Hope you enjoy it here at B&O and have fun posting :grin:
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Postby Nightcrawler » Monday 17 May 2004 4:05:08pm

No, what I mean is... it's kinda hard to explain...

When I want to reply to a topic, I click "reply", wait for the next page to load, type my reply, click "submit" and wait for the page to load again.

Some message boards have a quick-reply option at the bottom of the actual thread. You can read the thread and type a response without having to load another page. There is a small feild at the bottom of each page. I'm not talking about the button, but the field that I'm typing in right now. Imagine having a smaller one of these at the bottom of each thread page. (Of course when you submit the post, you have to load, but just not when you type it.)

Of course if you wanted the extra features such as smilies, bold text, italics etc. you would be better off loading the next page, but a quick-reply option would make the shorter responses much easier.

Aaagh, it really is hard to explain... do you know what I'm talking about, or do you want me to give an example?
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Postby choki » Monday 17 May 2004 5:03:11pm

I understand what you mean, but we have to ask Paul because I don't think phpBB supports that kind of option. I know of one that does - Invision board.
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Postby Alice I » Monday 17 May 2004 6:48:55pm

Yes I see now what you are talking about but honestly I think that might just give L'il Monster a nervous breakdown :lol:

BTW L'il Monster is our server. :wink:
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 17 May 2004 8:29:44pm

yeah, thats cool, I love quick reply cos I'm lazy...I post much more if I have quick reply than if I have to use the post reply button, I've seen it on two other types of forum but never on this type.....
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Postby Paul » Monday 17 May 2004 9:53:29pm

lol Alice :lol: . It's a nice idea but Choki and Sonkem are right - there's no inbuilt option on phpBB for a quickreply option. I've taken a look around and although there appears to be a quickreply mod available, the main one I've seen is only a Beta version which some people seem to have reported errors with, and doesn't seem to be one of phpBB's officially-supported Modifications. Rather than risk Li'l monster's mental health, at the moment I want to see how she's doing with the minor upgrade that happened on 8th May. She was having some serious problems before then, but seems to have calmed down quite a bit now, but I want to give it a bit of time to know for sure how she's doing before adding any more Modifications. :-) It certainly may be something for the future though. :)
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