Draco's end?

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How will Draco Malfoy end up?

He will die
He will go to Azkaban
He will survive
Total votes : 25

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Postby Reverie Revenge » Monday 3 May 2004 8:04:25pm

imc130d wrote:
Core Trio: Ron, if anyone. The chess game theory makes too much sense.

I'm already picturing the seventh book conversation between Harry and Dumbledore's portrait.
Voldemort: Almost certain. Hey, he's Voldemort.

Luna: Likely. She's very serene about death, and seems brave enough to be in Gryffindor.

Fred and/or George: Possible. Not sure why I think so, other than that I think Diagon Alley is a likely battle site, and they'll be right in the middle of it.

Lupin: Very likely. Not only does Pettigrew have a silver hand, the mythological Remus is killed by his brother. Symbolically, I'd say that's Peter.
Molly Weasley: Likely. The Arthurian character Percival was indirectly responsible for his mother's death.
Trelawney: Likely. Since the Death Eaters couldn't get the prophecy, the source of the prophecy is their next logical target.
Petunia Dursley: Likely. If Voldemort figures out the protection setup at #4 Privet Drive, Petunia becomes a target.

Very convincing! :D I'm so sorry for Twins & Luna, they are among my faves ... but my number one (Phineas) is already dead, so ... :cry:
Luna will certanly join her mummy and on the other hand I'm happy for her - ''for a well organised mind a death is just a big adventure'' said Dumbledore. Although Luna seems confused and absent-minded all the time, I'm sure she's well organised in her head (Rawenclaw!)

Draco has unbeatable & egoistic survival skills! :evil grin: He's an exemplar Slytherin, after all! And the Malfoy family needs the heir :razz: --> Draco will survive without a scratch :P
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 3 May 2004 9:35:52pm

Geez, if all the people you all say are going to die do die, then there goes the theory of an 8th book because there aren't going to be anymore characters left! :lol:
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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Tuesday 4 May 2004 12:55:41am

imc130d wrote:Trelawney: Likely. Since the Death Eaters couldn't get the prophecy, the source of the prophecy is their next logical target.

Good Point, but does LV know who gave the original prophecy? And can Trelawney relive the prophecy under any conditions?
Maybe that's why DD wouldn't let Unbridge throw her out? Because he knew that she could be used by LV to get the full prophecy so was trying to protect her?

All this hinges on whether LV knows that it was Trelawney, but although the DE's couldn't remove the prophecy from the shelf they could still read the label which gave there initials (DD and Trelawney) so he could have a damn good guess.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Tuesday 4 May 2004 1:05:20am

Good point Emma. Did it say on the prophecy who actually made it? Maybe that will have some bearing in the next book!! That would be interesting, Trelawney is running from LV and nobody is coming to help her. Ron-Didn't the fates inform you that you will meet your doom tonight? Or did you misread your tea leaves?:lol:
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Postby imc130d » Tuesday 4 May 2004 1:15:46am

Emma'I'm a real witch' wrote:Good Point, but does LV know who gave the original prophecy?

Huh, I hadn't considered that.:oops: I'm positive that it said "S.P.T. to A.P.W.B.D." on the front of the prophecy, and I'm sure that at some point a Death Eater has to have seen that, but I couldn't tell you whether or not any of them would know who S.P.T. was. I had assumed that they did know, and that this was why Dumbledore wanted Trelawney to stay at Hogwarts after Umbridge sacked her.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Tuesday 4 May 2004 1:40:42am

OMG am I the only person who didn't catch that S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D. Is Sybil P Trelawney to Albus Dumbledore. Holy cr*p I feel dumb. Haha, I was wondering what yall were talking about till just now! :lol: Aw, man.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 4 May 2004 2:40:38am

:lol: it's okay, EWPZ, we still love ya

k, I don't remember who said this...
Geez, if all the people you all say are going to die do die, then there goes the theory of an 8th book because there aren't going to be anymore characters left!

There's no eighth book, honey.... let it go... :grin:

The prophesy did say S.P.T to all those letters standing for Dumbledore, but there are several reasons I don't think Voldy would necessarily know that Trelawney was the person to have seen the vision.

The person who overheard part of it way back when heard it through a closed door. When Trelawney gives a true prophesy, it doesn't sound like herself at all.

The Death Eaters were probably more concerned with getting their hands on the prophesy. They saw the part about Harry and Voldy and probably didn't pay an incredible amount of attention to who gave and who received.

Then, there's still the matter of Voldy having to figure out that S.P.T. stands for Sybill Whats-her-face-with-the-P-middle-name Trelawney.

So I think it's quite possible that Voldy doesn't know at this time who gave the prophesy.
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Postby Alice I » Tuesday 4 May 2004 2:56:09am

Athena Appleton wrote:Then, there's still the matter of Voldy having to figure out that S.P.T. stands for Sybill Whats-her-face-with-the-P-middle-name Trelawney.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Groo » Tuesday 4 May 2004 6:13:49am

i done see how trelawny would be useful to Voldemort since she doesnt remember her prophecies, and probably that is what happens to all seers

hmm, but what if LV uses legilimency on her? would he see the prophecy being told since,technically speaking, that was a memory?
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 4 May 2004 3:39:36pm

But there is that question of whether she would know if it happened or not... if she totally doesn't remember it, even in her subconcious, he might not see squat when he tries to find out...

There is also the matter of whether or not he knows she doesn't remember giving the prophesy... It would make perfect sense for him to assume that she would know about it and remember it. That's what I would assume, if I didn't already know she denies her real prophesies (or at least half of her real prophesies).

I do agree that Dumbledore is probably keeping her at Hogwarts for her own protection more than because he's waiting for another real prophesy. But I don't know yet if I think she knows that... she seems to really think that she's a staple to the school...
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Tuesday 4 May 2004 4:26:07pm

I think he LV knows it was Trelawney because he sent a spy (correct me if I`m wrong) to spy on Trelawney. Why not do it another time if he thought it could be anyone (maybe he didn`t I dont know) The point is I think LV knows. There may not even be such a focus on the prophecy in 6 and 7.
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Postby Groo » Tuesday 4 May 2004 5:15:14pm

umm.. forgive me.. but when did he send a spy to spy on Trelawny??
if you are talking about the Hog's Head, there are always shady customers there and one of them overheard her.

and anyway, Trelawny wasnt known to be a seer before that so there was no question of anyone following her
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Tuesday 4 May 2004 8:44:03pm

umm.. forgive me.. but when did he send a spy to spy on Trelawny??
if you are talking about the Hog's Head, there are always shady customers there and one of them overheard her. and anyway, Trelawny wasnt known to be a seer before that so there was no question of anyone following her
I don't think Voldy sent a spy to look after Trelawney, it was more likely to look after Dumbledore. That spy could have possibly informed Voldy what Trelawney's name was, and that she was interviewing for a job at Hogwarts.
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Tuesday 4 May 2004 9:20:45pm

I refuse to except the possibility that Snape might die. But, alas! he probably will. :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Tuesday 4 May 2004 11:24:56pm

Whoever overheard the part of the prophecy and then got chucked out could of know a number of things, like the fact that DD was interviewing and then watched to see who the new teacher was.
Possibly another reason why DD employed her, to keep her safe. Because he knew that someone overheard and might tell LV where and who she was. LV probably doesn't know that she doesn't remember her prophecies but if he can't have the real record and is as obsessed as we think about finding out what it said, then he'll probably try anything else he can think of to find out what it said.
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