You're right, it depends on his attitude towards Dark Arts. I think he likes them but not to the extend the other DE like (Bella, Lucius, MacNair, ...).
Snape can be very resistent, he masters himself, but what was in his office - the worst memory?
He lost control, this was too much. But he can't break like this in front of Voldie - he has to be really strong 8)
Are you sure he's not a vampire? I mean, at first me too, I didn't like this idea
but arguments (from a French site) are really strong. I hope not to offend you, but I myself find vampires sexy
, so: an obvious evidence are all prickled animals in the jars in his dungeon. I think he drinks blood of theese animals to survive as a vampire. He is not an stereotypical, odlfashioned vampire, he can also walk in the sun and eat ''normal'' food, but some his characteristics are very ''vampire''. Appearance for example, then ''mindreading''
like muggles call Legillimency. One more: Harry always says Snape shows up where the trio needs him least
. This is maybe the ability to appear somewhere in an instant without Apparating. Reactions of vampires are much faster than of other humans.
I really don't want anyone to be offended
by theese arguments, they're not mine but I find them convincing. Anyway, in reality I don't believe in vampires, I just find them fascinating in fiction, ok?
And, Snape is fascinating, right