Mint, choki and anime!!!

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Postby choki » Tuesday 27 April 2004 7:14:52am

HuffleDuck, all I can say is that the anime version stopped at the manga vol. 12 and now, the manga has reached vol. 28...

Mint, Alice 19th just reached US shore? The series was completed quite sometime ago. Can't really remember but it has 7 volumes.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 29 April 2004 12:51:34pm

Yeah, Alice 19th...3rd volume just came out. We are behind on that one ^^

Twelve Kingdoms. I watched first 5eps. right now I got 2 more DVDs (next 10 eps I guess) haven't watched them yet. They are not bootlegs because its a Super Expensive US release ^_______^

Where do u watched ur 12 kingdoms Huffleduck :o Its not on TV or anything.... o_o' And how did u get to watch 52 eps of Groove? (u said its just coming out on CNetwork but u already watched it...)

cheeky angel - sounds really cool - but I have no money for it right now ^^

Lol, I dont have a money tree I just go broke for a while :grin:
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Postby choki » Thursday 29 April 2004 1:30:02pm

Hey, I think there's a cheaper way to get anime DVD for you folks in US. Try auction site, there is a couple of sellers selling anime DVD. And some are willing to ship internationally. I, myself, bought one from these people and most of them are brand new. They kinda operate their 'shop' through auction. And don't about someone bidding a higher price than you because there is a buy price same as the auction price.
There are informations given about the product and you can ask them for more details...
But I guess the only drawback is...those are HK/TW "bootlegs" in good quality. Look out for sellers with good ratings.
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Postby Mint » Monday 3 May 2004 3:08:04pm

I usually prefer to get a legal version to bootlegs, not because of legal stuff :evil grin: lol, but because I like dubbed versions (i must be the only person on this planet who does). Plus, there is always a chance that u will get crappy subtitles. And if you add up shipping price to that... <_<' I dont know. They sell them on Ebay too - but they are not very popular.

I finally got 1st volume of Fruit Basket manga that I won. And....Im totally addicted to it! Its too cool!!!! I'm trying to read the first volume really slow cause I dont want it to end..but after I mentioned it to my husband he was like "Oh no....there is much more volumes to it I just know it!!" and Im like "Yeah....most probably :grin: " So here :evil: now I have to buy it. They release only 2 volumes so far though... May be I will get 1 volume per month... T_T

Oh and I just noticed that the Imadoki manga is about to be released!!
U said it was good right?? :D
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Postby choki » Monday 3 May 2004 3:58:04pm

Yes, you are the only person in the whole wide world to actually enjoy dubbed anime...
*shudders at the horror after watching the 1st ep of dubbed Gundam Seed*

Fruit Basket eh...argh...there are too many things to buy with so little money!!! :evil: Oh I think there are at least 14 vol of FB

Imadoki? What's that...did I say anything about that???
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Postby Mint » Monday 3 May 2004 7:35:52pm

choki wrote:Yes, you are the only person in the whole wide world to actually enjoy dubbed anime...

I know!! lol. But thruthfully - Anime is getting bigger and bigger in US right now. So the companies licensing it hire very good people to do voice-overs. I think that people that still hate dub do it only because they haven't listen to the latest dubbed anime. All of the dub I recently watched was very professional, very natural - like u wont even know it was in Japanese at some point. And voices suit the characters Very well.

14 volumes?!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O_o.......O_x.......X_X nooooooooooo!!! Not 14 volumes!!!! thats $140 >_< but the first volume is sooo good -_-' They let me win on purpose! so I can spend money on it..... LOL - now Manga is a different story - I would get a bootleg version of that ^-^ too bad i cant read japanese.

Oh and Imadoki is a new manga by Yui Watase. I thought u mentioned it
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Postby azn wizard » Monday 3 May 2004 8:58:15pm

it's not what they say in dubbed anime that sounds bad, i think it's the voicing...they're really generic. Dubbed in englished, i must say though, is a lot better than the chinese dubbed ones.
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Postby HuffleDuck » Monday 3 May 2004 10:25:21pm

Well when you guys buying it online, especially ebay! watch out for bootlegged one.. B/c mostly the bootleg is from fansub and leechers are selling those fansubs that suppose to be free for all fans.

I got Groove Adventure from fansub which they release weekly through mIRC or bittorent, but that was long time ago. GAR is old anime but new to US. And Mint if you have good connection, you can get 12 kingdoms dvd rip that is bilingual, through bittorent or mIRC. There are 18 episode already being ripped.

:lol: I agree with choki, you're probably the only one that likes dubbed. I hate dubbed because of the voice and the stuffs they took out of the original series b/c of violence ect....

I really like to support the legal one because that will help the author and the company. It's really hard these days for the manga author to make profit b/c of many reasons including the pirating and bootleg version going around. The US is really evil :evil: They buy the copyright of the anime for cheaper price after many years of it airing in Jap. which makes it cheaper to buy the copyright.
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Postby choki » Tuesday 4 May 2004 9:38:39am

There are service charges if you buy stuff from E-bay, right?
Actually those Hk/TW anime DVD are not ripped from fansub but from the real Jap TV or DVD. Their quality and subtitles are quite good, having owned a couple of such anime DVD.

Mint wrote:Oh and Imadoki is a new manga by Yui Watase. I thought u mentioned it

Hmmm...I told the newest manga from Yuu Watase are FY:Genbu Kaiden and Zettai Kareshi?

And why would the manga version of FB be in a different story from the anime. I only thought the anime was the incomplete version and to continue from it, you have to read the manga. :-?

aznwizard, you're right about the dubbed anime. It's the voice of the voiceover. Singapore, we do have 2 channel that airs cartoon, anime during weekends morning. For some anime, we have dual sound (english and chinese) I prefer listening to the chinese dialogue because the english ones sounded too corny. And worst of it all, Doraemon was dubbed by a group of Singaporean actors/actresses in Singlish!!! (singlish is a kind of english with lotsa of slang and sound effects like Wah...Leh...)
I nearly fainted when I 'heard' Doraemon.

Oh ya...and doesn't the legal US release censor nudity scene, etc?
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 4 May 2004 4:18:07pm

LOL - when I said "different story" I meant in case of Manga I would definitely buy it bootleged unlike Anime (in general). ^-^

Well, Imadoki is a new manga from Yui Watase that is about to come out here in USA. (of course i dont know how really NEW it is...its new here though)

Azn - thats what I was trying to say. They are hiring better Voice Actors, so the voices are not generic anymore (at least they are totally cool in Pretear, Twelve Kingdoms, KaleidoStar and Shamanic Princess). Each voice matches character very well.

Also, Sensoring only happens on Cartoon Network and WB. There is no sensoring on DVDs or Anime Channel. All of those are uncut.

HuffleDuck - i already have first 15 eps. So I guess I will try to download from there. Its gonna be hard to find 12 kingdoms on bittorent now though because it is no longer legal (once the series has been licensed all of the respectible sites stop distributing it.)

Lol, and I guess I am supporting the authors since Im buying my stuff from legal destributors. From one hand I actually understand why they charge u so much - i mean not that many people buy it, so they need to make money somehow.... :rolleyes:

Oh and I was told that each book of Fruit Basket comes out once in 2 month - thats like $5 per month. I'll be ok ^^'
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Postby choki » Tuesday 4 May 2004 4:52:55pm

Mint wrote:Oh and I was told that each book of Fruit Basket comes out once in 2 month - thats like $5 per month. I'll be ok ^^'

1 book in 2 months!!! Won't that take forever to read them all? Currently there are 13 vols being translated to will take you 26 months to get them all... :o
Oh well, FY: Genbu Kaiden is 1 book in 6 months :eek: ...that's worse... friend is going HK...I'm going to get her to buy anime DVD back!!! There goes my money again :(
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 5 May 2004 4:34:52pm

I know - 26 month >_< oh well....

Anyway - hehe what did u tell ur friend to get :3
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Postby choki » Thursday 6 May 2004 3:46:45pm

Well, I told her to get me Gundam Seed or Full Moon or Sailor Moon DVD...
I'm pretty sure she doesn't know how to find I might end up buying none! :o I hope she calls me if any problem crop up.
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Postby Mint » Thursday 6 May 2004 7:23:04pm

I hope she will get u Full Moon ^-^ its pretty *-*

Lol - yesterday I watched Pita-Ten and Star Ocean first episodes. Pita-ten is sooo funny XD Its like innocent fun - like Kodacha. Misha (main character) is just as crazy as Sana (from Kodacha) Um...the bad side is - this anime is erm extremely cute.... so u prob. wont like it ^^'
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Postby choki » Friday 7 May 2004 6:19:19am's available thru bittorent, isn't it? After I finish with the Sailor Moon live action (which is taking like forever!), I'll try to d/l Pita-ten.

I still have plenty of anime to watch. I recently bought the Archives of Studio Ghibli. I've seen Princess Mononoke, Valley of Wind and they are quite nice and have deep storyline about nature.
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