Since having to close the upload facility (due to copyright concerns) I've alway intended to re-open it provided I could pre-screen the avatars before their use. I'd planned on waiting for the next version of the board and then maybe programming something myself but, thanks to fierce asking me earler this week, I've finally found a recently-created modification to the board which does exactly what I was looking for.
If you've created your own avatar (see Avatars from scratch for discussions about creating avatars from a totally blank canvass), you can now upload it using your profile link.

Once uploaded, please allow a short while for me to approve the avatar (any that I'm not sure of I'll contact you about by Private Message).
The main specifications for avatars are:
- Maximum dimensions: 135x141 pixels
- Maximum file size: 9500 bytes (possibly slightly larger file size in totally unavoidable circumstances)
- No copyright images (Unless specifically stated, all creative works, photographs etc are subject to copyright, whether a copyright notice is stated or not, therefore the image must be etirely your own work, from a blank canvass, or you must demonstrate that you have permission (which should normally come directly from the copyright holder) to use the original image).
More good info on copyright can be found at
http://www.utsystem.edu/OGC/Intellectua ... stance.htm - You must be a First Year Student in Witchcraft and Wizardry (11 posts) or above to use the Avatar Upload facility.

[edited to add: Please note that although the avatar upload facility is supposed to wait until I authorise the usage before the avatars show, some avatars are getting through and showing on the forum before I authorise them.
Therefore, some avatars which may initially show may not have been authorised by me. Apologies for any confusion this may cause.]