Hundreds of Students stand crammed in the Entrance Hall, with bemused faces jostling, and even staring down the marble staircase from the first floor. Just in front of the open doors to the Great Hall is a barrier with a sign saying "Great Hall missing, presumed devoured by the Li'l Monster." Beyond the doors lies a deep, dark blue color, every now and then interrupted by a spark of what appears to be grey lightning, but no sound can be heard. Suddenly without warning a high-pitched wail fills the air, and beyond the doors the familiar tables of the four Houses come clearly into view. Paul peers out from the Great Hall doors, looking somewhat disheveled, with torn robes as if he'd been in a long, drawn-out battle.
"Sorry about the Great Hall's temporary disappearance" says Paul, sounding slighty out of breath "but please come in, everything is fine now...all the pictures are back on the walls and there should be some excellent food arriving up from the kitchens in the next few seconds".
Just as the students start pouring in, one of the largest feasts the students have seen all term appears instantly on the tables. Professor McGonagle enters the Great Hall and stands beside a black hat. Normally the hat would seem old and slightly tattered but compared to the way Paul looks today, the hat appears quite smart and elegant!
"Angel, sweet" calls out Professor McGonagle. Sweetangel approaches the three-legged stool and McGonagle places the Sorting Hat on her head.
"Hmmm", says the hat, pondering what House sweetangel would belong in. "This one's seems to be very much a people person...very amicable and friendly, and a polite and pleasant person." It's got to be....HUFFLEPUFF!
Sweetangel stands down from the top of the Great Hall and walks toward the Hufflepuff tables to the sound of a roar of applause from her fellow Hufflepuffs.
Congratulations, sweetangel. Happy to say you're now sorted into Hufflepuff and can enter your House Common Room. I hope you're not afraid of ducks!