by pinky p » Thursday 22 April 2004 7:02:08pm
of course you can! i'm pinkyprincess, in charge of deposits/withdrawals here at gringott's. sign this contract which goes over the basic rules of gringotts (only one key per customer per safe, don't share your password for incase you loose your key with anyone, gringotts is not responsible for any personal damages you may recieve while in the tunnels, enter the tunnels at your own risk, if you intend to sue the bank, sue the bank not the specific goblin or employee you dealt with during your time here at gringotts, etc.) just put your john hancock right here and you will be locked to follow these rules as long as you have your vault here at gringotts. should you break any of these rules, gringotts will be notified immediately and will seize all possesions and money in your vault. you will have to file with us to retrieve your belongings, a long and complicated process which usually takes longer then you will live. THEREFORE, do not breech your contract and you should have a pleasant time keeping your money here!
now, if you would ever like to deposit or withdraw money without actually coming to the bank, send me an owl (pinkyprincess, P.O. box 413, Gringotts, Diagon Alley) with this velvet bag i am giving to you right now. if you wish to deposit, put the money in the bag with the letter, your key, and your password. the money will be deposited and your key and bag sent back to you. if you wish to withdraw, send the bag with your key, password, and a letter with your signature on it stating how much you would like to withdraw. the money and your key will be sent back to you in your velvet bag. the velvet bag is the property of gringotts and is to be returned if you ever decide to no longer keep your vault here.
now then, Gimmet here will take you to your new vault after you sign the contract! *the contract and a purple quill appear in front of moonstone*