by choki » Monday 19 April 2004 3:39:58pm
*steps out from the dark and casts a look around the store*
We have 3 new customers!!! Welcome, welcome...
Enis Reilly, a new wand...not a problem
*ushers Enis into a bright area*
12 inches, ashwinder scale, fir (A hot,fiery wand to handle)
10.5 inches, snidget feather, cane (Extremely fast, responsive wand with amazing agility)
9 inches, unicorn hair, teak (Good for charms especially for someone weak at it)
10 inches, knarl spike, spruce (Defensive wand, a good counter spell would be able to break the defense for the offensive opponent)
*pulls Mr3d to a dark corner, speaking in a sinister voice*
Mr3d, you want something rare, eh? Interested in wand cores from the dark creatures?
11 inches, grim hair, mahogany (Death strikes terror...)
13.5 inches, thestral hair, yew (Bad luck? Death omen? You decide)
9.5 inches, basilisk fang, scandalwood (Handle with care...)
11 inches, boggart horn, bamboo (This boggart took the form of a unicorn so there you go, a knowledge about this wand available yet)
*brings Moonstone near the closet*
Moonstone, you wanted 2 cores in a wand? I'm not sure about that because it might have contradicting powers...but I do have a few of such wands...
7 inches, dragon tear & unicorn hair, balsa (Powerful yet delicate)
10 inches, phoenix feather & kneazle fur, ash (Likeable wand who choose owner that are warm-hearted)