Salamence's Wand Shop!

Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.

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Postby Alice I » Sunday 28 March 2004 6:10:51pm

*picks up 12 inches, thestral wing bone, yew, and gives it a wave. All of the mirrors in a two block radius break :eek:
Puts wand down gently and backs away for a moment.*

*After a moment picks up the Holly with Unicorn hair and all of the mirrors that broke are suddenly fixed but the shards flew back into place so quickly that I get a few small cuts as I can't seem to move out of their way quickly enough:
Oh goodness sorry FA hope that doesn't hurt too much :oops: *

* Feeling less than confident at this point picks up the Scandalwood with the Augurey feather and waves it. A blue luminous light fills the shop and dew forms lightly on the frosted windows. The dew makes a lovely crystiline design on the window reflecting the sunshine in a dazzeling prizem of color.*

I'll take this one :D
How much?
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Postby Female_alien » Sunday 28 March 2004 8:38:46pm

It doesn't hurt much
* says hardly opening her mouth and bleeding*
*takes 10 inches, armadilo shell, pine and tries to duel with Alice but the wand doesn't listen to her commands*
*reaches for 13 inches, phoenix feather, teak and the wand flews to her hand by itself*
Cool :D
*does a move. Snowflakes run out of the wand making nice little snowstorm* :grin: Cool, I like snow!
I don't think I have to look any further. Thank you so much choki! And sorry for the snow, I hope it isn't a problem. It will melt quickly
How much is that?
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Postby choki » Monday 29 March 2004 8:10:34am

All wands are free, including after sales service.
We do have wand servicing for old or damaged wands.
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Postby Female_alien » Monday 29 March 2004 9:51:14am

free?? :eek:
Great! I think I'll come her more often :lol: j/k

keep with the great work here, choki!
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Postby Nobby » Monday 29 March 2004 10:16:10am

mine's free too, cheers!

Like FA said, keep up the good work
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Postby Enis Reilly » Thursday 15 April 2004 8:14:10pm

Enis got inside the wand shop. She looked for the owner and walked towards him.
Hi! I would like to buy a wand. Could you help me?
Enis waited for an answer, while she observed other people trying wands...
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Postby Mr3d » Friday 16 April 2004 11:56:02am

*apperates inside the store*

Hi! Hmm... Could you help me please? I'd like to buy a rare wand, so it goes according with me, and...

Oh, sorry, Enis, didn't see you...

*waits paciently*
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Postby Enis Reilly » Friday 16 April 2004 12:44:07pm

Still waiting for the shop owner to reply, Enis looks at Mr3d, that had just got in.

"That's ok, Mr3d."

She turns at him, smiling.

"Anyway, what kind of rare wand are you looking for?! What's so special about it?!"

She smiled, as she thought about how rare a wand could be, though she had never had one...
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Postby Mr3d » Friday 16 April 2004 1:18:04pm

I myself don't really know... Hmm... I think its better to wait for an expert...
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Postby Moonstone » Friday 16 April 2004 1:31:00pm

can anyone tell me if there is a wand thats 7 inches and have a dragontear and a unicrnhair in it... Mine broke when i got of the Milkbus from the moon...
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Postby choki » Monday 19 April 2004 3:39:58pm

*steps out from the dark and casts a look around the store*
We have 3 new customers!!! Welcome, welcome...

Enis Reilly, a new wand...not a problem
*ushers Enis into a bright area*
12 inches, ashwinder scale, fir (A hot,fiery wand to handle)
10.5 inches, snidget feather, cane (Extremely fast, responsive wand with amazing agility)
9 inches, unicorn hair, teak (Good for charms especially for someone weak at it)
10 inches, knarl spike, spruce (Defensive wand, a good counter spell would be able to break the defense for the offensive opponent)

*pulls Mr3d to a dark corner, speaking in a sinister voice*
Mr3d, you want something rare, eh? Interested in wand cores from the dark creatures?
11 inches, grim hair, mahogany (Death strikes terror...)
13.5 inches, thestral hair, yew (Bad luck? Death omen? You decide)
9.5 inches, basilisk fang, scandalwood (Handle with care...)
11 inches, boggart horn, bamboo (This boggart took the form of a unicorn so there you go, a knowledge about this wand available yet)

*brings Moonstone near the closet*
Moonstone, you wanted 2 cores in a wand? I'm not sure about that because it might have contradicting powers...but I do have a few of such wands...
7 inches, dragon tear & unicorn hair, balsa (Powerful yet delicate)
10 inches, phoenix feather & kneazle fur, ash (Likeable wand who choose owner that are warm-hearted)
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Postby Mr3d » Monday 19 April 2004 7:33:37pm

*whispers* I'll take this one *carefully takes the 11 inches, boggart horn, bamboo wand and red sparks come out...*:red evil:
Thanks. And remember, you never saw me...
:evil grin:
Last edited by Mr3d on Monday 19 April 2004 8:42:44pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 19 April 2004 8:05:41pm

i hope i never bump into him on a dark night. :grin:
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Postby Moonstone » Tuesday 20 April 2004 9:50:58am

*tryes the 7 inch wand first to see if it have the same feeling as her last*

wawes carfully with the 7 inch

*Oops there goes the roof*

Picks up the 10 inch and waves that one instead

*hope you like gold on your roof*

"I´ll take this 10 inch with a Phoenix feather & kneazle fur, ash, the 7 inch with a dragon tear and unicor hair didn´t work as well as it did last time. I must have grown on my way from the moon :grin: "
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Postby Enis Reilly » Tuesday 20 April 2004 6:17:30pm

Enis tries all three wands, but none of them works with her. The first, the second and the last one don't so anything, and the third one trows a closet down. Quite embarassed, the girl turns at choki, giving the wands back and saying:
I'm sorry... I just hope I haven't gave you much trouble...
She waits for some reaction, while she watchs the damage, feeling quite bad with herself...
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