A Gryffindor's Secret?

A place to discuss your Harry Potter theories. Are there hidden secrets and conspiracies? What will happen in future plots? The truth may be in here!

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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 18 March 2004 4:40:26pm

We don't know for sure, but in the Chamber of Secrets, The Heir of Slytherin, Riddle says that "there are strange likenesses between us, after all. Even you must have noticed. Both half-bloods, orphans, raised by Muggles. Probably the only two Parselmouths to come to Hogwarts since the great Slytherin himself." So there could have been others, but Riddle, who had studied for five years to learn everything there was to know about being the heir of Slytherin, doesn't know about them. If there were others, there were VERY few. Very VERY few.
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Postby Dumbledores Master » Wednesday 14 April 2004 1:29:16pm

That could be why the Potters moved to Godrics Hollow. If harry is to bring down Voldemort wont this be the place that it happens? And if so then it could mean that the potters home was the place because voldemort was almost destroyed and were it not for the experiments voldemort did then wouldnt voldemort be dead? :o its mind boggling
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Postby Reverie Revenge » Thursday 22 July 2004 9:20:28am

Aberforth wrote:
Alice I wrote:Well I suppose that is possible but I think kind of unlikely because Parsaltoungs are very rare and Tom Riddle was the first one since Salazar Slytherin.

I don't think there is any evidence that there haven't been others since Slytherin. We are told it is rare and often the mark of a dark wizard, but we do know that there have been dark wizards other than Voldy (Grindelwald) and surely if Riddle is the heir of slytherin there must have been other heirs further up the family tree. Surely some of them were blessed with the gift too. Seems unlikely that in 1000 years only one slytherin heir would be a parselmouth.

Come on, Alice, there may be some more in 1000 yrs, who were, as Aberforth said so lovely, blessed with the gift! :grin:
But maybe those potential other Parselmouths didn't attend Hogwarts - it they would maybe they would hear the Basilisk.
If the Basilisk hibernates till the Heir of Slytherin comes, maybe the presence of those Parselmouths would awake it (I've just remembered we don't know of which s*x this Basilisk was :o ... male ones have scarlet plumes on their heads, from ''Fantastic Beasts''. But why do Basilisks need to have separate sexes, if they're hatched from chicken egg under toad :???: )

I'm pretty sure all the Founders left their legacy behind, but the legacy isn't neccessarily in form of a secret place - it'd be a clichee :roll: Maybe it's heritage that can't even be touched, in form of information.
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