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Postby Alice I » Sunday 28 March 2004 4:41:09am

Have you ever had a period of time, be it a couple of days, a week or what ever where after a while you just wanted to rip your hair out and shout to the universe in general: ENOUGH ALREADY!

I'm having a week like that:

Last Sunday my husband calls me at work to tell me that he thinks he might have to take Ally, our 6 yr. old to the hospital, as he thinks she might have broken her ankle. She had been playing in those little plastic high heel play shoes that come in dress up kits.
I am an X-Ray tech and was out taking films at the time so I headed home and after examining her decided to take her x-ray myself. She was fine; just a sprain. 8) Hubby felt bad because he is actually an EMT and a Lieutenant with Point Pleasant Fire Association and Ally's drama Queen act fooled him. :-? (I'm used to it). :lol:

I have been unable to sleep through whole night due to asthma attacks every few hours for nearly a week and ended up in the ED on Tuesday. After several breathing treatments and intravenous steroids I was able to speak in complete sentences again and talked them out of trying to admit me.

Then BandO went down for like 24 hrs :x (I start jonesing :( ) and when it finally came up I found that I couldn't log on. It kept telling me that my password was invalid, so I thought ok maybe it was because of the debug thing and I tried the option - I forgot my password - and when I gave it my user id and my e-mail it said that I wasn't in the data base.
So I went to the area where I have been posting a lot of Fan Fiction and the thread was completely gone. Then I went to the index page and saw that my name was no longer on the list of mods for the organized debates. At this point I was convinced that I had been banned from the forum (I was reading about how that is done in the moderators forum.) only I couldn't figure out what for. :cry:

Then I find out that I wasn't banned; :grin: I was one of the 9 unfortunates who Li'l monster (the server) ate when Paul forced the database to start working again. :eek:

Now it is Saturday and I have been coughing so much with the asthma that I went out today and purchased a lovely product by the name of Serenity. :oops: (Isn’t that charming?)

When I came home this afternoon I see my three year old (Emily) cradled in my husbands arms and my 6 yr old holding the phone to his ear. He is saying "Yes I am keeping her head still" and his fire pager is going off and I am hearing ALS and an ambulance being dispatched to my address for the three year old neck injury from falling down a flight of stairs.
Because Bill is an active member we had six different folks so up, the chief, 4 EMT, ALS and Irondequoit Ambulance. Emmy gets strapped to a back board and gets driven by ambulance to the Pediatric ED at Rochester General. I am with her the entire way and by the time we got to the hospital I was feeling better about her.
Once she got over being strapped down she started to smile and flirt with the EMT's (Of course as she is a Point Pleasant kid she knows all these folks) It turns out that she is alright as well but my husband was very frightened because when she fell it was right in front of him. They were going down the stairs and she toppled forward falling on the top of her head then barrel rolled all the way to the bottom. He also heard a popping sound. *Cripes being a parent can be very nerve wracking* All is well with Emily and at dinner tonight

*waves wand and conjures a baseball bat. Then hands bat to husband*

I said "Ok honey your up." You would never know that we are supposed to be leaving the day after Easter for a week at Disney World. :o

Fate, Kismet, Karma, What ever you are:
I am glad that so far every thing is turning out to be ok and manageable but I don't think my poor old heart can take too much more so:
Tag - someone else can be it for awhile ok? :roll:

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Postby choki » Sunday 28 March 2004 5:04:18pm

:o It looked like you have got a bad week.
So you are one of the 9 users Lil' Monster ate. That is real unlucky. Because I think out of the 9, you are the only active one :-?

Since, I am still quite young and have not step out to the society, I can't really share my 'hard' life, because I'm living a normal life. At least, I have 3 meals and a roof over my head, I should be contended, so there isn't much I have to lament/complain about.
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Postby Alice I » Sunday 28 March 2004 5:17:18pm

That's awsome Choki,
that you haven't had just a really bad week where if it wasn't one thing it was another?
But as you say those days will come along. Just got to keep a good perspective.

I was actually just blowing off steam after a rather long week. :-)
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Postby TDM » Sunday 28 March 2004 9:32:35pm

wow...that week had to just blow. well, i'm really glad you made it through, and that neither of your kids are seriously hurt.

but yeah, everyone has weeks like that. in fact, every february (don't ask me why, but it does), every day in february is a living hell for me. always. i don't know why, but i've deemed it the Febrarian Curse. it seems to only afflict me (heh, lucky me.) *rolls eyes*. anyway, i won't go into details, but once again, Alice, i'm glad everything is somewhat fine again for you, and i hope your asthma gets better.

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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 29 March 2004 7:46:24am

haha, don't think I can beat a neck injury, but I'll try :lol:

Cameron, Colin and I are all blessed many of the same traits... Big brown eyes, fair skin, allergies, asthma, eyesight problems... So we usually have about four or five doctor visits a week, and we're on a first name basis with Telecare Plus (this amazingly wonderful hotline you can call and talk to a registered nurse) and the nurses and doctors on the midnight shift on Sundays at the ER (because, naturally, Cameron and Colin don't get sick during regular business hours, when their doctor is available... and not on weekdays, when clinics are open longer hours, but on Sunday evenings around 7:00...)

Anyway, a few weeks ago, Sunday evening comes along, and Cameron is pulling with his belly to breathe. Every time this has happened, he's needed to use a nebulizer and have a breathing treatment. Well, the doctor had loaned us a nebulizer, but we had to return it, and he hadn't taken the time to write a note so we could get one and have insurance pay up-front for it (we don't have any money). So, I call Telecare plus, tell them Cameron's breathing 64 times a minute (it's supposed to be 40 something) and he's got a fever of 102. They tell me to take him to the ER. I do. We get checked in, and it's about 11:00 (my husband hasn't taken him because "he has to get up in the morning"... as IF the baby was going to just let me sleep late). We go through triage, and Cameron's temp has gone up to 104. They give him tylenol and send us to another waiting room, where we stay and watch cartoons with a kid who ate a bad piece of baloney and his squeamish mom (if you can believe it, I had Cameron on one side, and was holding a tupperware bowl infront of throw-up kid cuz his mom just couldn't bring herself to do it herself) until about 1:00 in the morning. Then we get called back to a little exam room that has no tv, but we get to wait there until 1:45, when a doctor comes in, asks if he's had tylenol, and tells us we need to do a chest x-ray. We get to wait another fifteen minutes, they take us to do the xray, and then we get to wait in no-tv-exam-room for another hour while they look at the xray and mosey on back to where we're waiting. It's now three o'clock in the morning. The doctor tells us good news, the xray is fine and go home and call the doctor in the morning (as in, five hours from then). WE SPENT FOUR HOURS IN THE EMERGENCY ROOM SO THAT CAMERON COULD TAKE A DOSE OF TYLENOL AND BE TOLD TO GO HOME!!!!!! :lol: Man I was ticked off.

Monday rolls along, Colin (the baby) is completely oblivious to the fact that Cameron and I were up until 3:00. Colin wakes up at 6:30, goes down for his morning nap around 10:30, which is just when Cameron decides to wake up for the day, refreshed after a good long sleep with only a little bit of a fever. Cameron's up until 2:30, which just happens to be when Colin gets up. All said and done, I went about 72 hours that week with only about six hours of sleep, total.

Not to mention, I still get to do all the errand-running I would normally have to do, so Colin had an eye appointment (not a lot of fun spraying the eye-dialating stuff in a baby's eyes, but it is kind of funny to watch him go all red like that), Cameron had an ear appointment (he does NOT like the papoose thing he has to get in to get his ears checked, but he just won't let the doctor anywhere near him... can't blame him. This doctor is the only one I've ever seen that actually wears the light on his head, you know what I'm talking about?).

The funnest part of the week, though, had to do with yet another doctor visit. Both of my boys have had trouble gaining weight, so my youngest one has been referred to a GI specialist in hopes of figuring out what's wrong. At the beginning of the week, I had to argue with the doctors office and finally say "pooey on you" and do what I wanted to when they were going to send us to Dallas (about three and a half hours away) to see a nurse-practitioner who wouldn't do any tests, and we'd have to go back over and over again, when there was a perfectly good pediatric gastroenterologist here. When I asked why we couldn't go to the local GI doc, the pediatrician's receptionist (cuz you know, you don't ever really get to talk to the doctor about these things) said that "oh we just always send our clients over to Dallas"... so I decided we wouldn't bother being their clients anymore.

Anyway, later on in the week, I believe it was Thursday, I called the nurse to see if the test results were back, and she said yes... then she kinda skimmed for a second and said "Colin had the sweat test done for cystic fibrosis, right? Yeah... you need to come in and discuss the test results with the doctor."

So, naturally, I panicked.

That night, I got ZERO sleep, I called my mom, bawling, and told her that I was scared Colin had cystic fibrosis, and what the doctor had said. She said not to worry, then she called her sister and told her everything (she didn't want to make my sisters worry... my aunt later told me she was mad because my mom didn't mind letting my aunt worry... Aunt Robin was on her computer online trying to look up cf) and then called her boyfriend and started bawling...

Anyway, long story short, after the longest night of my life so far, I got my sister to watch the boys, and went up and talked to the doctor, and Colin was fine. Apparently, this doctor, early on in his practice, had given someone who claimed to be a parent test results over the phone, and it turned out to have been a grandparent who had no legal right to get the results, so he only gives any results in person now.

So, just like you, the week turned out to be okay, Colin is just a happy skinny kid, and Cameron is back to being his rambuncious (sp?) little self, doing all the cute, weird things two-year-olds do, and life is okay again... until tomorrow, when, most certainly, someone will get a bloody nose, or a final notice on a bill will show up that I thought we had paid, or we'll realize we have no more money in the bank until Friday and have about two days worth of formula for Colin...

I totally understand what you mean, though, about how sometimes you just have days, or weeks, when you feel like pulling your hair out and telling God to pick on someone else for a change... That's when I get online and either post on here, or if we get the fun "debug mode" message, I im a friend, or email my mom... or I run up to Blockbusters and rent a totally stupid comedy (right now I have Son in Law and Tommy Boy) that I watch when the kids are taking a nap (it's nice to have an hour and a half or two hours of just relax and think about nothing serious time). It helps me. I also keep a stash of ice cream my husband doesn't know about hidden under the frozen broccoli. It really helps me. :lol:
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Postby Nobby » Monday 29 March 2004 8:11:34am

blooming hell, you to have had a bad week!
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Postby sea-plunder » Monday 29 March 2004 2:32:44pm

athnia n alice 1 ....you have had hell bad weeks.... don't think i have bad weeks like that ...
~~*secretly thanks god he is still a kid*~~
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 29 March 2004 3:19:35pm

haha, well, alice can correct me if she wants, but I think having children brings sticky kisses, warm hugs and lots of love and laughs, but also middle of the night emergency room runs, high fevers and a LOT of worry... So the "bad weeks" that would have completely thrown me off my feet are a little easier to handle now, because the majority of it is stuff I have to do almost daily anyway...

the thing I think is the best part about being a mommy is also the hardest: when your kids are sick, it's YOU they want... not babysitter, not grandma, not even daddy that often... so it's sweet in one respect, that you are entrusted with this little guy who thinks that sitting in your lap can make him all better, but it's tiring (particularly when it's both kids, or it goes on for days) when you're the only one he or she is happy with...
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Postby Alice I » Monday 29 March 2004 4:47:26pm

Athena Appleton wrote:haha, well, alice can correct me if she wants,

I wouldn't dream of it Athena :lol:
Athena Appleton wrote:but I think having children brings sticky kisses, warm hugs and lots of love and laughs, but also middle of the night emergency room runs, high fevers and a LOT of worry... So the "bad weeks" that would have completely thrown me off my feet are a little easier to handle now, because the majority of it is stuff I have to do almost daily anyway... the thing I think is the best part about being a mommy is also the hardest: when your kids are sick, it's YOU they want...

It is true that when you become a parent you gain an incredible strength that was never there before.

When my sister-in-law had her baby she was so worried about how she would handle the sleepless nights and long days. I told her that you just do. When you are a mom you find a bottomless well of resolve that seemed hidden to you all the years of your life until it is needed, and parenthood definately makes you NEED it.

Athena Appleton wrote:not babysitter, not grandma, not even daddy that often...

Boy can I relate to that!

So yeah, I guess us old mom's would have lively "Hell Week" stories. :lol:

Athena aren't you glad we have this place to blow off the tension? :D
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 29 March 2004 9:54:42pm

yeah... i'm really blessed, because I also have a very understanding mom and mother-in-law who I can call up and complain to if Cameron is just acting a little too two, or Colin is fussy again because I had to sit him down for five minutes before going to the bathroom or something like that... that helps a lot. But it is nice to have a place to just come and blow off steam. :grin:
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Postby Krum » Wednesday 31 March 2004 7:46:44pm

although many people say i'm just a kid(14 years old)it's a dream and not reality...once i had this really EVIL week(around Valentine's day where i usually don't get a valentine cus i'm not an open kinda guy and don't have a lot of friends)
I was in my usual bad mood for being the only guy around with no girlfriend(exept two of my friends who are even worse).I merely avoided having several fights with another guy in school, but a common friend stopped us.Another guy was acting very childish("whatca talkin about with her?Valentine's day's over"... when we were just chatting about stuff).Then i found out that the girl from before actually likes to smoke"because it's cool" or get drunk at parties"because it's cool".And i liked her because it's different.

My remedy?Strongly un-recommended.I play my favourite tunes like Linkin Park and hit the wall as hard as i can with my fists, sometimes until i start bleeding.At least i'm not angry anymore
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 31 March 2004 8:29:32pm

First off, I think Valentine's Day should be officially banned. All it does is promote depression. If you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, you dream that everyone else does and is having a wonderful time. If you do have a boyfriend/girlfriend (or husband/wife) you dream that everyone else's boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife is actually remembering Valentine's Day and they're all happy and why did you have to be with the ONE person on earth who would forget about Valentine's Day? :lol: It's a dangerous holiday.

Krum, you are still a kid, and you do still have SO MUCH more life to lead than what you're experiencing right now. What I was like at 14 is very different from what I'm like at 24, and I'm probably a lot different at 24 than I'll be at 34.

Keep your chin up, realize that even those of us who are married to wonderful people still hate Valentine's day, and just for a while look at life with the idea that you haven't even began to touch the best parts of your life.
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Postby Meg Boyd » Monday 5 April 2004 3:24:11am

i'm at an enough already stage...

I am so sick of high school

My friends are driving me insane

My parents are going insane

And the daily depression rooting from my best friend and The Girl.

I just can't wait until next year where i can have a fresh start
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 5 April 2004 5:00:24am

:lol: but only, what, 30 more days? Can't be more than that, just the other day you posted that there were either 34 or 36...

You'll make it, and I'll pray for ya. :grin:
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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Tuesday 18 May 2004 9:16:48pm

Boy reading all of that made me realise that my week wasn't that bad after all!

I think when your younger, (i was a very depressive teenager) you tend to take things a little bit too deeply. Don't get me wrong it's something I'm still guilty of now, my friends are always telling me to stop over analysing things and just take them at face value. I can't just go to the pub for a drink with someone, I have to think about everything they've said and wether I could put up with that in a long term relationship!

But I've gone off the point, I think your teenage years are really difficult because you are discovering lots of new emotions and looking at things differently, discovering your own opinions about things. It's really hard, and I think us adult are too quick to forget at times what it was like to feel like the odd one out or the one that no-one likes.
As you get older though these things matter less and less. You'll meet up with people when you are older who you thought hated you in school but it turns out that they were horrible to you because they were a bit jealous of the fact that you were better than them at something or you had the bottle to do something different.
I think the moral of this story is, always be yourself, it doesn't matter who does or doesn't like you as long as you can learn to like yourself.
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