word of advice

Which one is your favorite so far. Are they getting even better as the characters develop over time?

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Postby Broccoli » Monday 28 October 2002 1:23:30pm

Actually, do you know, how I found this forum? I was desperately looking for some rumours!
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Postby Wedge » Monday 28 October 2002 2:18:07pm

loo. :-P
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Postby TDM » Friday 17 January 2003 9:20:11pm

rumors tide me over until the book comes out. unless they really suck and couldn't happen in a million years. example: Vernon Dursley becomes Headmaster of Hogwarts (i just made it up off the top of my head. not true or even close to being a rumor. just an example)
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Postby the-rabid-chocobo » Sunday 19 January 2003 9:35:58pm

here's wut i do.....

what i do while waiting for the next book in a series to come out is read another book that's not part of a series so that when i go back to a series i'm anxiously (sp?) anticipating the next book. although...there's a problem now. hp5 has taken soooo long and i've read soooo many books since the 4th that i've practically forgotten everything i know about hp (except the major elements).
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Postby TDM » Monday 20 January 2003 3:37:51am

i've also forgotten all the stuff about HP. i've been so into writing my own stories, i can't remember which plots are which.
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Postby Scellanis » Monday 20 January 2003 9:56:13am

hmmm....well uve got plenty of time to read the full series again before the 5th one is released.....

i havent forgotten any of the stuff i know...which is surprised considering my memory......
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Postby Broccoli » Monday 20 January 2003 2:15:29pm

I haven't forgotten anything because everything is being discussed over and over again in the message boards... ;) And I have also re-listened each book for a couple of times.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 23 April 2003 8:02:57am

I'm not a big fan of rumours, but I do like the theories! I know that that sounds weird, but I think that it's a good thing that the books lead you to use your imagination and try to think of things that could happen next.

And isnt' that the educational point of books anyways? to help out creativity grow?

*scary, :eek: sounding all intellectual there, I think I'm frightening myself????*
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Postby Mint » Thursday 24 April 2003 9:23:26pm

I agree with you completly but.................

I can't control myself :cry: This long wait is just killing me!!!!

Like everytime it says don't read further, spoiler - I control myself for couple of days, but then I go back and read it anyway.

:( Sad thing is - I LOVE being surpised.
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Postby Neo » Friday 25 April 2003 4:24:10am

Well, but the spoilers we know only keep us thinking what is going to happen in the plot of the book, so I think they are more good than bad, it is very entertaining to think in theories (even in the ones that totally unprobable)
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Saturday 26 April 2003 2:49:01pm

and what you call spoilers might not be spoilers at all, unless JKR has confirmed them
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Postby Neo » Sunday 27 April 2003 3:26:21am

Yes, and even some things that Jo confirmed turn out to be different, this happened with somethings in GoF for example. (So until reading the book you can't be sure of anything)
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Tuesday 3 June 2003 1:09:49pm

I think reading (or not reading rumors) is purely up to personal preference. :)

I really don't think there's a right or wrong thing to do, but then I also feel reading is a personal experience. Some people want to know things, and some don't . . . does it really matter what anyone chooses for themselves? :-)

I look at it this way . . . as long as someone isn't forcing, pressuring, or ridiculing me into doing something I don't want to do, and what they are doing isn't harming me or anyone else (or harming them--and how would rumors harm an individual? :???: ), why should it bother me? All comes back to personal preferences . . .

I, personally, have read some rumors and theories. And I am sure (as I've already been corrected by Neo, I believe, on another thread :)) there are people who've read more rumors than myself, and people who've read far less. Can't we all get along? :razz: hehehe
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Postby Neo » Wednesday 4 June 2003 12:01:58am

I agree with Bee; reading rumours is of each one (I must admit there are few people that have read more than me :grin: )
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Postby Mint » Wednesday 4 June 2003 2:12:15pm

If you read rumors - you wanna read that book even more! :)
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