used wands

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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 23 March 2004 2:09:42am

Yeah... the way I understood it is if Harry's wand had a phoenix feather from any other phoenix other than fawkes, the priori incantatum wouldn't have happened, he would have just been exterminated.
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Tuesday 23 March 2004 2:26:53am

I still dont think hardly anyone would be able to duel with each other then. Seeing as probably unicorn hair is probably the most used core (thats what im thinking, correct me if im wrong) and im sure witches and wizards outnumber unicorns so there's gotta be a bunch of magic folks with the same cores from the same animal.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 23 March 2004 2:42:03am

Yeah, I see what your saying... just a thought, though... how many wizards go around randomly dueling with each other? And also, I think I remember that the spells have to be cast at the same time for it to work (if Harry hadn't said "Expelliarmus" at the exact moment Voldy said "Aveda Kedavra", the Priori Incantatum wouldn't have worked.) So your chances of the Priori Incantatum are relatively small in the first place, and while a lot of people might have tail hairs from the same unicorn, it's more unlikely that the one in five-thousand wizard you would actually duel with would have the same core from the same place casting a spell at the exact same time, ya know?
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Tuesday 23 March 2004 2:51:36am

hmm...good point. I suppose the spells hit in midair and do their thing.
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Postby choki » Tuesday 23 March 2004 8:07:06am

I thought no two wands are exactly the same.
And even though, two different persons may have the same core type wands, their ability to exhibit magic could be different. For eg, wizard A is good at charms while wizard B is good at something else.

As for choosing or buying a wand, we can't possible try out every single wand in the whole shop so I'm trying to say that even though the current wand maybe a compatible or even the best, there is still a huge possibility of having an equally good wand out there.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 23 March 2004 9:06:27am

Yeah, no two wands are the same... but that doesn't mean there's a drastic difference in all wands... if all wands are handmade, technically, none would be exactly the same, because it's virtually impossible for man to make two things ABSOLUTELY identical. like, one would be ever-so-slightly lighter, thinner, longer, shorter, the phoenix tail would have a few more or less hairs... very very slight differences, and something really I think only a trained person (like Ollivander himself) would recognize. Otherwise, a wand is a wand, some slightly better than others (to each individual person)...

It's funny, Ollivander tells us that you never get quite the best results using another person's wand, and we see two examples of people using used wands. Ron's performance doesn't necessarily get any better when he has his own wand instead of using a hand-me-down. Wonder if Neville's performance will change with his new wand?

Wonder what happens if you're in a family like the Weasleys with hardly any money, and you get to go get a new wand, try out every one in the shop, and the one that suits you best is made of the most valuable and rare materials? Does it cost more? Does Ollivander pitch a fit at the prospect of you taking an inferior wand to save a few galleons, when he knows which is the best? :lol:

it's late, i'm tired, I'm not making any sense... :grin: forgive me, and I'll do better in the morning.
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Postby Aberforth » Tuesday 23 March 2004 9:47:14am

I still dont think hardly anyone would be able to duel with each other then. Seeing as probably unicorn hair is probably the most used core (thats what im thinking, correct me if im wrong) and im sure witches and wizards outnumber unicorns so there's gotta be a bunch of magic folks with the same cores from the same animal.

Maybe it is just pheonix feather wands that exhibit this effect.

I would have thought that a pheonix feather wand would be more common though, as pheonixes keep dying and being reborn, so they effectively last a long time. Unicorns are difficult to catch (Hagrid says so in PS) and I wouldn't volunteer to get a dragon's heart string. Veela hair is rare in a wand. Pheonix feathers soud the easiest to get hold of to me, therefore possibly being more common/cheaper.
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Postby Alice I » Tuesday 23 March 2004 1:48:21pm

Aberforth may have a point as Tom Riddle didn't have some inheratence waiting for him in a Gringotts vault.
I suppose he had to pay for his school stuff somehow but he probably had less money than the Weasley's.
I mean he came from a muggle orphanage. Where would he get gold?
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 23 March 2004 9:05:07pm

Aberforth wrote:Maybe it is just pheonix feather wands that exhibit this effect.

Aaaaahhh... :-?

I would have thought that a pheonix feather wand would be more common though, as pheonixes keep dying and being reborn, so they effectively last a long time.

Yeah, but Fawkes has only given two tail feathers... and you don't hear of as many phoenixes as you do unicorns (there's at least a few unicorns in the Forbidden Forest, only one Fawkes)... maybe Fawkes is just stingy, though. :lol:

Alice wrote:Aberforth may have a point as Tom Riddle didn't have some inheratence waiting for him in a Gringotts vault.

How do you know?

I mean he came from a muggle orphanage. Where would he get gold?

About Harry: "I mean he came from muggle relatives that hated him. Where would he get gold?" OH YEAH! An inheritance his magical parents left him. Tom Riddle wasn't muggle-born, his mom was a witch. She could very well have had an inheritance for him waiting.
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