Favorite Character Out of All Five HP Books (spoilers)

Who do you like best and who could you definately live without? Will there be romance in the air for any of them and who will end up with who?

Moderators: Mistress Siana, Q.Araignee, Scarlet Lioness

Who is your all-time fave character from the five HP books?

One of the Trio: Harry, Ron, or Hermione
One of the Good Marauders: James, Sirius, or Lupin
Headmaster Dumbledore
Professor McGonagall
Professor Snape
Mad-Eye Moody (the real one! :p)
No votes
OotP New Characters: Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, etc.
Mr. or Mrs. Weasley
Professor Lockhart
Ginny Weasley
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, or Vincent Crabbe
Lucius Malfoy
Luna Lovegood
Other Character (please elaborate on the thread!)
Total votes : 106

Postby fierce » Saturday 13 March 2004 1:07:36pm

I voted for the trio, but more specifically, Ron. He's so funny, and the fact that he gets jealous of Krum just amuses me no end.

I love Lupin, too. And Sirius. I was having an argument with my little sister today about Lupin & Sirius. I said "remember that time we were camping, and that guy in the tent next door made howling noises? That reminds me so much of Sirius" and my little sister said "you mean Lupin" And I said, "no, i mean sirius" and she said "why would sirius howl?" and i said "because he turns into a dog!" and she said "that's lupin, and he's a werewolf!" and i'm like, have you even read the books????
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Postby ReDDragoN » Sunday 14 March 2004 4:28:38pm

Snape. The most mysterious character. I have many conjectures about him but I know that JKR will surprise my.
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Postby Alice I » Sunday 14 March 2004 5:03:59pm

My favorite character in the five JKR books is Lupin. He was an excellent teacher and I have always liked the underdog. *oops* am I dating myself? Yes I grew up actually watching Underdog and Rocky and Bullwinkle :lol:

My favorite character in my version of book six is Bill Weasley. I'll put up a few excerpts about Bill it under fan fic area.
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Postby FairyTale » Tuesday 16 March 2004 6:13:33pm

I voted for Luna just because I absolutley adored her character. I felt that the books needed a character but unfortunatley I can't really explain why or elaborate...
Coming in very close seconds were Lupin, Bill Weasley and Snape.
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Postby spirit » Monday 22 March 2004 12:16:16am

My favrotie character is Ron. :-)
He really has character and he's really funny. Haha

I also like Hermione. She's so smart 8)
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Postby Groo » Friday 9 April 2004 1:12:27pm

my favourite character ????
definately Fred Weasley!( i have noticed that he has the better punch lines among the two)
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Postby ganymede » Friday 23 April 2004 8:06:50am

i really cant just vote for one, cuz i like alot of characters - hermione, ron, the weasley twins, sirius, snape...they all make the books come alive in oner way or another :) - but id like to add that i dont like hagrid
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Postby Alice I » Friday 23 April 2004 12:43:38pm

ganymede wrote: - but id like to add that i dont like hagrid

May I ask why you don't like Hagrid?
You are of course allowed your own opinion but he is such a likable character that I am stumped as to why anyone would not like him.
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Postby Moonstone » Friday 23 April 2004 1:24:56pm

My favo is for thouse that havent guessed it.. Dumbledore..
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Postby pallas artemis » Thursday 29 April 2004 1:13:48am

I've always been torn between Sirius and Lupin so I was just happy to see them in the same group. :rolleyes:
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Phineas rules

Postby Reverie Revenge » Monday 3 May 2004 6:43:45pm

Hey, nobody's mentioned the provocative portrait yet!!! :jump:
Phineas is deffinitelly my first choice! <3 his remarks :lol:

But there is crowd on the second place: you already know my affection to Bella :razz: , I will not bother you with her. And then Luna & Tonks - brilliant female characters, strong & admirable personalities, totally nonconformistic :D I can't forget Miss Figg , I'm a cat lover too :cat:

I love the troublemakers: Peeves & Twins :grin: Good choice, Groo, I think too that usually Fred has cooler remarks 8)
Mundungus :razz: - what a cunning businessman! He made me laugh aloud, like all others here mentioned characters :lol: :lol: :lol:
Malfoys - very different business than Mundungus, but very nasty indeed. Anyway, Malfoys fascinate me :grin:

I agree with ganymede, me neither, I don't like Hagrid :-?
Yes, just because he's so likeable, that's why I don't like him :lol: He's nice but far too naive - I fall for cunning &shrewd Slytherins, like Phineas. Anyone who adores his sarcasm???
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Postby Evil Wizard Petting Zoo » Monday 3 May 2004 10:56:33pm

I'm so with you on the evil Slytherin sarcasm, Reverie! Phineas is always cracking me up. "First sign of madness is talking to your own head" :lol:

Fred always gets me too! I wonder why he's the more outgoing of the two, Fred seems to have more lines than George. :-?
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Thx for sarcastic support;)

Postby Reverie Revenge » Saturday 8 May 2004 5:36:33pm

Phineas' lines are deffinitelly the best, even before his identity is revealed :D :double jump: The mysterious portrait with wicked sense of humor - wow! :grin: But - I wouldn't hang him in my room - or w'd never stop quarelling and I also need creative peace :lol:
Hey, I'm talking to myself a lot :grin: You're right, Phineas, I'm mad and proud of it :D :lol:
But before Phineas and other cool characters from book 5, my favourites were Malfoys - I'm usually supporting the bad side :evil grin:

I agree, it would be cool to know more about Weasley twins and their background. I wish Harry would enter their room in next book - plenty of fancastic & dangerous stuff lying around, I guess :razz: The joke shop development labo must be really interesting!!!

Hey, Evil Wizard Petting Zoo, having a good tea??? :D
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Thx for sarcastic support;)

Postby Reverie Revenge » Saturday 8 May 2004 5:40:06pm

Phineas' lines are deffinitelly the best, even before his identity is revealed :D :double jump: The mysterious portrait with wicked sense of humor - wow! :grin: But - I wouldn't hang him in my room - or w'd never stop quarelling and I also need creative peace :lol:
Hey, I'm talking to myself a lot :grin: You're right, Phineas, I'm mad and proud of it :D :lol:
But before Phineas and other cool characters from book 5, my favourites were Malfoys - I'm usually supporting the bad side :evil grin:

I agree, it would be cool to know more about Weasley twins and their background. I wish Harry would enter their room in next book - plenty of fancastic & dangerous stuff lying around, I guess :razz: The joke shop development labo must be really interesting!!!

Hey, Evil Wizard Petting Zoo, having a good tea??? :D
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Mmmmm so tough one....

Postby Isabelle » Monday 10 May 2004 4:18:25pm

I dunno why but I just love Draco,he is someone I don`t like in real life but definately there is something about him.I fancy him because of his dark blood.The story wouldn`t be that fun without him,hope someday he will make friends with Harry in someway...who is agree with me?! :-?
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