Will Harry die?

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Will Harry die?

Total votes : 117

Postby Ferrus » Thursday 19 February 2004 9:14:39pm

But why should harry die?? none of the LotR main characters died and nobody came marching to tolkeins door saying:

more! more! more! more! more!
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Postby Broccoli » Friday 20 February 2004 10:28:05am

Yes, but most of them left for ever and a new world was developing behind them.
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Postby Ferrus » Friday 20 February 2004 8:44:23pm

Right, but I`m pretty sure that when the books finish the wizarding world will not be the same either...
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Postby jarvan49 » Tuesday 24 February 2004 7:36:43pm

I cant see Harry dying in the books. It would defeat the purpose of good triumphing over evil if the "hero" does survive the battle.
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Postby Writer » Wednesday 3 March 2004 2:49:17pm

I really have no idea. I hope not, but then again I think so, but then I think not, and then I get thoroughly confused :???:
Whether he lives or dies, I'm sure it will be fantastically written and very satisfying (in terms of an ending).
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Postby Galateia » Monday 15 March 2004 4:38:08pm

I'm pretty sure Harry will die. That would be the perfect ending for the eight book. And don't get me wrong, I don't mean that I want that he dies, it would just end the story there and then there wouldn't be any other books about Harry's kids etc...
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Postby Alice I » Monday 15 March 2004 4:52:02pm

If JKR kills Harry I will stop reading her material. :evil:

I mean it.

The character has engendered millions of fans through out the world and to kill him would be wrong and my kids would go ape if that happened. They would hate JKR and I wouldn't argue with them.

They say she reads these sites sometimes, I hope she does and if she is planning on killing Harry I hope she rethinks this killing him business.
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Postby Nobby » Monday 15 March 2004 6:19:49pm

if Jk has planned to kill harry from book 1 i doubt that a few fan sites are going to change her mind. her decision was made a long time agon and theres no backing out now
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Postby Ferrus » Monday 15 March 2004 9:55:02pm

unfortunately true... :cry:
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Postby Alice I » Monday 15 March 2004 10:29:06pm

I will buy book six when it comes out but I will wait for a bit when book seven comes out. If Harry is killed in that book this place will go nuts and it will be obvious. In that case I will no longer purchase anything that JKR writes including book seven. I will write my own ending and read that to the girls (my little boobalas) If; when they are older, they want to read JKR's version that will be up to them.

By her own words this is a children's series and I believe that in a children's book the good guys should win. For get all that "Well in the real world s***!"
Our children don't need to see a beloved character; someone maybe that they identify with have to make the ultimate sacrifice to defeat evil.
They will / they DO see enough of that in real life (especially kids with moms and dads in the service)

What in the name of *** is the point of putting that kind of death/sacrifice in this series that has enthralled so many millions?

Childrens books should be fantasy and an escape from the horrible cr** going on in our world (ie: Spain or 911)

I have very strong feelings about this as you can see and I hope I have not offended any die hard JKR fans.
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Postby Alice I » Thursday 18 March 2004 2:14:11am

I don’t think I made my argument clear in my last post. It was a too emotional and not very sound in reasoning. I would like to make my reasoning clear and then I promise I’ll shut up and stop harping on this.
When JKR started writing the Harry Potter story she probably did not have the slightest idea that it would turn into what it has. This story has been read by millions of people and has sparked a cult following. There are thousands of sites on the internet like this one, the books have been translated into dozens of other languages, the movies are always top box office sellers, the merchandising is a multi-billion dollar market and all because everyone loves the character Harry Potter.
This story has literally touched millions of lives. This has burdened JKR with a responsibility to her fans who buy the books, go to the movies then buy them, purchase the merchandise etc…
If JKR does not want to write any more about the Harry Potter character after book 7 then she doesn’t have to. To kill the character that has endeared himself to so many people would be a betrayal of the trust of her readers and I honestly believe that if she does kill Harry she will loose a very sizable chunk of her fan base.
She may not have intended to have this responsibility thrust upon her but that is what happens when a story becomes something of these epic proportions. She may even feel that it is unfair or unreasonable that she has a responsibility to her fans, but it is her fans that brought her from being a single mother on public assistance to a multi-millionaire and therefore she does have a responsibility to those people.
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Postby Writer » Wednesday 31 March 2004 3:07:50pm

Hmm y'know I don't think she will (kill Harry). If Harry did die in the end she'd want it to be a complete surprise wouldn't she? But she's been hinting at it and so forth in interviews so it won't be such a surprise any more. But then again maybe it would be especially cruel of her to kill Harry without any warning...

I do hope Harry won't die but above all I hope JKR won't change the story she's been planning for years for the sake of the fans.
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Postby Ferrus » Wednesday 31 March 2004 8:35:32pm

Well, the four main reasons for Harry not dying are:

1-The whole story is told from Harry´s point of view, so it wouldn´t make sense to suddenly change the general stile... (not a strong reason, granted)
2-The HP books are (whatever else they may be) a traditional European Good vs Evil fight, and everybody knows what happens in the end of one of those. I stess European because in most Japanese stories the ends are bitter-sweet (witness most of the Final Fantasy games, for example)
3-The profesy says that one (Voldie or Harry) will die, killed by the other, and adds that none will live while the other survives, which can be interpreted as when the one dies, the other may live, a reason against both dying, killed by the other. I can´t imagine Harry being killed by other that Voldie, it would be just too undignified.
4-Harry is the boy who lived and should remain so.

I´ve concocted these reasons in the moment, so there are (probably) plenty of holes in the reasoning, but in general, I think are pretty solid.
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Postby sea-plunder » Wednesday 31 March 2004 8:49:27pm

i seriously doubt she would kill off harry...maybe ron but harry is the main charechter and the one whos viewpoint the story is told from. i agree with alice that she would lose a lot of fans because they would have no hope for any sequel and all of them reasons alice mentioned. i think the book will be written well no matter how she ends it but i think it would do her more good not to kill harry
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Postby Centaur Lord » Wednesday 31 March 2004 11:52:29pm

Personally, I don't think that she's going to kill off any of the trio. They have been through so much together, so it would make the whole theme of friendship in the books disappear. I think it is more likely that someone like Neville will die.
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