Age Limit for GoF and OotP???

Have you seen the movies, either in the cinema theatre, or on video or DVD, or thinking of seeing them? Share your views here.

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Postby Aberforth » Monday 1 March 2004 2:52:24pm

If you remember, Hermione had her her quite neat in CoS when they went to Diagon Alley. It might give you some indication of how she might look, although I think they will probably put her hair up with it being a ball.

I can't wait to see Harry duel with Voldemort and Malfoy turn into a ferret! :red evil:
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 10 March 2004 3:40:49pm

Moody's lesson about the unforgivable curses will be great! Can't wait to see that. I still looking foward to the first task. i love dragons! :grin:
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Postby fierce » Saturday 13 March 2004 1:34:48pm

Yeah I think the unforgivable lesson will be really cool - to see how the curses affect the spider! and then harry fighting off imperio will be intriguing.

I'll also be interested to see how the new director approaches the death scene with Cedric. i think that will play an important part in how the movie is rated. There arent' too many descriptive passages in the book dedicated to the violence & death of that particular scene, so I don't know how much detail they will go into in the movie.
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Postby Amon Rê » Saturday 13 March 2004 10:15:36pm

Definitely...I can't wait to see the Merpeople and hear Dumbledore speak mermish...ugh you know that's gonna be an awful sound... :-D
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Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 13 March 2004 11:26:27pm

you know, the dragon scene could either be exceptional, or exceptionally stupid, depending on how far over the top they go...

I'm looking forward to seeing Bill. :lol: And the Quidditch World Cup stadium (it's supposed to be HUGE!)... well, and the "tents"
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Postby Alice I » Sunday 14 March 2004 3:02:27am

Eos wrote:To be honest: I didn't find it appropriate for 6-year old kids I've to admit.

Well that really depends on the kid and as parents you will know what your kid would tolerate. My girls are curently 3 yrs and 6 yrs and they have seen both HP movies so many times that we had to replace the DVD's (Scratches and all) They have also seen all of the Jurassic Park movies. They love the animal planet chanel and there is loads of animal violence depicted there. The Crocadile guy *what's his name* Steve Irwin is one of their favorite shows and animals can be very graphic.
People violence is something that would bother them and I would'nt allow but most of the stuff in the HP books is creature stuff or magic against magic. The only real fighting I recall is when Harry and the twins beat up Malfoy in OotP after the quidditch match.
Anyhow there is my two cents :-)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 14 March 2004 6:27:10am

I wouldn't want my son to watch it anytime soon, but that's mostly for thematic reasons... I mean, I just wouldn't want him watching a movie where the evil evil wizard comes back to life, kills a teenager (magical or not), tortures people, and encourages his followers to torture people... plus, I think once you start getting into Prizoner of Azkaban, with all the lies and betrayals and anger building up and stuff, it gets past the okay-for-most-6-year-olds thing...
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Postby Nobby » Sunday 14 March 2004 7:27:42pm

i quite agree! 6 year olds are far too young to see the 4th movie, i'd say ten year olds and above
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Postby FairyTale » Tuesday 16 March 2004 6:45:04pm

But what about the less than 10 year old children who have read the book? It seems pretty unfair to them.
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 17 March 2004 6:09:35am

Now children, let's stay on topic... HAAHAA, I've always wanted to say that

Y'all are, I think that it should be the parents decision, if they allowed the child to read the book, or read it to them (un-edited) then the parents made the first decision in allowing them to read the book!!

**I have seperated this from the other discussion, we'll keep this one about just the age restrictions and what not :-D
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 17 March 2004 8:20:40pm

I'm not trying to say that what I would do with my kids is what all parents should do... I have very small children. I would not take them to see the movies, not even the first two. I like the fact that the worst violence my child (and y'all, I'm talkin about a 2 1/2 year old) has seen is Oscar the Grouch gettin rude on some Big Bird. :lol:

I'm pretty glad I don't have to deal with this issue at all, really, since most of the movies will hopefully be out before my children are old enough to know who Harry Potter is (aside from those books Mommy's nutso about :grin:)

In my opinion, with my kids, I wouldn't have let under-ten-year-olds read books like Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. But I do agree that parents who have let their kids read the books will probably be more okay with the kids seeing the movies.
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Postby Alice I » Thursday 18 March 2004 2:43:24am

I think I am mostly looking forward to seeing the Dragons.

I hope they do justice to the maze. I was not particularly impressed with Aragog or the other spiders in CoS. My little one have seen that many times, but I won't let them see Shelob from LOTR because she looks real, and much MUCH scarier than Aragog and his crew.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 18 March 2004 4:47:01am

:lol: I was freaked out about Aragog!!!!
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 19 March 2004 1:43:08am

I found this kind of interesting... I just read an interview with J.K. Rowling that was done sometime around the year 2000 (she mentioned taking her daughter to see A Bug's Life, and the first movie hadn't been made yet), and she said that she would not read the Harry Potter books to her own daughter at that time.
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Postby spirit » Tuesday 23 March 2004 11:36:13pm

If there is an age limit, kids any age will want to read it anyway :-?
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