8th Book?

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8th Book?

Postby bewitchin » Saturday 2 November 2002 2:10:38am

Hye, I'm sorry if this has been mentioned already somewehere, but I heard on the radio that J.K. Rowling is supposedly writing 4 more HP books, not 3. If that's true, it means that there will be an "after-7th year at Hogwarts" book, so I guess that kind of destroys the theory that Harry will die. Although he might die in the 8th book. Then again, I heard this on the morning radio, so I may have just been half-asleep and hopeful, or it could just be untrue. But that's why it's a rumor, right? :lol: Sorry, it's Friday, I'm a bit hyper.
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Postby Shadow » Saturday 2 November 2002 10:07:05pm

I haven't heard anything, but then again, I never hear much about stuff. That might be cool.
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Postby LadySnape » Tuesday 12 November 2002 7:11:11pm

Wow, that would be so AWESOME! I think there are going to be 8 movies, because the 4th one is so huge they have to cut it in two. That's what I HEARD anyway. :D
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Postby Deedra Malfoy » Tuesday 12 November 2002 10:39:16pm

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Postby Paul » Wednesday 13 November 2002 12:39:50am

The official word is that there are only seven books. The rumours of an 8th book were started when it was found that 3 more titles (as well as Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix) have been registered by Warner Bros as trademarks at the UK Patent Office. JK Rowling's literary agent, Neil Blair, has confirmed that the plan is to only have seven books in the series and that there is no truth in the rumours of a book 8.

The 3 titles may simply be alternatives for the final two books, with one title being a spare. The 3 titles which have been trademarked are Harry Potter and the Alchemist's Cell, Harry Potter and the Chariots of Light and Harry Potter and the Pyramids of Furmat.

Regarding the rumour of Book 4 possiby being split into 2 movies, I think I've read that somewhere too (although I couldn't swear to it). If it is true, they may do a similar thing to book 5 as I've heard that Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix may be even longer than book 4!
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Postby Shadow » Wednesday 13 November 2002 1:12:32am

I haven't heard anything about them spliting the fourth book into two movies, but it makes sence.

Darn! I was hoping that Rowling would go on another book about HP after he leaves Hogwarts.

If the books progress in length as they are, They might have to make the 7th book into three movies!
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Postby Melody Granger » Wednesday 13 November 2002 5:30:16pm

I hope theres an eighth book that would be sooooooooo cool im at school right now sittin next to Dedra Malfoy
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Postby Cougie » Wednesday 25 December 2002 10:20:22am

I saw a documentary on an plane about Rowling. She said herself that she has already written the final chapter of book 7. she even showed it to the camera and was afraid that the camera may have X-ray vision that that could see through the case it was in. That chapter sums everything up so I suppose there's only 7 books.
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Postby KBIG104 » Tuesday 8 July 2003 10:34:30pm

How about a parallel book, from another character's perspective? Maybe Nevillie's. Of course, only JKR could write it.

Sort of like Ender's Shadow is to the Ender's Game series.
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Postby Gwared » Wednesday 9 July 2003 9:41:21am

She hasn't ever said "never" to an 8th book but she continually states that we'll have to see if Harry survives.
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Postby June » Wednesday 9 July 2003 10:41:02am

I think I remember Rowling saying that she won't write an 8th book on Harry Potter but she might come up with more books like the ones she wrote about magical creatures and "Quidditch Through the Ages".

Well.. if we can't get an eighth book on Harry Potter, we can at least get some more information aboout the wizarding world... it'll be fun to read a book such as "Hogwarts: A History". ^_~
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 9 July 2003 1:36:03pm

Hogwarts: a History would be so grand! I think the only one who's ever read is Hermione Granger :P !
Do you think that the location of the common rooms will be in there?(if it's written of course) Because I and all other Ravenclaws, are still wondering where ours is!
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Postby Sacred Guardian » Wednesday 9 July 2003 3:41:32pm

well, i don't think so, because if she holds true to the books, there won't be a map, or else anyone who reads it will know where all the other common rooms are, and by the way, yours is in a tower and that's all i know about it
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 9 July 2003 3:57:12pm

A tower eh?Thanks! I read something about a tower too, and something about it being on the third flour and the entrance being a knight-statue, but I sure do like to know in which book that's written!

By the way, isn't the Marauder's Map a map of Hogwarts?
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Postby June » Wednesday 9 July 2003 4:41:48pm

gecko wrote:By the way, isn't the Marauder's Map a map of Hogwarts?

It's more a map of the places in Hogwarts that the Marauders know about in the first place, I should think. So, if none of them know where the other Houses are situated, it probably won't show up in the map too... though I guess that they probably know. It wouldn't make much sense for them to be able to find out all the different secret passages and such, and not able to find out the locations of the other Houses, don't you think?
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