Names 'R' Us

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Names 'R' Us

Postby Writer » Sunday 7 March 2004 5:41:11pm

Hello I am Writer, also known as Writerus- shop seller and advisor. I own the shop :grin:

There's a poster up on the door of the shop:

Do you hate your name? Were you born into a muggle family and want a more wizardish sounding name? Or do you simply want a change?

Welcome to Names 'R' Us, you can buy a new name or alias, ending in the highly popular syllable "us". Make reservations for the name of your choice.

Examplatory register of names already in use:


Full registry of names in use is as of yet unavailable.

Bobbus Smithivus, muggle-born wizard, now successful and wealthy auror:
"I used to be shameful of my name. It made me sound so muggle. But now I'm a customer of Names 'R' Us I never need fear again!"

Your imagination is your only limit! Purchase a new name today!

*Writerus sits behind her desk and waits for customers*
Last edited by Writer on Saturday 13 March 2004 1:12:34am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Jotomicron » Sunday 7 March 2004 5:48:00pm

Wow... what a strange shop you have here!!

So, you're selling the names? What must I do in order to see my name changed?

I don't really know if I want to do that, but I'm curious...
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Postby Writer » Sunday 7 March 2004 6:00:27pm

Of course sir.

Names 'R' Us creates highly fashionable sounding wizards names with the ending "us" and the stem of the customer's own choice. The stem can be anything from your own name to a household appliance or even a farm animal.
Simply state your desired name change and I will charge an obligatory fee of 10 sickles, plus 1 sickle per stem letter.
You can then safely introduce yourself using your new and fashionable name without fear of magical detection, while still being commonly known by your old name. Good for secret identities...

*Writerus rocks back and forth, muttering crazily to herself*
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Postby TDM » Sunday 7 March 2004 8:15:01pm

hmm...sounds nifty, i guess. well, could you stem a name off 'dragon' for me?
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Postby Writer » Sunday 7 March 2004 9:24:07pm

Sure thing, Dragonus! That'll be 16 sickles. You now have a new name and can use it to your heart's content. You can thieve, plunder- er I mean do good deeds! Muahahaha!
(Writerus is Writer's evil alter-ego. See how these name things can come in handy? Buy one today!)

Thank you, come again!
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Postby TDM » Monday 8 March 2004 1:40:03am

well thanks, kindly. *drops 16 sickles on the counter, and a galleon as a tip*

*walks out*
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Postby pinky p » Monday 8 March 2004 4:57:57am

lets see. i think "pinkyprincessus" would be rather long, (and rather costly), don't you? got any suggestions for something else?
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Postby choki » Monday 8 March 2004 8:04:02am

Me me, I guess I need a name that suggest I'm a witch instead of choking on keys all the time :lol:
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Postby Writer » Monday 8 March 2004 10:33:54pm

Ooh a tip! Writerus likes tips.

Advising! My favourite part! *cackles*

pinkyprincess, I do wonder what you have against long names? And I always say the higher the price the better the goods...
Take Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore for example. More names is good!
How about one of the folloing names: Pinkus, Ravenus, Pieus, Princessus or Grapefruitus? Ooh how lovely they would sound together! Imagine, you could be Pinkus Ravenus Pieus Grapefruitus Princessus, and all for a bargain price of 4 galleons and 11 sickles! And since "Platypus" is already of the "us" variety, i'd be happy to throw it in for free! WHAT a BARGAIN!

choki, I see! A challenge, it seems you want a complete change. I’ll need to know a bit about you. To help you decide, regard the advice I gave to pinkyprincess and perhaps you would like to claim a copy of Names ‘R’ Us Beginners Guide to Names for a mere 2 galleons- why that’s almost thievery!

[Yes, I am crazy :o :razz: ]
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Postby choki » Tuesday 9 March 2004 9:25:13am

*pays 2 galleons for a copy of Names ‘R’ Us Beginners Guide to Names*

Hmm, more about me eh? Well, I'm currently a duck commander in the Land of chicken worshippers and a crazy one! Oooh, and I love long names :lol: kinda like pp's Pinkus Ravenus Pieus Grapefruitus Princessus!
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Postby Writer » Wednesday 10 March 2004 6:34:27pm

Superbulous! Well since you haven't a markable first or last name I think it would be safe to let you choose the order of the names.
Let's see though, I think a first name based on your craziness would be fitting [ :razz: ] how about Lunus or Delirus? Or perhaps even both!
There's a wide range of other 'crazy' names to choose from- Flippus, Barmus, Psychus, Battus, Dippus, Pottus, Mentus, Sillius, Wackus, Ludus, Daftus...
And who doesn't want a name telling of their achievements? I would strongly recommend you include the following names: Duckus, Commandus, Chickenus/Poultus.

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Postby choki » Friday 12 March 2004 6:42:50am

Oooh and I like I think Wolvius can be my middle name :P
so I choose Wackus and Duckus...well, well, what have we got here?
Choki Wolvius Wackus Duckus!
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Postby Nobby » Friday 12 March 2004 9:49:02pm

Can you help me with a new name writerus? but not nobberus that sounds stupid!
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Postby Writer » Saturday 13 March 2004 1:39:42am

2 galleons and 9 sickles please choki, enjoy using your new name and use it well...

[LOL! Nobberus :grin: ]

Nobby, you came to the right shop! From what I am able to deduce from you I have come up with the following:
Supreme-> Supremus, Ultimus, Absolus
Tamer-> Tamerus, tamus, domesticus (or domestus lol), cultivus
Dragon-> Dragonus (although taken), Draconus, Cecropsus, Fafnirus, Hydrus, Ryus, Tatzus (some mythy dragon names)
Leader-> Leadus, principus, rulus, soverus
Revolt-> Rebelus, Insurgus, Insurrus
Any of the previously mentioned and available names are of course still available. To come up with more I may need to know more about you.
Fave letter of the alphabet? Fave animal? Hobby? Fave already existing name? These are just examples of things to draw inspiration from. Feel free to purchase a copy of the fabulous Names ‘R’ Us Beginners Guide to Names just like choki who went away a happy customer!!

[Hehe I'm actually quite enjoying this! Getting too into it? Me?? Never!]
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Postby choki » Sunday 14 March 2004 8:24:59am

*hands 3 galleons*

Thank you so much. Now I can go around using those names without anyone knowing who I really am...let me see...another evil person in the wizarding world :evil grin:
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