Selenia wrote:don't be sad. take mine!
Yummy. Thanks Selenia.
Here you go Athena -
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Aberforth wrote:Tom Riddle being Slytherin's true heir has confused me a little. Salazaar lived like a 1000 years ago, so I think it unlikely that he only have one heir or descendent.
jarvan49 wrote:I bet sitting there all alone in the orphanage; he slowly learned that he was a magician. I think he was probably very smart; so learned.
But how he knew he was slytherin's heir, who knows?
maybe the sorting hat told him!
Athena Appleton wrote:but what are the chances that every generation in 1000 years had only one child? slim to none... SOMEWHERE in the mix there would have had to be a second-born, just because of the mathmatical probability of it... But if that happened generations ago, then the sideshifting would have made those decendants so far removed they might as well not be decendants anymore... ie I don't think Tom Riddle had an aunt or uncle on his mother's side, etc...
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