Where is Sirius's Motorbike?

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Postby Emma'I'm a real witch' » Tuesday 9 March 2004 9:08:36pm

I think its the battle between Sirius and Wormtail that was in a muggle area. Or else why would it be full of muggles? And I'm sure it says somewhere that it was mentioned on the muggle news(as a gas explosion). Surely they wouldn't mention a purely wizard event on muggle news unless it was in a muggle area and they needed to cover it up.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Tuesday 9 March 2004 9:16:09pm

Sorry, I should have explained myself better...

Could it have been a mixed neighborhood... Grimmauld Place, for example, obviously has wizards living there, but also Muggles (they have to use the Put-Outer, be careful of any Muggles seeing them)... so maybe it could have been in front of James and Lily's house, with a lot of Muggles around...

I just wonder, like, I don't think Wormtail and Sirius would have made plans to meet and have a confrontation, so where would they have run into each other following their friends' death... My guess is that Sirius rushed to Godric's Hollow and Peter knew he would... Sirius could have been doing any number of things, not the least of which trying to make sure Harry was safe (he was, after all, a doting godfather)... That's what I'd do anyway... go to the scene of the crime, try to find out what I could do to help, question police officers and neighbors, etc...
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 10 March 2004 1:11:00am

Athena Said:
Could it have been a mixed neighborhood... Grimmauld Place, for example, obviously has wizards living there, but also Muggles (they have to use the Put-Outer, be careful of any Muggles seeing them)...

I agree with this...I mean there's nothing saying that Godric's Hollow was purely Wizard or purely muggle....

As to where it took place, I'm convinced it wasn't anywhere near the Potter's house because of 1. the amount of time in between the two actions, and 2. even if it were a muggle/wizard neighborhood, they would have to be in something like a shopping district or something, how many times do you see 12 or more people relatively close to each other in the suburbs(it may be different b/c it's England, but I still stick with the shopping district)...

I just re-read that part, it's in Chapter 10 The Maurader's Map in the Prisoner of Azkaban
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 10 March 2004 1:11:58am

oh yeah, and I forgot that the house was in complete ruins...(SAME chapter...Hagrid states it)...
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 10 March 2004 2:48:47am

face it, though, you're a lot more likely to see 12 Muggle just hanging around the street when a house and family have just been demolished...

see what I mean, though, about peter and sirius just happening to run into each other...? It would have been some place the one knew the other would be, ya know?
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Postby paintballdecoy » Wednesday 10 March 2004 3:33:21am

They both would have gone to Godrics Hollow to see it it was true. Wormtail to see if Voldemort was gone, Sirius to see if it was true that Lily and James were dead.

yes, if a house had just exploded a gaggle of muggles would go to see it.
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Postby pandora315 » Wednesday 10 March 2004 4:01:36am

Thats a good one, I hadn't thought about it being outside the Potters house before, but yes that would explain why 12 people we there. Though I'm from the city and if I walk outside I know I usually see at least 12 people. I'm thinking it was either the place where Wormtail was in hiding, or the place Sirius had picked to hide out- If they're not one and the same. I mean JK is usually pretty good about giving us the names of places, Grimmauld St, Ottery St. Catchpole, Godrics Hollow, why did she not give us the name of the place where wormtail was hiding (Sirius went there first to look for Wormtail) or the place Sirius had planned on hiding? ("[Sirus] had planned on going into hiding himself"-can't remember who says this though.)
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 10 March 2004 4:22:38am

I figured someone would have mentioned by now if it was at the Potter's house...I mean First I'm still hesitant because of the time...why would either Sirius(who was there when Hagrid was) or Pettigrew(we don't even know for sure if he went there) hang around the Potter's house...Also if it was in a Mixed/solely Muggle neighborhood then I think by now someone would have mentioned the use of Memory charms on muggles by now, but it's not positive since we don't know too much about that night...hopefully we will find out more.
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Postby pandora315 » Wednesday 10 March 2004 4:50:37am

I don't understand the "memory charms on muggles". DO you mean we havn't specifically heard about memory charms placed on muggles that lived near the Potters? Because memory charms have been placed on muggles elsewhere. The roberts family in GoF, and the muggle from St. Mungo's who had his/her(?) finger bitten off by the door nob.
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 10 March 2004 10:33:08am

i thought in said in one of the books (i think in PoA) that Hagrid met sirius after he had been to the potters and lent him his motorbike to go and collect harry/give him the motorbike so hagrid could take harry to privet drive. i thought then sirius went and caught up with pettigrew. therfore i dont think it was outside the potters. lets face it pettigrew would had to have been really thick to go to the potters having just betrayed them and knowing that sirius would be after him
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Postby Aberforth » Wednesday 10 March 2004 10:47:13am

I think that Petigrew would be trying to hide and Sirius caught up with him rather than meeting at Godrics Hollow - there would be no reason for Sirius to go there a second time.

In PS, chapter 1 Hagrid tells Dumbledore he is going to return the motorbike when they all leave Privet Drive - he should have had enough time to reach him before Sirius found Pettigrew, unless Sirius immediately went "underground" to find wormtail.
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Postby Nobby » Wednesday 10 March 2004 11:58:55am

Exactly what i thought! :D
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 10 March 2004 3:29:13pm

he doesn't actually, he just says he 'best get this bike away'...its implied that he might mean take it back to Sirius as he says Sirius 'lent' it to him but it doesn't actually say that he was gonna take it back immediately...
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 10 March 2004 5:07:53pm

i thought in said in one of the books (i think in PoA) that Hagrid met sirius after he had been to the potters and lent him his motorbike to go and collect harry/give him the motorbike so hagrid could take harry to privet drive.

In CoS chapter 10 The Maurader's Map Hagrid says that when he was at the Potter's Sirius showed up and they argued over Harry...Hagrid stuck to what Dumbledore said and Sirius said here take my bike, I won't be needing it anymore...
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 10 March 2004 5:09:14pm

***Sorry it WAS Prisoner of Azkaban, but the Chapter is write...
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