Avatar trouble

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Postby Holly Golightly » Sunday 13 July 2003 7:50:57am

Wow, look, the last person to have a avatar problem ws me!!! Funny that! (beign mostly puter illeterate!!! ;) )

Anyways, I'm not sure if this is just because I'm on break and thus using a different puter, but I'm not getting my little avatar pic up on my messages... :cry: (not sure if others can see it, but I can't... :( )
I was basically wondering if that was just because I was at another puter, or because it decided that it didnt' like me anymore and ran away??? (hey, it's possible!!! :lol: )

Well, that's all,

Holly ;)
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Postby Gwared » Sunday 13 July 2003 9:58:23pm

*sees Holly's avatar whizzing by*

Erm, Pauls removed all avatars except the ones accesible from the profile menu as he's worried about copyright infringements. He's said that he'll allow ones that are your own creation but I don't know how far he's got in implimenting this with his reading of OotP and all.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Wednesday 16 July 2003 3:19:02pm

Hrmm, I didn't know that, but That really shouldnt' affect mine..

It was just one of the ones from the profile that I flipped around!!! *I wanted the chick facing the other way around!!! :D *

Anyways, I think that it just might be cause I'm using a different puter, so I'm hoping that when I go back to my normal ptuer *tomorrow for the weekend* it will be back to normal!!!!

Holly ;)
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 16 July 2003 11:12:36pm

The removal of the avatar uploading facility (due to copyright problems) has had the effect of stopping all custom avatars showing currently. I'll be working on an alternative solution shortly after I've finished Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix. Sorry for the temporary situation.
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Postby Holly Golightly » Thursday 17 July 2003 4:24:07pm

That's okay Paul, honestly, we dont' mind!!! :D


I do have some advice for you...

Go grab your copy of OOTP, and sit down somewhere quite, read and enjoy yourself!!! :grin:

Holly ;)
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Postby Paul » Friday 18 July 2003 12:03:05am

Thanks Holly :) I'm just over the half-way mark of Order of the Phoenix at the moment. Been taking time out to read it pretty steadily over the last week and really enjoying every page. :-) Well, maybe enjoying isn't the right word for a few bits, but certainly captivated and sometimes stunned! I mustn't say anything outside the Book 5 Areas though :)
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Postby Holly Golightly » Monday 28 July 2003 6:13:55am

Well, I'm very glas that you ahve takenthe time off to finish the book now Paul!!! And so you deserve to!

When you avhe a spare few minutes tho, was wondering about he possibility of getting my old avatar back? I have put her up in the one fromt he gallery, facing hte other way... but if possible? I still ahve the otehr one saved on my puter??? :D
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Postby Guest » Tuesday 29 July 2003 9:17:17pm

Im gonna draw a new avatar as soon as Paul starts excepting them. I already have an idea of what I want.. :P

Postby Loony_4_Snape » Thursday 4 March 2004 2:25:32pm

can we have [ signatures??
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Postby Violet » Thursday 4 March 2004 4:16:32pm

no afraid not, it takes up too much space and makes the forum slow to load
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Postby fred » Wednesday 16 June 2004 7:35:46pm

um how do u know if somthing is copywritten (i know not everything is)
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 16 June 2004 10:45:01pm

Everything is protected by copyright unless the copyright holder has specifically stated permission for usage (I admit that's a simplification, and there are some works which may be reproduced due to age of the work, but that's probably the easiest and best way of thinking about it).
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Postby fred » Thursday 17 June 2004 5:16:00pm

what is i saved the image in my pics folder and then up-loaded it is that still against the law?
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Postby Paul » Friday 18 June 2004 2:06:39am

Yes, it remains protected by copyright. I'll lock this thread as there's been much discussion about this in the Avatars from scratch thread. Please feel free to ask any more questions or discuss things there. :)
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