Looking for the latest new broomstick? Or maybe a new wand? Do you need to sort out your financial affairs or keep your valuables safe at Gringott's? Find it all here at Diagon Alley - the finest wizarding shopping lane in England.
by Liquid Ice » Wednesday 25 February 2004 5:35:59pm
Well its green because on the final model itll represent trees and bushes, but I dont thinkll itll mar the taste, tell you what joto, you can be the tester! *Hands joto a spoon to suck*
Free for the both of you then! *Hands choki her order* Two boxes of chocolates for the charming new member in the corner *Wraps 2 boxes up and ties them up before handing them to marina* Come again...
*blinks* mar flavour? indeed, i think not! it's white chocolate, silly. just add a few drops of green food colouring and, presto! green chocolate not more then a few drops, mind, or it won't reheat properly... *pours solidifying meringue into molds*
of course, silly! you know what i meant! now then... *secretly slips a long clear tube with a stopper at one end, containing a green liquid, out of her bag... she empties the green food colouring bottle and refills it with this green liquid... and hands it to icey* here, darling, just a few drops, mind. my dear aunt wouldn't care for lumpy trees...
*Icy wacks herself in the head, and gives herself concusion without knowing it* *Takes the tube from pinky and empties it all over the shop* Oh hello; who are you?