The Lupin's death theory

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Postby Seraphine » Tuesday 2 March 2004 6:24:07am

I never knew about silver killing werewolves... Oops... He cannot die! I love him! Wait... maybe, if Peter owes Harry life, Harry won't let him kill Lupin! Let's hope it's like I'm saying, guys.

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Postby fierce » Tuesday 2 March 2004 11:20:31am

Okay, just stepping back a few posts - i don't see any reason why Pettigrew wouldn't kill Lupin... he already killed Lily & James by ratting on them to Voldemort, so he obviously has no sense of loyalty. And, remember that it wasn't Lupin and Sirius who were lenient and let him live when they were all in the shrieking shack, it was Harry who made the decision.

I really like the whole silver hand / werewolf connection possibility. I know it may seem a bit too obvious, but sometimes JK puts things into her stories not to be a complete mystery, but things we all know so that it doesn't stray too far from the general fantasy/mythology that lots of people know...

Maybe i'm rambling...
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Postby paintballdecoy » Tuesday 2 March 2004 4:11:08pm

I think the silver hand and warewolf connection is valid. It seems pretty obvious but then again :eek:. Wow that really does make sence
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Postby Octavia » Saturday 26 June 2004 11:43:55pm

Hi, I'm new. :)

Wasn't it mentioned that Harry wouldn't regret saving Wormtail at some point down the line? Perhaps that's why - when it comes to the crunch, Wormtail will spare Lupin as his debt to Harry (I hope so, anyway.)

I have a few theories about this, one being that JKR introduced the silver hand business as a distraction of sorts, so those well-versed in werewolf lore would inevitably think, "Oh my God, Remus is going to die!" when she might actually plan to have him survive the series. He's a good guy who's had a rough deal out of life - it would be nice to see him live and be lauded as a hero (and reinstated as DADA teacher after the war!)
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